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Vehicular communications refer to a wide range of networks proposed for environments characterized by sparse connectivity, frequent network partitioning, intermittent connectivity, long propagation delays, asymmetric data rates, and high error rates. These environments may also be characterized by a potential non-available end-to-end path. To overcome these issues and improve the overall network performance, cooperation between network nodes must be severely considered. Nodes may cooperate by sharing their storage capacity, bandwidth, or even energy resources. However, nodes may be unwilling to cooperate due to a selfish behavior or to an intent to protect the integrity of their own resources. This selfish behavior significantly affects the functionality and performance of the network. This paper overviews the most recent advances related with cooperation on vehicular networks. It also studies the impact of different cooperation levels in the performance of Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks (VDTNs). It was shown that scenarios with a higher number of cooperative nodes present the best results in terms of bundle delivery delay.  相似文献   
新疆阿克苏河流域洪水危害比较严重,全流域有较大的河道防洪险工段50多处,主要集中在托什干河的阿合奇、上色来阿拉尔、联合渠龙口、空台、阿合雅、牙满苏,以及库玛拉克河、阿克苏河、塔里木河等处.河道洪水洪峰高,历时短,洪量小,并有突发性洪水,防洪规划的原则是以防为主,防治并重,全面规划和综合治理.近期河道防洪标准为20年一遇,一般防护工程防洪标准为5年一遇.河道防洪工程的结构形式,上游河段采用砌石混凝土结构,中游采用铅丝笼堆石和稍料三角架结构,下游及塔里木河采用混凝土井柱桩式的型式,以满足流砂游动性河床冲刷深的特点.  相似文献   
基于数字水印的证件防伪技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
证件防伪是人们广泛关注的社会问题。本文提出了一种基于数字水印的证件防伪技术方案。该方案将水印嵌入到证件持有人的数字照片中,通过对数字照片边界的RADON变换来矫正图像在打印扫描(简称PS)过程中引入的几何失真,以证件号码为种子,产生具有良好自相关特性的随机序列作为水印信号,为提高水印的鲁棒性,采用强度自适应的DCT系数局部调整法,将水印重复多次嵌入到图像的分块DCT中频系数中。水印的提取采用相似度检测法,无需原始的图像。实验结果证明了该方案的可行性和有效性。与其他防伪技术相比,基于数字水印的证件防伪技术具有隐蔽性好,保密性强,技术容易更新,无需特殊材料和工艺,成本较低等突出的优点。  相似文献   
We present the details of the fabrication, electrical characterization, and profile optimization of a SiGe pFET on silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) technology. The results show that the SiGe pFETs have higher low-field mobility (μeff), transconductance (gm), and cutoff frequency (fT) than a comparable Si pFET. At low temperature (85 K), a secondary peak is observed in the linear gm of the SiGe pFETs and is attributed to hole confinement in the SiGe channel. The effect of reducing the SOS film thickness on the mobility and short-channel performance is studied. A low-frequency noise study shows significant improvement in the SiGe pPETs over comparable Si pFETs, and is attributed to a lower sampling of interface trap density caused by the band offset at the oxide interface due to SiGe. Drain Induced Back Channel Inversion (DIBCI) is shown to occur in short gate length devices, resulting in high off-state leakage current through conduction at the back silicon-sapphire interface. The paper also discusses important optimization issues in the design of 0.25-μm gate length SiGe pFETs. A novel structure is proposed which optimizes the threshold voltage, maximizes hole confinement gate voltage range and cutoff frequency, while at the same time minimizing DIBCI to make the design usable to gate lengths as short as 0.25 μm  相似文献   
In order to reduce computation complexity and latency in cooperative communication system based on fountain code, a decomposed LT codes (DLT) based cooperative transmission scheme was proposed. The scheme comprises of two layers of random encoding but only a single layer of decoding. A general decomposition technique for the decomposed LT codes construction is developed. The transmission latency for the proposed scheme was analyzed. Simulation results show that the total time consumed under the proposed scheme can be significantly reduced compared to direct transmission and conventional cooperative transmission based on LT codes in the medium to high packet erasure rate regimes. Moreover, With the increase of packet erasure rate, the advantage of the proposed scheme is more evident.  相似文献   
结合工程施工配合,提出当柱子混凝土强度等级大于梁混凝土强度等级(尤其高层建筑)时的施工方法和施工中应当注意的问题.  相似文献   
The throughput of WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) based on Bluetooth was decided by the interference of Bluetooth piconets in the network. The interference was decided by the hamming correlation of Bluetooth FH (Frequency Hopping) selected sequence. In order to improve the WPAN throughput, the WPAN model and data packet collision model were built and the relations about WPAN throughput, the maximum hamming correlation of FH selected sequence, the numbers of Bluetooth piconets and the SNR of channel were analyzed. The functions of WPAN throughput were deduced. After analyzing the performance of Bluetooth FH selected sequence, the original algorithm was replaced by the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. The theoretical analysis proved that the AES FH sequences selected algorithm could improve the WPAN throughput. The simulation results proved the theoretical analysis. The test result with ARM926EJs SoC (System on Chip) + RF (Radio Frequency) chip nRF2401 and CSR??s Bluecore4 Bluetooth module got the same conclusion. All of these could prove that the AES algorithm can improve the WPAN throughput efficiently.  相似文献   
Feature point based image watermarking against geometric distortions has attracted great attention in recent years. However, for the state-of-the-art intensity based feature points detectors, the feature points often gather at textured portions of the image or on the edges where the change of intensity is significant, so that many feature points capture the same portion of the image, which makes the watermark be vulnerable to local geometric distortions. In this paper, we propose an affine invariant image watermarking scheme with good visual quality and reasonable resistance toward local geometric distortions, which utilizes the intensity probability density-based Harris–Laplace detector. Firstly, the uniform and robust feature points are extracted by utilizing modified Harris–Laplace detector, in which the intensity probability density gradient is used instead of intensity gradient. Then, the affine invariant local ellipse regions (LERs) are constructed adaptively according to the variation of local intensity probability density. Finally, the digital watermark is embedded into the affine invariant LERs in nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) domain by modulating the lowpass NSCT coefficients. By binding the watermark with the affine invariant LERs, the watermark detection can be done without synchronization error. Experimental results show that the proposed image watermarking is not only invisible and robust against common image processing operations such as sharpening, noise adding, and JPEG compression, but also robust against the global affine transforms and local geometric distortions.  相似文献   
Resolution upconversion of a degraded image is an ill-posed inverse problem that is even harder than video superresolution due to lack of redundant observations from reference frames. To overcome this difficulty an adaptive 2D piecewise autoregressive (PAR) model is used to strengthen the constraints on the solution of the inverse problem. The PAR model can be fit to local image waveforms by adjusting its parameters. But estimating the model parameters needs the knowledge of the very original high-resolution pixels to be estimated by the model. We resolve this chicken-and-egg dilemma by adaptive nonlinear least-squares joint estimation of both model parameters and original pixels. This non-linear estimation problem is solved by the method of structured total least-squares, constrained by the degradation function (e.g., the point spread function of a camera plus noises) that forms the observed low-resolution image. As such, this work offers a unified general framework for joint upsampling, deconvolution, and denoising. Moreover, the upsampling can be carried out at an arbitrary scale rather than power of two. Experiments show that the proposed NEARU technique outperforms current methods in both PSNR and subjective visual quality, and its advantage becomes greater for larger scaling factors.  相似文献   
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