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We describe a recently developed framework for exploring the structure of linear time-invariant models of large systems, and for constructing interpretable or physically-based, reduced-order models that reproduce selected modes of the original systems to a desired accuracy. Application of this framework to constructing lumped approximations for interconnections of lumped and distributed systems is briefly explored.Support for this work has come partially from the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, under Contract RP 1764-8 monitored by Dr. Neal Balu, and for the second author from the I.T.P. Foundation, Madrid, Spain.  相似文献   
A multicomputer array is described that speeds up the processing of spectral representation for the EEG.  相似文献   
Theory of Drying   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review examines the stages of drying, with the emphasis on the constant rate period (CRP), when the pores are full of liquid. It is during the CRP that most of the shrinkage occurs and the drying stresses rise to a maximum. We examine the forces that produce shrinkage and the mechanisms responsible for transport of liquid. By analyzing the interplay of fluid flow and shrinkage of the solid network, it is possible to calculate the pressure distribution in the liquid in the pores. The tension in the liquid is found to be greatest near the drying surface, resulting in greater compressive stresses on the network in that region. This produces differential shrinkage of the solid, which is the cause of cracking during drying. The probability of fracture is related to the size of the body, the rate of evaporation, and the strength of the network. A variety of strategies for avoiding fracture during drying are discussed.  相似文献   
A phenomenological free-energy function including the effects of elastic boundary conditions was presented and used to investigate the single-domain, single-crystal properties of the ferroelectric perovskite, PbTiO3. In particular, the effects of tensile and compressive hydrostatic stress on the spontaneous polarization, Curie point, dielectric susceptibility, and piezoelectric property coefficients were examined. The calculated shift of the Curie point with hydrostatic stress, along with the entropy and enthalpy of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, was found to be in good agreement with experimental measurements. The isothermal variation of the relative dielectric susceptibility and piezoelectric coefficients with hydrostatic stress exhibited the expected behavior near the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition.  相似文献   
The inherent viscosity of PVC resin in compounds containing fillers and additives can be calculated accurately and conveniently from the weight average molecular weight or the peak molecular weight as measured by High Performance-Size Exclusion Chromatography (HP-SEC). Molecular weight/inherent viscosity relationships are shown for typical production PVC resins. The utility of HP-SEC instrumentation for the determination of IV for samples of commercial interest is demonstrated. Mark-Houwink coefficients from the literature were used to calculate a convenient conversion factor of 0.612, which can be used to convert the molecular weight measured relative to polystyrene by HP-SEC to the actual molecular weight for PVC.  相似文献   
The biology of Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) was studied at various combinations of temperature and relative humidity. The incubation period of eggs ranged from 4 to 7 days. Development from laying of egg to adult lasted an average of 50.9 days at 25°C and 60% r.h. and 34.6 days at 30°C and 80% r.h. At 70 and 80% relative humidity, development was faster, more progeny were produced and the moths were heavier than at 60% r.h. Relative humidity had little effect on egg and pupal development.The larvae were negatively phototactic. However, the rate of development of the strain studied was similar in constant darkness, constant light or in a 12 hr-light: 12 hr-dark light system. The adult moths were immobile in diffused daylight. Locomotory activity was markedly high at dusk and was accompanied by an increase in the rate of pairing. Temperatures between 27 and 31°C did not appear to influence locomotory activity.Cracked groundnuts were more favourable for development than whole nuts which were in turn better than groundnut meal. The weight losses inflicted on infested groundnuts were directly correlated with the total weights of emerged moths and differed according to the treatment given to the medium. Losses in weight of about 8.7 and 8.6% were observed when 13 larvae completed development in 30 g of whole nuts and cracked nuts, respectively. Females consumed more food and were heavier than the males. Each larva ate an average of 140 mg of whole nuts and 190 mg of cracked groundnuts to complete development. The increases in free fatty acid values were not appreciably higher in infested media than in the control. Increases of 17.5 and 18.2 m-equiv of peroxides were observed in infested whole and cracked nuts, respectively.  相似文献   
Leaf protein concentrates (LPC) were prepared in large pilot plant equipment from seven Brassica varieties grown on plots of up to 0.06 ha. Plants were harvested about a month before and after the lucerne processing season. Best yields of LPC, from leafier or forage-type species, were up to 0.9 t ha?1. Properties were as good as or better than those of LPC from lucerne. Lucerne processing procedures were modified to maximize yields from the more succulent Brassica plants.  相似文献   
The biology of Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) was studied under controlled conditions in the laboratory. At a constant temperature of 30°C, oviposition was influenced by relative humidity, an average of 148.9 eggs per female being laid at 70% r.h., compared with 131.8 eggs at 50% r.h. More eggs were retained in the ovaries of dead females at the lower r.h. Maize, rice and groundnuts were preferred to cowpea and cocoa for egg deposition. The incubation period was about 4 days at both humidities. Larval development was fastest at 70% r.h. (34.1 days) and slowest at 50% r.h. (43.3 days). Pupal duration was not affected by relative humidity. Development on different forms of a range of food commodities was studied. The larval period was generally shortest on brokens and meal, particularly of maize. Adult moths appeared weakly negatively phototactic and most locomotory activities were observed to take place at dusk.  相似文献   
Machine-learning algorithms are employed in a wide variety of applications to extract useful information from data sets, and many are known to suffer from super-linear increases in computational time with increasing data size and number of signals being processed (data dimension). Certain principal machine-learning algorithms are commonly found embedded in larger detection, estimation, or classification operations. Three such principal algorithms are the Parzen window-based, non-parametric estimation of Probability Density Functions (PDFs), K-means clustering and correlation. Because they form an integral part of numerous machine-learning applications, fast and efficient execution of these algorithms is extremely desirable. FPGA-based reconfigurable computing (RC) has been successfully used to accelerate computationally intensive problems in a wide variety of scientific domains to achieve speedup over traditional software implementations. However, this potential benefit is quite often not fully realized because creating efficient FPGA designs is generally carried out in a laborious, case-specific manner requiring a great amount of redundant time and effort. In this paper, an approach using pattern-based decomposition for algorithm acceleration on FPGAs is proposed that offers significant increases in productivity via design reusability. Using this approach, we design, analyze, and implement a multi-dimensional PDF estimation algorithm using Gaussian kernels on FPGAs. First, the algorithm’s amenability to a hardware paradigm and expected speedups are predicted. After implementation, actual speedup and performance metrics are compared to the predictions, showing speedup on the order of 20× over a 3.2 GHz processor. Multi-core architectures are developed to further improve performance by scaling the design. Portability of the hardware design across multiple FPGA platforms is also analyzed. After implementing the PDF algorithm, the value of pattern-based decomposition to support reuse is demonstrated by rapid development of the K-means and correlation algorithms.  相似文献   
Convergence in the realm of media, consumer electronics, computer technologies, and telecommunications has contributed to societal changes in terms of individual expectations and behavior leading to the re-appraisal of traditional market segments. Key innovations like the internet create a global platform that provides for new means in product and services configuration. This expands opportunities and threats in the business environment contributing to increased competition in a dynamic environment where traditional boundaries are shifting. In a world of converging technologies, increasing marketplace dynamics and rapid technological advances, new upcoming “disruptive technologies” such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP) pose threats to traditional telecommunications companies. Business leaders in order to succeed need to be “thinking outside the box”. We introduce the concept of a business model as a tool in crafting strategy for the purpose of achieving sustainable innovation in the face of the reshaping of the industry and the market. We apply this model to the VoIP market and in particular the Skype technology and service. The significance of this contribution is that it highlights the importance of developing an innovative business model to take advantage of disruptive technologies. Our analysis of the dimensions of innovations shows that the more dimensions the greater the impact. ICT convergence is leading to a paradigm shift with innovation effects that are both effective and disruptive. Thus, leading to equally disruptive business models reshaping innovation strategy.
George N. HazapisEmail:
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