Recent results from KROTOS fuel-coolant interaction experiments are discussed. Five tests with alumina were performed under highly subcooled conditions, all of these tests resulted in spontaneous steam explosions. Additionally, four tests were performed at low subcooling to confirm, on one hand, the suppression of spontaneous steam explosions under such conditions and, on the other hand, that such a system is still triggerable using an external initiator. The other test parameters in these alumina tests included the melt superheat and the initial pressure. All the tests in the investigated superheat range (150–750 K) produced a steam explosion and no evidence of the explosion suppression by the elevated initial pressure (in the limited range of 0.1–0.375 MPa) was observed in the alumina tests. The corium test series include a test with 3 kg of melt under both subcooled and near saturated conditions at ambient pressure. Two additional tests were performed with subcooled water; one test was performed at an elevated pressure of 0.2 MPa with 2.4 kg of melt and another test with 5.1 kg of melt at ambient pressure. None of these tests with corium produced a propagating energetic steam explosion. However, propagating low energy (about twice the energy of the trigger pulse) events were observed. All corium tests produced significantly higher water level swells during the mixing phase than the corresponding alumina tests. Present experimental evidence suggests that the water depletion in the mixing zone suppresses energetic steam explosions with corium melts at ambient pressure and in the present pour geometry. Processes that could produce such a difference in void generation are discussed. 相似文献
When studying the structural response of a containment building to ex-vessel steam explosion loads, a two-step procedure is often used. In the first step of this procedure the structures are treated as rigid and the pressure-time history generated by the explosion, at the rigid wall, is calculated. In the second step the calculated pressure is applied to the structures. The obvious weakness of the two-step procedure is that it does not correspond to the real dynamic behaviour of the fluid-structure system. The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate the relevant fluid-structure interaction phenomena. This is achieved through direct treatment of the explosion process and the structural response. The predictions of a direct and two-step treatment are compared for a BWR Mark II containment design, consisting of two concentric walls interacting with water masses in the central and annular pools. It is shown that the two-step approach leads to unrealistic energy transfer in the containment system studied and to significant overestimation of the deflection of the containment wall. As regards the pedestal wall, the direct method analysis shows that the flexibility of this wall affects the pressure-time history considerably. Three load types have been identified for this wall namely shock load, water blow as a result of water cavitation, and hydrodynamic load. Reloading impulse due to cavitation phenomena plays an important role as it amounts to ≈40% of the total impulse load. Investigation of the generality of the cavitation phenomena in the context of ex-vessel steam explosion loads was outside the scope of this work. 相似文献
In the field of non-linear fracture mechanics, a lot of work has been done on structures submitted to mechanical loadings. However, for thermal loadings and particularly for thermal shocks, only few results are available. The aim of this paper is to present the main results of a complete set of finite element (FE) computations, conducted by CEA, EDF and FRAMATOME, on cracked cylinders submitted to combined mechanical and thermal loads. The interaction between these two types of loads is analysed in the cases of austenitic and ferritic structures. Moreover, these results are compared to the predictions obtained by simplified engineering methods (R6 procedure and two French approaches) in order to improve them. Their domain of validity is also discussed. 相似文献
Aerosols generated by condensation of volatile fission products during nuclear reactor core meltdown accidents represent a major fraction of the accidental airborne radioactivity. A comprehensive experimental research programme was performed at Battelle to investigate the transport and deposition behaviour of aerosols in the containment, in order to support the development of computer models which estimate the fission product behaviour in the containment and the source term for potential radionuclide releases to the environment. Important steps in the investigations were: (1) DEMONA experiments. The first large scale aerosol test series performed in the Battelle model containment (BMC) (total volume 640 m3), using an open (quasi one-room) geometry and condensation aerosols from a plasma torch generator. (2) VANAM experiments. Advanced aerosol tests in the BMC, using a multi-room geometry, mixed hygroscopic/non hygroscopic condensation aerosols, a double injection period, and varying thermohydraulic conditions. One of the experiments was subject of the International Standard Problem ISP 37. (3) KAEVER experiments. A systematic investigation of aerosol materials and mixtures and the related deposition behaviour, using a simplified one-room test vessel (10 m3 volume) and advanced instrumentation. Important computer codes developed and/or validated in connection with the experiments are FIPLOC and NAUA; aerosol codes CONTAIN, MELCOR and GOTHIC-MAEROS were also applied. Some important results from the investigations and code developments are: (1) significant local aerosol concentration differences can occur in a multi-room geometry; (2) concentration differences can be caused by atmospheric stratification; and (3) deposition is strongly affected by material hygroscopicity and atmospheric humidity. (4) Satisfactory prediction requires a consistent treatment of multi-room thermal hydraulics, aerosol transport and steam condensation on particles. (5) Prediction results can be affected by numerical stability and nodalization (user experience). This paper presents a number of results of the experimental investigations and the present state of code modelling, with special reference to the findings of ISP37. 相似文献
This is the May 1996 report of a subpanel of the US Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC), charged with conducting a review of the progress, priorities and potential near-term contributions of TFTR, DIII-D and Alcator C-MOD (and other facilities as appropriate) as part of the transition to a Fusion Energy Sciences Program and produce an optimum plan for obtaining the most scientific benefit from them. 相似文献
An aerosol sampling site based on a single-stage streaker sampler with four-hour time resolution was established in 1993 at Brandt-se-Baai, on the north-western coast of South Africa (31.5°S 18°E, 50 m asl). The site was deployed to monitor the generation of dust from the local mining operations and in part to test the hypothesis of large-scale air mass recirculation over Southern Africa. Streaker samples were analysed by PIXE for the usual crustal derived elements and sulphur. Sulphate aerosols over southern Africa are produced in the atmosphere by oxidation of SO2, from industry, or DMS, from the ocean. Industrial related sulphate plays a key role in tracing long-range transport of anthropogenic pollutants.
We present results from selected monthly samples collected during 1996. Measured particulate sulphur has been apportioned between contributions from sea spray and non-sea salt sulphate (NSS) aerosols. Marine particulate sulphur, present in the regional background, was traced by its correlation with Na and Cl, which were routinely detected. The NSS content of these air masses was enriched with respect to the expected sea salt sulphur by two orders of magnitude. Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti and Fe, the major crustal elements, were measured only episodically with the occurrence of strong south-easterly winds. These winds are associated with wind blown dust from a mine located 4 km from the site.
These results are the first direct aerosol characterisation of the remote region of the western seaboard of southern Africa. Specifically the sulphur measurements at this site provide insights into relative contributions of natural DMS, industrial and sea salt contributions of particulate sulphate. 相似文献
An investigation was made of the dependences of the integrated and spectral characteristics of bremsstrahlung, generated by
beta electrons from90Sr+90Y and emerging in the forward direction from two-layer Au−Al and Al−Au targets, on the geometry of these structures. A program
was investigated for modeling the transmission of electrons and gamma photons through the material. This was developed using
a Monte Carlo method and was implemented in accordance with a “catastrophic” collisions scheme. Conclusions are drawn concerning
the possibility of utilizing two-layer targets for generating bremsstrahlung having specific energy characteristics.
Ul'yanovsk State University. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 126–129, February, 1999. 相似文献