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The fatigue crack growth (FCG) mechanism of a cast hybrid metal matrix composite (MMC) reinforced with SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers was investigated. For comparison, the FCG mechanisms of a cast MMC with Al2O3 whiskers and a cast Al alloy were also investigated. The results show that the FCG mechanism is observed in the near-threshold and stable-crack-growth regions. The hybrid MMC shows a higher threshold stress intensity factor range, ΔKth, than the MMC with Al2O3 and Al alloy, indicating better resistance to crack growth in a lower stress intensity factor range, ΔK. In the near-threshold region with decreasing ΔK, the two composite materials exhibit similar FCG mechanism that is dominated by debonding of the reinforcement–matrix interface, and followed by void nucleation and coalescence in the Al matrix. At higher ΔK in the stable- or mid-crack-growth region, in addition to the debonding of the particle–matrix and whisker–matrix interface caused by cycle-by-cycle crack growth at the interface, the FCG is affected predominantly by striation formation in the Al matrix. Moreover, void nucleation and coalescence in the Al matrix and transgranular fracture of SiC particles and Al2O3 whiskers at high ΔK are also observed as the local unstable fracture mechanisms. However, the FCG of the monolithic Al alloy is dominated by void nucleation and coalescence at lower ΔK, whereas the FCG at higher ΔK is controlled mainly by striation formation in the Al grains, and followed by void nucleation and coalescence in the Si clusters.  相似文献   
This paper describes a soft‐switching interleaved power factor correction (PFC) converter with a lossless snubber. AC–DC converters require a unity input power factor characteristic with highly efficient operation to prevent the inflow of harmonic current to the power source. The proposed PFC converter improves the input current ripple with interleave control. The converter realizes a high efficiency by the soft‐switching operation of all switching devices without a large auxiliary resonant circuit. This paper introduces the soft‐switching operation of the converter. In order to confirm the validity of the proposed converter, experiments with a prototype of the PFC converter have been performed. The experimental results indicate that the proposed converter can realize the soft‐switching operation of all switching devices, a reduction in the input current ripple, a unity power factor of 98% or more, a sinusoidal input current, and constant output voltage control. The efficiency of the proposed PFC converter with a lossless snubber is higher than that without the lossless snubber. The results presented in this paper confirm the validity of the proposed converter.  相似文献   
In this paper, we have demonstrated usefulness of the electromotive manipulator system with a developed single element MEMS sensor which can detect proximity, contact, and slipping to skillful gripping of the object. This MEMS sensor can detect proximity as impedance change of Si substrate by reflected light from the object due to the photoconductive effect. In addition, both normal and shear load can be also detected as resistance change of strain gage on cantilevers located threefold symmetry and embedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). By attaching the sensor on the electromotive manipulator, accurate control of gripping force was enabled by feedback of the sensor output.  相似文献   
介绍了一种新型非对称气动伺服阀.该阀作为硬件补偿,实现了气动系统下降时间与上升时间相同的快速响应特性.研制成的非对称气动伺服阀阀芯,在正反方向同等的阀位移时,下游节流口的通流能力为上游节流口的两倍.试验结果表明,非对称伺服阀频率响应带宽达200 Hz,阶跃响应上升时间达1 ms.对称阀的名义流量范围为 191至-171 NL/min,非对称阀的名义流量范围扩大为 191至-337 NL/min.理论分析结论和实验结果相吻合.  相似文献   
选用羟基封端的聚酰亚胺为耐热链段,将其与双羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)和异氟尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)反应,制备了异氰基团封端的聚酰亚胺。进一步使用得到的产物与甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)反应,制备了含氨酯-丙烯酸酯的聚酰亚胺树脂。通过对聚酰亚胺的羟基封端的方式的改变,研究了对最终树脂热稳定性的影响。实验结果表明聚酰亚胺结构的引入能够改善树脂的热稳定性,尤其是芳基取代时对热稳定性的提高最为明显。  相似文献   
浓香型白酒糟醅发酵过程中香气成分的变化趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用气相和液相色谱分析方法,跟踪调查了浓香型白酒发酵过程中,糟醅所含酸醛醇酯等各类香气成分的动态变化及其相互关系。研究发现糟醅中乙酸、丁酸、己酸和乳酸的变化趋势与对应的乙酯生成趋势大体一致。但各类香气成分的含量比例及其变化趋势,在糟醅中与在白酒产品中却存在一定的差异性。本文揭示如何增加糟醅中的己酸和降低乳酸,以及进一步弄清白酒蒸馏机理,是提高白酒生产质量的重要技术问题。  相似文献   
研究了一种SiCp及Al2O3w增强铸态混杂金属基复合材料(MMC)的疲劳裂纹扩展(FCG)机理,同时对比研究了Al2O3w增强铸态金属基复合材料和铸态铝合金的疲劳裂纹扩展机理。在研究近临界和裂纹稳定扩展区域的疲劳裂纹扩展(FCG)机理时,发现混杂MMC的临界应力强度因子?Kth值高于其他两种材料的?Kth值,说明应力强度因子?K值较低时混杂MMC可以更好地抵抗裂纹扩展。随着?K值的降低,两种MMC在近临界区域显示出相似的FCG机理,即主要由增强相–基体界面的剥离控制,随后由铝基体中空隙的形核与合并控制;在裂纹稳定或中等扩展区域,?K值较高时FCG除了受界面上周期性裂纹扩展引起的增强相–基体界面剥离的影响之外,还显著受到铝基体中疲劳条带的影响。此外,在高?K值下,因为局部失稳断裂机制,可见铝基体中空隙的形核与合并以及SiCp和Al2O3w中的穿晶断裂。对于铸态铝合金,在低?K值下,FCG主要受空隙的形核与合并所控制;在高?K值下,FCG主要受铝晶粒的疲劳条带控制,随后受Si团簇中空隙的形核与合并控制。  相似文献   
施鹰  杨文 《无机材料学报》2001,16(5):883-888
报道了化学气相浸渍(CVI)工艺制备的SiC(f)/SiC复相陶瓷中纤维表面涂层对复合材料力学性能和显微结构的影响。SEM观察表明:C或B N表面涂层改变了SiC(f)/SiC复相陶瓷中纤维与基体间的强界面结合,使断裂过程中的界面解离和纤维拔出大大增加,与此同时材料的断裂韧性和断裂功明显提高。说明C或BN纤维表面涂层能够大大地改善SiC(f)/SiC复相陶瓷的脆性断裂行为模式。高分辨电镜的观察证实在CVI过程初期,纤维表面首先发生石墨界面相的沉积,该界面相具有明显的层状晶格条纹,而纤维表面C涂层为无定型态。  相似文献   
Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1130 and JCM 1131(T) exhibited autolytic activity in agar containing autoclaved cells of each strain as substrate. By zymogram analysis of JCM 1131(T), two lytic bands with apparent molecular masses of 54.5 and 35 kDa, were detected. Similarly, JCM 1130 yielded two lytic bands with apparent molecular masses of 35 and 33.5 kDa. In simple buffers as well, JCM 1131(T) suffered a drastic decrease in cell turbidity, but JCM 1130 did not undergo the decrease. The optimal pH for autolysis of JCM 1131(T) was in the range of 6.0-7.0, and the lysis was completely inhibited at pH 4-5. The lysis of JCM 1131(T) was suppressed by NaCl, in a concentration-dependent way. When subjected to UV irradiation or mitomycin C (MMC) treatment, cultures of both strains elicited conspicuous turbidity decrease after 2-4 h of growth, suggesting the occurrence of prophage induction. The 35-kDa lytic band of JCM 1131(T) and the 33.5-kDa protein of JCM 1130 were considerably increased by UV irradiation.  相似文献   
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