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Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is an attractive target for the treatment of a wide array of B-cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases. Small-molecule covalent irreversible Btk inhibitors targeting Cys481 have been developed for the treatment of such diseases. In clinical trials, probe molecules are required in occupancy studies to measure the level of engagement of the protein by these covalent irreversible inhibitors. The result of this pharmacodynamic (PD) activity provides guidance for appropriate dosage selection to optimize inhibition of the drug target and correlation of target inhibition with disease treatment efficacy. This information is crucial for successful evaluation of drug candidates in clinical trials. Based on the pyridine carboxamide scaffold of a novel solvent-accessible pocket (SAP) series of covalent irreversible Btk inhibitors, we successfully developed a potent and selective affinity-based biotinylated probe 12 (2-[(4-{4-[5-(1-{5-[(3aS,4S,6aR)-2-oxo-hexahydro-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imidazol-4-yl]pentanamido}-3,6,9,12-tetraoxapentadecan-15-amido)pentanoyl]piperazine-1-carbonyl}phenyl)amino]-6-[1-(prop-2-enoyl)piperidin-4-yl]pyridine-3-carboxamide). Compound 12 has been used in Btk occupancy assays for preclinical studies to determine the therapeutic efficacy of Btk inhibition in two mouse lupus models driven by TLR7 activation and type I interferon.  相似文献   

Organisations conducting research programs often focus the work of their scientists and technologists on challenge problems (CPs). These challenges are designed to ensure that progress is measurable and relevant to the goals of the program sponsor. Generating and selecting pertinent CPs is difficult, as is assessing their value. We describe a method of generating and selecting CPs and its application in a highly collaborative, multi-organisation research program. Thirty-eight biologists, chemists, mathematicians and computer scientists across academic, commercial and government organisations generated and ranked their top choices from among 12 richly described candidate challenge problems. A ranked-choice voting formula was applied. Five CPs were highly scored; the remaining seven were distributed across a lower range of scores. The program sponsor subsequently directed researchers to address six CPs, including the elected five. Analysis of the rationales that participants offered for their CP rankings revealed four domain-independent dimensions of value: capability, speed, impact and synergy. These dimensions of value can help managers of interdisciplinary research programs systematically select a portfolio of CPs that will efficiently apply utilise resources towards program goals and facilitate measurement of scientific progress.  相似文献   
A high energy focused ion beam microprobe using a doublet arrangement of short magnetic quadrupole lenses was used to focus 1-3 MeV protons to spot sizes of 1x1 microm2 and 1-4.5 MeV carbon and silicon ion beams to spot sizes of 1.5x1.5 microm2. The results presented clearly demonstrate that this simple doublet configuration can provide high energy microbeams for microanalysis and microfabrication applications.  相似文献   
正伯利恒钢铁公司是20世纪的一个工业集团,在世界范围内运作工业设施。它于1857年在宾夕法尼亚州里海谷(Lehigh Valley)创立,逐渐占据了里海河沿线1 800英亩(约728hm2)的场地。1995年,伯利恒钢铁公司停止了炼钢业务,关闭了厂房,结束了当地悠久的工业历史,以及成千上万蓝领居民与工厂密不可分的生活模式。  相似文献   
The State of California has mandated the preparation of a guidance document on the application of fecal source identification methods for recreational water quality management. California contains the fifth highest population of cattle in the United States, making the inclusion of cow-associated methods a logical choice. Because the performance of these methods has been shown to change based on geography and/or local animal feeding practices, laboratory comparisons are needed to determine which assays are best suited for implementation. We describe the performance characterization of two end-point PCR assays (CF128 and CF193) and five real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays (Rum2Bac, BacR, BacCow, CowM2, and CowM3) reported to be associated with either ruminant or cattle feces. Each assay was tested against a blinded set of 38 reference challenge filters (19 duplicate samples) containing fecal pollution from 12 different sources suspected to impact water quality. The abundance of each host-associated genetic marker was measured for qPCR-based assays in both target and non-target animals and compared to quantities of total DNA mass, wet mass of fecal material, as well as Bacteroidales, and enterococci determined by 16S rRNA qPCR and culture-based approaches (enterococci only). Ruminant- and cow-associated genetic markers were detected in all filters containing a cattle fecal source. However, some assays cross-reacted with non-target pollution sources. A large amount of variability was evident across laboratories when protocols were not fixed suggesting that protocol standardization will be necessary for widespread implementation. Finally, performance metrics indicate that the cattle-associated CowM2 qPCR method combined with either the BacR or Rum2Bac ruminant-associated methods are most suitable for implementation.  相似文献   
The contribution of fecal pollution from dogs in urbanized areas can be significant and is an often underestimated problem. Microbial source tracking methods (MST) utilizing quantitative PCR of dog-associated gene sequences encoding 16S rRNA of Bacteroidales are a useful tool to estimate these contributions. However, data about the performance of available assays are scarce. The results of a multi-laboratory study testing two assays for the determination of dog-associated Bacteroidales (DogBact and BacCan-UCD) on 64 single and mixed fecal source samples created from pooled fecal samples collected in California are presented here. Standardization of qPCR data treatment lowered inter-laboratory variability of sensitivity and specificity results. Both assays exhibited 100% sensitivity. Normalization methods are presented that eliminated random and confirmed non-target responses. The combination of standardized qPCR data treatment, use of normalization via a non-target specific Bacteroidales assay (GenBac3), and application of threshold criteria improved the calculated specificity significantly for both assays. Such measures would reasonably improve MST data interpretation not only for canine-associated assays, but for all qPCR assays used in identifying and monitoring fecal pollution in the environment.  相似文献   
Here we report results from a multi-laboratory (n = 11) evaluation of four different PCR methods targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Catellicoccus marimammalium originally developed to detect gull fecal contamination in coastal environments. The methods included a conventional end-point PCR method, a SYBR® Green qPCR method, and two TaqMan® qPCR methods. Different techniques for data normalization and analysis were tested. Data analysis methods had a pronounced impact on assay sensitivity and specificity calculations. Across-laboratory standardization of metrics including the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), target detected but not quantifiable (DNQ), and target not detected (ND) significantly improved results compared to results submitted by individual laboratories prior to definition standardization. The unit of measure used for data normalization also had a pronounced effect on measured assay performance. Data normalization to DNA mass improved quantitative method performance as compared to enterococcus normalization. The MST methods tested here were originally designed for gulls but were found in this study to also detect feces from other birds, particularly feces composited from pigeons. Sequencing efforts showed that some pigeon feces from California contained sequences similar to C. marimammalium found in gull feces. These data suggest that the prevalence, geographic scope, and ecology of C. marimammalium in host birds other than gulls require further investigation. This study represents an important first step in the multi-laboratory assessment of these methods and highlights the need to broaden and standardize additional evaluations, including environmentally relevant target concentrations in ambient waters from diverse geographic regions.  相似文献   
Anomalous water diffusion into SiO2 glass was observed in a low temperature range, below ~850°C, under a constant water vapor pressure of 355 Torr (47.3 kPa). Both the effective water diffusion coefficient and water solubility exhibited an anomalous time dependence. For example, water solubility in the low temperature range increased initially, achieving much higher values than expected based on extrapolation from higher temperature data, and then decreased with time toward an equilibrium value. This phenomenon was reported earlier, but a complete explanation was not possible; a new model is presented based upon glass surface compressive stress generation and subsequent surface stress relaxation. Water diffusion can promote stress generation and stress relaxation, both of which affect the reaction between diffused molecular water and the glass structure. By considering these stress effects, the anomalous water diffusion behavior in silica glass is explained. Furthermore, the same model can account for the reversal of external tensile and compressive stress effects on water solubility and diffusivity in silica glass observed after a few hours of heat treatment at 650°C in 355 Torr water vapor pressure.  相似文献   
In this work, we present a simple method by which to preferentially detect either high molecular weight or low molecular weight ions generated by electrospray ionization. This approach, termed selective ion filtering by digital thresholding (SIFdT) is demonstrated on a commercial ESI-TOF instrument that employs a fast digitizer coupled to a microchannel plate detector. The digital representation of each individual scan is digitally filtered prior to spectral coaddition. As larger, more highly charged ions induce a more intense response than low molecular weight singly charged species, a digital threshold can be set that precludes the detection of singly charged species yet permits the efficient detection of larger, more highly charged species. In this work, we demonstrate the applicability of this approach to eliminate low molecular weight chemical noise in ESI-TOF spectra of oligonucleotide and protein ions, demonstrate improved dynamic range for analyte solutions containing high levels of low MW constituents, and show that spectra acquired at different digital thresholds can be subtracted to yield spectra of low molecular weight constituents with improved mass measurement accuracies. A notional scheme is presented in which an alternative digitization approach is employed using multiple differentially thresholded data streams to allow improved internal mass calibration and higher resolution ion partitioning.  相似文献   
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