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Technical updates to the bacterial method for nitrate isotopic analyses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The bacterial conversion of aqueous nitrate (NO(3)(-)) to nitrous oxide (N(2)O) for isotopic analysis has found widespread use since its introduction (Sigman, D. M.; Casciotti, K. L.; Andreani, M.; Galanter, M.; Bo?hlke, J. K. Anal. Chem.2001, 73, 4145-4153; Casciotti, K. L.; Sigman, D. M.; Galanter Hastings, M.; Bo?hlke, J. K.; Hilkert, A. Anal. Chem.2002, 74, 4905-4912). The bacterial strain Pseudomonas aureofaciens (ATTC no. 13985) was shown to convert NO(3)(-) to N(2)O while retaining both N and O isotopic signatures, and automation of the isotopic analysis of N(2)O greatly increased the throughput of the method (Casciotti, K. L.; Sigman, D. M.; Galanter Hastings, M.; Bo?hlke, J. K.; Hilkert, A. Anal. Chem.2002, 74, 4905-4912). Continued development of the denitrifier method has led to increased precision and throughput of NO(3)(-) isotopic analysis. Presented here are several recent procedural modifications and the demonstration of their effectiveness.  相似文献   
Miniaturization of the entire experimental setup is a key requirement for widespread application of nanodevices. For nanopore biosensing, integrating electrodes onto the nanopore membrane and controlling the pore length is important for reducing the complexity and improving the sensitivity of the system. Here we present a method to achieve these goals, which relies on electroless plating to produce Ag nanotubes in track-etched polymer nanopore templates. By plating from one side only, we create a conductive nanotube that does not span the full length of the pore, and thus can act as a nanoelectrode located inside the nanopore. To give optimal electrochemical behavior for sensing, we coat the Ag nanotube with a layer of AgCl. We characterize the behavior of this nanoelectrode by measuring its current-voltage response and find that, in most cases, the response is asymmetric. The plated nanopores have initial diameters between 100 and 300?nm, thus a range suitable for detection of viruses.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the generation of a nondiffracting double helical beam using axicons and ±1 vortex phase plates in a common-path interferometric system. Using linear diffraction theory, a simple analytical expression describing beam propagation is shown to agree with both experiments and Fresnel-diffraction-based simulations. Experiments are performed using continuous laser light in addition to ultrafast pulses, demonstrating that the common-path arrangement and the diffraction theory work equally well for both cases.  相似文献   
We have used block copolymer patterned arrays of 5 nm gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for chemically aligned surface attachment of DNA origami. Addition of single-stranded DNA-thiol to AuNPs allowed a base paired attachment of sticky end modified DNA origami. Results indicate a stable, selective attachment between the DNA origami and ssDNA modified AuNPs. Yield data showed 74% of AuNP binding sites forming an attachment with a DNA origami rectangle, and control surfaces showed less than 0.5% nonspecific adsorption.  相似文献   
The behaviour of water in nanopores is very different from that of bulk water. Close to hydrophobic surfaces, the water density has been found to be lower than in the bulk, and if confined in a sufficiently narrow hydrophobic nanopore, water can spontaneously evaporate. Molecular dynamics simulations have suggested that a nanopore can be switched between dry and wet states by applying an electric potential across the nanopore membrane. Nanopores with hydrophobic walls could therefore create a gate system for water, and also for ionic and neutral species. Here, we show that single hydrophobic nanopores can undergo reversible wetting and dewetting due to condensation and evaporation of water inside the pores. The reversible process is observed as fluctuations between conducting and non-conducting ionic states and can be regulated by a transmembrane electric potential.  相似文献   
This paper examines the increased demand placed on limited water resources by a rapidly growing tourism sector in Playa Gigante, Nicaragua. Results from field campaigns suggest that recharge of the local aquifer may not meet burgeoning tourism demands for water. This paper also points to initial conflicts over water between locals and tourism operations, which are further complicated by ineffective implementation of national water policies and the common pool nature of groundwater. The conclusion discusses the need for more extensive research and better implementation of water policy through community governance and collaboration.  相似文献   
The risks/benefits of anemia treatment in dialysis patients have been redefined in the US Epoetin α label. This analysis was carried out to determine if increasing hemoglobin (Hb) levels improve exercise tolerance and physical function in anemic dialysis patients. This is a new analysis of the Canadian Erythropoietin Study Group trial, a double‐blind, randomized, placebo‐controlled trial in dialysis patients. Subjects were 18 to 75 years old, on hemodialysis for >3 months, and had a baseline Hb <9.0 g/dL. Patients with a history of diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, or severe/uncontrolled hypertension were excluded. Patients were randomized to receive Epoetin α to a target Hb of 9.5 to 11.0 g/dL (n=40) or a target of 11.5 to 13.0 g/dL (n=38), or receive placebo (n=40). Results from patients in the Epoetin‐α–treated arms were combined for this analysis. Hb level, exercise tolerance (Treadmill Stress Test and 6‐Minute Walk Test) and patient‐reported physical function measures (Physical Summary domain from the Kidney Disease Questionnaire, and 4 domains from the Sickness Impact Profile) were reported at baseline and months 2, 4, and 6. Differences in measures were statistically significant for exercise tolerance (Treadmill Stress, P=0.0001) and patient‐reported physical function (Kidney Disease Questionnaire Physical, P=0.0001; Sickness Impact Profile Physical, P=0.0015) across all time points for Epoetin‐α–treated patients compared with placebo. Improvements were seen at 2 months and were maintained through months 4 and 6. Dialysis patients receiving Epoetin α showed improved exercise tolerance and physical function. These findings should be considered as physicians weigh the risks and benefits of treatment.  相似文献   
Water security is a challenge faced within many transboundary river basins. Identifying the resilient factors within a system may reduce water security concerns and enhance cooperation. In this paper, we are examining the dimensions of resilience as influenced by the rate of change and institutional capacity within river basins. Three case studies are analyzed for their water security capacity, including resilience and vulnerability, as well as institutional capacity.  相似文献   
Summary All drinking water systems have some degree of vulnerability to contamination, and analysis shows that it is possible to contaminate drinking water at levels causing varying degrees of harm. Furthermore, experience indicates that the threat of contamination, overt or circumstantial, is probable. Thus, there is a clear need to address the contamination threat. While certain steps may be taken to reduce the vulnerabilities and prevent intentional contamination, it is impossible to completely eliminate this vulnerability, although a utility could spend a lot of resources trying to do so. Instead, it may be more effective to plan for responding to contamination threats that do arise.  相似文献   
The causes of degradation of aquatic systems are often complex and stem from a variety of human influences. Comprehensive, multimetric biological indices have been developed to quantify this degradation and its effect on aquatic communities, and measure subsequent recovery from anthropogenic stressors. Traditionally, such indices have concentrated on small‐to medium‐sized streams. Recently, however, the Ohio River Fish Index (ORFIn) was created to assess biotic integrity in the Ohio River. The goal of the present project was to begin developing a companion Ohio River multimetric index using benthic macroinvertebrates. Hester–Dendy multiplate samplers were used to evaluate benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in relation to a gradient of water quality disturbance, represented by varying distances downstream of industrial and municipal wastewater outfalls in the Ohio River. In August 1999 and 2000, samplers were set every 100 m downstream of outfalls (12 outfalls in 1999, 22 in 2000) for 300–1000 m, as well as at upstream reference sites. Candidate metrics (n = 55) were examined to determine which have potential to detect changes in water quality downstream of outfalls. These individual measures of community structure were plotted against distance downstream of each outfall to determine their response to water quality disturbance. Values at reference and outfall sites were also compared. Metrics that are ecologically relevant and showed a response to outfall disturbance were identified as potentially valuable in a multimetric index. Multiple box plots of index scores indicated greater response to outfall disturbance during periods of low‐flow, and longitudinal river‐wide trends. Evaluation of other types of anthropogenic disturbance, as well as continued analysis of the effects of chemical water quality on macroinvertebrate communities in future years will facilitate further development of a multimetric benthic macroinvertebrate index to evaluate biotic integrity in the Ohio River. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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