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Six Pakistani wheat cultivars, namely C-273, Inqulab-91, Pasban-90, Parwaz-94, Shahkar-95 and Rohtas-90, were included in the present study. The kernel weight of the wheat cultivars varied from 31.43 to 36.76 g (per thousand kernels), Parwaz-94 having the highest and Rohtas-90 having the lowest. The test weight of cultivars ranged from 70.23 (Shakar-95) to 76.13 kg hL–1 (Pasban-90). The bran contained the highest amount of phytic acid (6.12%) in C-273 followed by whole-wheat flour (2.23%) in Inqulab-91, and straight-grade flour (0.24%) in Parwaz-94. The phytate content was reduced during the baking of bread and chapati. The bread scores and other quality characteristics varied significantly among cultivars. The total bread scores ranged from 35.20 to 42.00, out of a possible fifty, with Parwaz-94 being the highest. The concentration of minerals varied widely in different milling fractions of various wheat cultivars. The concentration of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn ranged from 5.00 to 52.50, 26 to 147.50, 0.00 to 97.00, 9.0 to 80.80 ppm, respectively, in different milling fractions of the wheat cultivars. The total chapati scores ranged from 22.40 to 24.20 of a possible score of 30. The minimum chapati scores were found in Rohtas-90 and Parwaz-94, while Inqulab-91 produced the maximum score.  相似文献   
The effect of storage on the lipids and proteins in Atlantic mackerel stored for up to 24 months at ?20 and ?30 °C was studied. Traditional methods including the peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances (TBARS) and a reverse phase HPLC method were used to determine the primary and secondary lipid oxidation products. All tests showed an increase in lipid oxidation products with storage time and at a higher storage temperature of ?20 °C compared with samples stored at ?30 °C. Antioxidants had a significant effect (P < 0.01) on the inhibition of lipid oxidation, as shown by the reduction in peroxide value and hydroxides, and malondialdehyde formation. Similarly, deterioration of protein structure and functionality in mackerel stored for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months was greater at ?20 than ?30 °C. ATPase activity in the myosin extract of Atlantic mackerel showed a significant decrease (P < 0.01) with progressive frozen storage. Protein solubility in high salt concentration (0.6 M NaCl) decreased (P < 0.01) during storage at both ?20 and ?30 °C but was greater at ?20 °C. Interestingly, antioxidants BHT, vitamin C and vitamin E protected the proteins against complete loss of ATPase activity and protein solubility to a significant level (P < 0.01) for up to 1 year at ?20 °C compared with samples stored without antioxidants. This study confirms the deleterious effect of lipid oxidation products on protein structure and function in frozen fatty fish. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Stability of fortified whole wheat flour (WWF) was evaluated using NaFeEDTA, elemental iron, ZnSO4 and ZnO as fortificants. Fortified WWF was stored in tin boxes and polypropylene bags for 60 days under ambient storage condition (ASC) and controlled storage condition (CSC). Fortification significantly (p ? 0.05) decreased moisture and protein content and increased ash content to 5.44%, 6% and 23%, as compared to control. Fortified WWF, assayed periodically for mould contamination manifested a significant inhibition (∼1 log reduction) in flours containing elemental iron. Low storage temperature and relative humidity (RH) indicated lower level of mould count during extended storage time. Tin boxes, as storage material, exhibited a better protection against mould attack, acting as an effective barrier for moisture. Fortificants exerted a slight deteriorative effect on texture characteristics of the chapattis made of these flours but chapattis were still accepted by the judges. Zinc fortificants seemed like having little or no effect on the quality of the flours and chapattis, made of such flours. Shelf life of fortified flour may be extended by using elemental iron as fortificant and storing the product in tin boxes under relatively low temperature and RH.  相似文献   
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