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薛国彬 《今日消防》2022,7(4):82-84
新时期下,我国高层建筑数量不断增多,而且建筑物仍然在向超高层、超大面积的方向发展,这给消防防火和安全管理工作提出了比较高的要求。高层建筑与多层建筑和单层建筑在结构上存在比较大的不同,必须要制定一套符合高层建筑实际需求的防火方法,全面加强消防安全监管力度,这样才能确保高层建筑的防火安全性。文章在简要分析高层建筑火灾特征,以及高层建筑消防安全现状的基础上,提出了几点有关防火安全管理的策略。  相似文献   
(1-x)K0.5Na0.5NbO3-xBi(Zn2/3Nb1/3)O3 ((1-x)KNN-xBZN,x =0.010,0.015,0.020,0.025,and 0.030) lead-free ceramics were fabricated via a traditional solid-state metho...  相似文献   
In order to effectively control petroleum hydrocarbon pollution by immobilisation technology,it is necessary to understanding the degradation pathways of petrol...  相似文献   
文章利用长乐区1981年—2010年30年气候资料,分析了长乐区无花果生长发育的气象条件,并提出了影响无花果生长的气象灾害应对措施,为无花果在长乐区的推广种植,获得高产稳产提供科学参考。  相似文献   
应用于超薄栅氧化CMOS器件的两种电荷泵改进技术的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了High-low multi-frequency(HLMF)和Average bottom-top-pulse(ABTP)两种电荷泵改进技术,用于提高表征超薄栅氧化CMOS器件界面缺陷的精度.结果表明,在电荷泵技术测量过程中,这两种改进技术能非常有效地扣除漏电流.同时,也分析了电荷泵电流曲线的几个典型特性.由于ABTP技术是用静态模式测量漏电流,所以,在大的负Vbase端,电荷泵电流曲线的尾部出现大的波动.通过比较,我们发现HLMF具有更高的精度,可以作为用于提升表征超薄栅氧化CMOS器件界面缺陷精度的一种重要技术.  相似文献   
Chen  Xiuqing  Ma  Kai  Geng  Deqin  Zhai  Jingxuan  Liu  Wei  Zhang  Hongwei  Zhu  Tingting  Piao  Xue 《Wireless Personal Communications》2019,109(3):1747-1767
Wireless Personal Communications - In order to support robust implementation of IoT, many schemes have been done to provide privacy, anonymity, scalability and customizability. Ray et al.’s...  相似文献   
本文主要探讨特柔软型钢丝铠装复合电缆的设计,根据特殊用户实际应用情况,设计出大拉力、超柔软钢丝铠装电缆,设计过程中不仅考虑电缆所应有的电性能,同时还要考虑电缆高强度抗张情况和应用中处于反复收放状态,而且所设计的电缆还要满足恶劣环境.  相似文献   
The influence of different pairs on the energy dissipation of a given hard coating during fretting has been discussed. Based on the view of the competition between the elastic and plastic deformations in a fretting experiment, it suggests that the energy dissipation rate is proportional to the elastic energy density of pairs. This trend is in agreement with the reported experimental data. For comparison, hardness of pairs is used as the index to relate the antiwear properties of a DLC film against different pairs. It is obvious that the elastic energy density of pairs is more appropriate to predict the antiwear properties of the DLC film against different pairs.  相似文献   
The traditional view that the role of the composite template that is adopted in the preparation of nano-TiO2 is only for forming a pore structure and increasing the material's specific surface area is challenged by this study. The complex impact of the composite template and La-doping on the microdynamic behavior of photo-generation free charge carriers (FCCs) in the mesoporous nano-TiO2 is investigated using the transient photovoltaic (TPV) technique, supplemented by electric field-induced surface photovoltaic spectroscopy and a computer simulation method. The experimental results reveal that utilizing an appropriate composite template, such as polyethylene glycol and octadecylamine with a molar ratio of 1:1, may result in the rapid separation and prolonged diffusion distance of electron–hole pairs that were excited by a 355 nm and 50 μJ laser pulse. These may be responsible for the stronger and broader TPV response in the microsecond and millisecond regions of the La-doped nano-TiO2 in TPV spectroscopy, as compared with that for materials that used other composite templates. This response is closely related to the reduced content of the surface state located at 367 nm. A suitable level of La-doping, however, was only responsible for the stronger and broader TPV response in the microsecond region of the spectrum of the nano-TiO2. The computer simulation results confirm that the photo-generation FCCs microdynamic characteristics in the microsecond region may partially originate from the state density distribution of both the d-electron in the antibonding orbital and the p-electron in the bonding orbital moving up to higher levels, and from a broader band-gap after La-doping in the anatase lattice cell.  相似文献   
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