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Fabrication and characterization of YVO4:Eu3+ nanophosphors prepared by microwave(MW) irradiation assisted soft template synthesis were reported.The effects of synthesis conditions such as different powers of MW irradiation,pH values and concentration of reac-tion materials on properties of nanophosphor were also investigated to obtain the controllable size,morphology and high luminescence effi-ciency.Morphology,crystalline structure,and optical properties were characterized by field emission scanning elect...  相似文献   
Chromosome band 11q23 is frequently involved in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) de novo, as well as in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and lymphoma. Five percent to 15% of patients treated with chemotherapy for a primary neoplasm develop therapy-related AML (t-AML) that may show rearrangements, usually translocations involving band 11q23 or, less often, 21q22. These leukemias develop after a relatively short latent period and often follow the use of drugs that inhibit the activity of DNA-topoisomerase II (topo II). We previously identified a gene, MLL (myeloid-lymphoid leukemia or mixed-lineage leukemia), at 11q23 that is involved in the de novo leukemias. We have studied 17 patients with t-MDS/t-AML, 12 of whom had cytogenetically detectable 11q23 rearrangements. Ten of the 12 t-AML patients had received topo II inhibitors and 9 of these, all with balanced translocations of 11q23, had MLL rearrangements on Southern blot analysis. None of the patients who had not received topo II inhibitors showed an MLL rearrangement. Of the 5 patients lacking 11q23 rearrangements, some of whom had monoblastic features, none had an MLL rearrangement, although 4 had received topo II inhibitors. Our study indicates that the MLL gene rearrangements are similar both in AML that develops de novo and in t-AML. The association of exposure to topo II-reactive chemotherapy with 11q23 rearrangements involving the MLL gene in t-AML suggests that topo II may play a role in the aberrant recombination events that occur in this region both in AML de novo and in t-AML.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To define the epidemiological characteristics of STD patients attending an outpatient clinic in rural Zimbabwe, to examine the aetiologic agents causing infection and to determine their relationship with HIV infection. SUBJECTS: 319 men and 146 women, making a sample of about 7% all patients attending an STD clinic during the 3 month study period. Microbiological data were collected from 104 men and 72 women selected randomly from these. Pregnant women were excluded and patients who had received antibiotics within the previous 14 days were excluded from the microbiology sub-sample. SETTING: An outpatient STD clinic at a District Hospital on a major truck route about 300 km north of the capital, Harare. METHODS: All new patients attending the clinic during a 3 month period were enrolled for clinical and epidemiological investigations using a standard procedure. Specimens for microbiological investigation were taken from every second patient seen on the first three days of each week. RESULTS: The typical patient was male (m:f ratio 2.2) aged 20-29 years (68% patients), not married (56% men) and in paid employment (66% men vs. 27% for the district). In men the most common presenting feature was genital ulceration, while in women, discharges were more common. Genital warts were noted frequently in both sexes. In the sub-sample examined microbiologically, H ducreyi was isolated from 46% ulcers clinically diagnosed as chancroid, and motile spirochaetes were detected in 25% painless ulcers. Neither of these were detected in ulcers in women, but HSV antigen was found as frequently in ulcers from men (19%) as from women (17%). In patients with genital discharges, gonococcal infection occurred in 64% men and 17% women, while T vaginalis was isolated from 39% women and only 8% men. Over 60% gonococcal isolates were PPNG, and 18% showed in vitro resistance to tetracycline. Yeasts, mainly C albicans were isolated from 42% women with a discharge and 25% women with ulcers. In men the presence of yeasts was associated with superficial ulceration and itchiness of the glans. Positive HIV-1 serology was found in 64% patients. There was no statistical association with current genital ulcers, though there was an association with previous STD episodes and particularly with serological evidence of syphilis. Apart from yeasts, there was no association between positive HIV-1 serology and the presence of pathogens in the genital tract. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of HIV-1 antibodies in STD patients in Karoi suggests integration of STD and AIDS control programmes to be a necessity. Since paid employment was a common feature of both STD clinic attendance and HIV-1 seropositivity, these programmes may be effectively directed through the work place.  相似文献   
Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection has been applied as a minimally invasive staging technique for men with prostate cancer. This procedure has been shown to shorten markedly postoperative hospitalization, decrease analgesic requirements and shorten convalescence period compared to open pelvic node dissection. However, the laparoscopic procedure takes longer to perform and many disposable instruments are used, thus increasing the cost. We determine the overall cost of laparoscopic versus open pelvic lymph node dissection. Between January 1989 and April 1992, 61 men underwent only staging pelvic lymph node dissection for cancer of the prostate at a single university teaching hospital. Of these patients 11 and 50 underwent open and laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection, respectively. Information from the hospital business office was reorganized into preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative expenses. All individual charges were transformed up or down to the dollar amounts of the 1990 to 1991 fiscal year so as to correct for inflationary changes. Preoperative costs were not significantly different between the 2 operative approaches. Intraoperative expenses were 52% greater if laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection was performed and can be explained by the longer operative times and use of disposable instrumentation. However, the postoperative period lasted an average of 1.61 days following laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection. Postoperative nursing and analgesic requirements were significantly more for patients undergoing open pelvic lymph node dissection. The overall postoperative costs following open pelvic lymph node dissection were 280% more expensive than for the laparoscopic procedure. The overall total costs were approximately $1,250 more for laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection. Wages lost or earned during this period and rapid return to normal activity following laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection would, in our opinion, justify this additional cost.  相似文献   
Unilateral microinjection of neurotensin in the ventral tegmental area of the rat (2.5 micrograms/0.5 microliter) produced behavioural excitation illustrated by contralateral circling. Given orally, SR 48692, a selective and potent non-peptide neurotensin receptor antagonist, significantly reduced these rotations with a triphasic dose-effect relationship. Inhibition occurred at 0.12 mg/kg; further increases in dose up to 2.5 mg/kg produced no significant antagonism, then at doses > or = 5 mg/kg, a second phase of antagonism was observed. Bilateral injection of neurotensin (0.5 microgram each side) into the nucleus accumbens antagonized the increase in locomotor activity following intraperitoneal injection of amphetamine. Given orally, SR 48692 reduced dose-dependently (0.1-1 mg/kg) these intra-accumbens neurotensin effects. Using high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, we showed that microgram amounts of neurotensin injected into the ventral tegmental area increased dihydroxyphenylacetate/dopamine ratios in the nucleus accumbens. Using in vivo voltammetry techniques, we found that the injection of nanogram and picogram amounts of neurotensin in the ventral tegmental area stimulated dopamine efflux in the nucleus accumbens. None of these biochemical changes were affected by SR 48692 (0.1-10 mg/kg). These results indicate complex interactions between neurotensin and the mesolimbic dopamine system. More particularly, the differential ability of SR 48692 to affect neurotensin-evoked behavioural versus biochemical changes supports the concept of neurotensin receptor heterogeneity.  相似文献   
铜绿假单胞菌是一种重要的院内感染条件致病菌,常感染癌症患者、烧伤患者等机体免疫力低下的患者,它对多种不同理化性质的药物高度耐药,其主动外排系统在耐药性中起主要作用.主要研究了铜绿假单胞菌主动外排泵的类型、组成及对抗生素耐药性的影响.  相似文献   
Activation of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system by psychostimulants such as amphetamine increases c-Fos expression in the striatum, mostly in the striatonigral substance P-ergic pathway. This effect is greatly reduced in the neostriatum deprived of dopaminergic afferents. Dopaminergic grafts implanted into the denervated neostriatum restore the reactivity of the striatum to amphetamine. However, the number of striatal neurons expressing c-Fos is greatly increased in the graft-bearing striatum compared with the normal striatum. We examined whether this increase in the number of c-Fos-expressing neurons corresponds to the recruitment of a new neuron population, or whether it reflects an increase in the proportion of substance P-ergic neurons exhibiting activation of c-Fos. Adult rats received a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the ascending dopaminergic mesotelencephalic pathway, and a suspension of embryonic mesencephalic neurons was subsequently implanted into the denervated neostriatum. Three months after implantation, animals were injected with d-amphetamine (5 mg/kg) and killed 2 h later. In the first experiment, striatal sections were processed to visualize both c-Fos protein, by immunohistochemistry, and preproenkephalin A or substance P, by in situ hybridization. In the second experiment, c-Fos and neuropeptide Y were visualized on the same sections. In addition, some sections incubated with anti-c-Fos antibody were counterstained with toluidine blue in order to determine whether cholinergic neurons were expressing c-Fos following amphetamine treatment. The density of neurons expressing c-Fos following amphetamine treatment was three-fold higher in the graft-bearing striata than in the striata of control animals. Approximately 75% of the c-Fos expressing cells were substance P-ergic in control animals whereas 6% were enkephalinergic and only a few were neuropeptide Y-ergic or cholinergic. Similar proportions were found in the graft-bearing striatum, signifying that the pattern of activation of c-fos following amphetamine administration is not changed by the graft. Thus, the increased expression of c-Fos predominantly reflects a graft-induced increase in the proportion of neurons expressing c-Fos within the same population of neurons which normally expresses c-Fos in the striatum, i.e. the striatonigral substance P-ergic neurons; there is no recruitment of a new neuronal population. This increased activation of the striatonigral substance P-ergic pathway may underlie the abnormal behavioural reactions brought about by amphetamine-induced stimulation of the implanted dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   
陈绥蕃  陈万典 《冶金能源》1996,15(5):9-13,49
ZH150重油钢包烘烤装置具有点火方便,雾化好,燃烧稳定,燃烧效率高,火焰刚性好,调节性能好等优点,适合于钢包的烘烤,也可应用在基他工业炉窑中,该装置用蒸汽或压缩空气作为雾化介质,能燃用柴油,原油,重油,渣油等液体燃料,介绍了该装置的基本结构,工作原理,工作特点及设计对策,以及在生产中的应用情况。  相似文献   
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