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我生于东京的银座,那是个靠近传统花街柳巷、歌舞升平的地方,在童年的记忆里那里随时随地都是一片华美景象。而在这些景象的背后有一排排美丽的临街二层长屋建筑,大都是料亭,还有颇有风致的砖结构剧场。那时父母在这里经营着咖啡馆,街上的行人总是把店里挤得满满的。数年前父亲  相似文献   
This paper presents a method for multi-area power system total transfer capability (TTC) computation. This computation takes into account the limits on the line flows, bus voltage magnitude, generator reactive power, voltage stability, as well as the loss of line contingencies. The multi-area TTC problem is solved by using a network decomposition approach based on REI-type network equivalents. Each area uses REI equivalents of external areas to compute its TTC via the continuation power flow (CPF). The choice and updating procedure for the continuation parameter employed by the CPF is implemented in a distributed but coordinated manner. The proposed method leads to potential gains in the computational efficiency with limited data exchanges between areas. The developed procedure is successfully applied to the three-area IEEE 118-bus test system. Numerical comparisons between the integrated and the proposed multi-area solutions are presented for validation.  相似文献   
The development and test of a PLC control program takes time, increases equipment down-time, and might damage hardware due to program errors. All of these problems can be eliminated if there is a computer simulation system for testing control programs off line. This paper presented a new method, called Direct Sequential Method, for simulating PLCs. This method resolves a ladder logic sequentially by applying a series of logic deductions. This simulation system has been implemented in C and tested successfully.  相似文献   
Poly(2,4‐dimethyl‐1,4‐phenylene oxide) (PPO), poly(benzo[1,2‐d:5,4‐d′]bisoxazole‐2,6‐diyl‐1,4‐phenylene) (PBO) and poly(benzo[1,2‐d:4,5‐d′]bisthiazole‐2,6‐diyl‐1,4‐phenylene) (PBZT), which are polymers with extended conjugated structures, undergo a self‐sensitized photo‐induced electron‐transfer reaction. A second component is not required. This article presents many similar observations on these polymers when they are exposed to light and evidence to support the proposed photo‐induced electron‐transfer mechanism. Methods to stabilize these polymers against photo‐oxidation are also described. Workers investigating other conjugated polymeric systems may find the experimental methods, observations and polymer stabilization approaches discussed in this review useful. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A stability-indicating reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the detection of mitoxantrone HC1 and its degradation products under accelerated degradation conditions. The degradation kinetics of mitoxantrone HC1 in aqueous solution over a pH range of 1.18 to 7.20 and its stability in propylene glycol-or polyethylene glycol 400-based solutions were investigated. The observed rate constants were shown to follow apparent first-order kinetics in all cases. The pH-rate profile shows that maximum stability of mitoxantrone HC1 was obtained at pH 4.01. No general acid or base catalysis from acetate or phosphate buffer species was observed. The catalysis rate constants on the protonated mitoxantrone imposed by hydrogen ion water and hydroxy ion were determined to be 3.72 × 10 min-1 5.64 × 10-min-1 and 1.108 × 10-2min-1, respectively. The degradation rate constants of mitoxantrone affected by different ionic strength systems. Irradiation with 254 nm UV light at 25±0.5°C was found when canpared with the light-protected controls. Incorporation of nonaqueous propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol in the pH 4.01 mitoxantrone solution shows an increase in its stability at 502±0.5°C.  相似文献   
本文介绍了用αβ谱仪系统同时测量αβ谱、实现Rn/Th子体补偿、确定超铀α核素气溶胶体积活度及人工放射性气溶胶总β体积活度的技术途径。利用RaA、RaC′a峰的二段时间计数可确定空气中RaA、RaB、RaC的气溶胶体积活度,相应的,也能给出RaB、RaC对总β计数的贡献。根据一般环境条件下的平衡比,用ThC′的。计数修正Th子体对αβ测量的影响。 ̄[239]pu或/和 ̄[241]Am人工核素的α计数,可通过两段时间分别扣除RaA、RaC′拖尾的方法确定;β计数分别扣除Rn/Th子体β贡献即可确定。在本文规定的测量条件下,对室内天然Rn子体水平在15Bq/m ̄3以下,超铀α核素气溶胶体积活度的测量下限可达到0.1Bq/m ̄3;即使在75Bq/m ̄3环境下,人工核素总β的测量下限也可达lBq/m ̄3以下。  相似文献   
Lossless compression techniques are essential in archival and communication of medical images. Here, a new segmentation-based lossless image coding (SLIC) method is proposed, which is based on a simple but efficient region growing procedure. The embedded region growing procedure produces an adaptive scanning pattern for the image with the help of a very-few-bits-needed discontinuity index map. Along with this scanning pattern, an error image data part with a very small dynamic range is generated. Both the error image data and the discontinuity index map data parts are then encoded by the Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group (JBIG) method. The SLIC method resulted in, on the average, lossless compression to about 1.6 b/pixel from 8 b, and to about 2.9 b/pixel from 10 b with a database of ten high-resolution digitized chest and breast images. In comparison with direct coding by JBIG, Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), hierarchical interpolation (HINT), and two-dimensional Burg prediction plus Huffman error coding methods, the SLIC method performed better by 4% to 28% on the database used  相似文献   
本文介绍一种宽带单向器的原理及设计。选用TGG作磁旋光介质,旋光石英晶片作补偿片,所设计的色散补偿型宽带单向器预计可在700~1000nm波长范围内实现环行激光腔中的单向行波运行;将其应用在可调谐环行Ti:Al2O3激光器中,获得了良好的实验结果。  相似文献   
Hao  Ruiyang  Lu  Bingyu  Cheng  Ying  Li  Xiu  Huang  Biqing 《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》2021,32(7):1833-1843
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - With the advance in Industry 4.0, smart industrial monitoring has been proposed to timely discover faults and defects in industrial processes. Steel is widely...  相似文献   
电感电容损耗电阻的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对电容电感阻抗的测量,发现实验值偏离理论值。定性地分析了误差的来源,得出的结论是电感电容内部的损耗电阻随着频率的变化而变化,变化方向相反而并非相同。  相似文献   
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