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The study of the kinetics of metal deposition via surface limited red-ox replacement of underpotentially deposited metal monolayers is presented. The model system was Pt submonolayer deposition on Au(1 1 1) via red-ox replacement of Pb and Cu UPD monolayers on Au(1 1 1). The kinetics of a single replacement reaction was studied using the formalism of the comprehensive analytical model developed to fit the open circuit potential transients from deposition experiments. The practical reaction kinetics parameters like reaction half life, reaction order and reaction rate constant are determined and discussed with their relevance to design and control of deposition experiments. The effects of transport limitation and the role of the anions/electrolyte on deposition kinetics are investigated and their significance to design of effective deposition process is discussed.  相似文献   
The variational model by Landau and Lifshitz is frequently used in the simulation of stationary micromagnetic phenomena. We consider the limit case of large and soft magnetic bodies, treating the associated Maxwell equation exactly via an integral operator . In numerical simulations of the resulting minimization problem, difficulties arise due to the imposed side-constraint and the unboundedness of the domain. We introduce a possible discretization by a penalization strategy. Here the computation of is numerically the most challenging issue, as it leads to densely populated matrices. We show how an efficient treatment of both and the corresponding bilinear form can be achieved by application of -matrix techniques.  相似文献   
Big Data Analytics (BDA) is an emerging phenomenon with the reported potential to transform how firms manage and enhance high value businesses performance. The purpose of our study is to investigate the impact of BDA on operations management in the manufacturing sector, which is an acknowledged infrequently researched context. Using an interpretive qualitative approach, this empirical study leverages a comparative case study of three manufacturing companies with varying levels of BDA usage (experimental, moderate and heavy). The information technology (IT) business value literature and a resource based view informed the development of our research propositions and the conceptual framework that illuminated the relationships between BDA capability and organizational readiness and design. Our findings indicate that BDA capability (in terms of data sourcing, access, integration, and delivery, analytical capabilities, and people’s expertise) along with organizational readiness and design factors (such as BDA strategy, top management support, financial resources, and employee engagement) facilitated better utilization of BDA in manufacturing decision making, and thus enhanced high value business performance. Our results also highlight important managerial implications related to the impact of BDA on empowerment of employees, and how BDA can be integrated into organizations to augment rather than replace management capabilities. Our research will be of benefit to academics and practitioners in further aiding our understanding of BDA utilization in transforming operations and production management. It adds to the body of limited empirically based knowledge by highlighting the real business value resulting from applying BDA in manufacturing firms and thus encouraging beneficial economic societal changes.  相似文献   
Popovi?  N. 《Electronics letters》1987,23(24):1285-1286
A linearly tapered slotline antenna for X-band, with a novel parallel feedline, realised on a soft substrate by a photolithographic process, is described.  相似文献   
The effect of Fe3+ concentration on saturation magnetic flux density (Bs) of electrodeposited Co40-44Fe60-56 films was investigated. The results show that if the conditions at the electrochemical interface for nucleation/precipitation of iron(III) hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) are reached, the Bs of electrodeposited Co40-44Fe60-56 films quickly decreases as a result of the Fe(OH)3 incorporation into deposit. These conditions are discussed as a function of the solution formulation (pH) and the parameters of electrodeposition process (current density, current efficiency, diffusion layer thickness) and a simple analytical model is developed qualitatively describing the hydroxide incorporation phenomenon and resulting decrease in Bs of Co40-44Fe60-56 films.  相似文献   
The structural properties of the solid phase, formed by the hydrolysis of Fe3+ ions in Fe2(SO4)3 solutions at 90 or 120 °C, were investigated using X-ray diffraction,57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT—IR) and transmission electron microscopy. The concentration regions of Fe2(SO4)3 were determined for the precipitation of goethite, -FeOOH, or hydronium jarosite, H3OFe3(OH)6(SO4)2 as a single phase. Superparamagnetic behaviour of -FeOOH particles was observed. Hydrolysis of Fe3+ ions in 0.1 M Fe2(SO4)3 solutions at 120 °C produced H3OFe3(OH)6(SO4)2 and basic sulphate, Fe4(OH)10SO4. The interpretation of57Fe Mössbauer and FT—IR spectra is given.  相似文献   
Chemical and structural properties of the system (1–x)Fe2O3 + xNd2O3, 0x1, were investigated using X-ray diffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The samples were prepared by the chemical coprecipitation and thermal treatment of Fe(OH)3/Nd(OH)3 coprecipitates. X-ray diffraction showed the presence of oxide phases -Fe2O3 + NdFeO3 in the Fe2O3-rich region, and the oxide phases Nd2O3 + NdFeO3 in the Nd2O3-rich region. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra were characterized with one sextet of spectral lines at room temperature. Mathematical evaluation of the Mössbauer spectra showed distinct regularities in the changes of Mössbauer parameters, thus indicating the presence of two subspectra with very similar spectral behaviour. High sensitivity of the Nd2O3 phase to the moisture and atmosphere CO2 was demonstrated by FT-IR spectroscopy.  相似文献   
Mixed metal oxides in the system Fe2O3-NiO were prepared by coprecipitation of Fe(OH)3/Ni(OH)2 and the thermal treatment of hydroxide coprecipitates up to 800 or 1100°C. X-ray diffraction showed the presence of -Fe2O3, NiO and NiFe2O4 in samples prepared at 800°C. The oxide phases -Fe2O3, NiO, NiFe2O4 and a phase with structure similar to NiFe2O4 were found in samples prepared at 1100°C. Fourier transform-infrared spectra of oxide phases formed in the system Fe2O3-NiO are discussed. Two very strong infrared bands at 553 and 475 cm–1, a weak intensity infrared band at 383 cm–1 and two shoulders at 626 and 441 cm–1 were observed for -Fe2O3 prepared at 1100°C. NiFe2O4, prepared at the same temperature, showed two broad and very strong infrared bands at 602 and 411 cm–1, while NiO showed a broad infrared band at 466 cm–1. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic results were in agreement with X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   
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