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If f(r) is the number of contributions of an author or rank r, then it is shown that f(r) is proportional to r, where >0. The model is dependent on the definitions of a contribution and rank of an author. Three estimation procedures are illustrated and four other scientific productivity studies and two data sets on Canadian Mathematicians are shown to adequately fit this rank-frequency relationship.Research partially supported by National Research Council Grant No. A9229.  相似文献   
A necessary and sufficient condition is given for a connected bipartite graph to be the incidence graph of a contact family of segments and points. We deduce that any four-connected three-colorable plane graph is the contact graph of a family of segments and that any four-colored planar graph without an induced C4 using four colors is the intersection graph of a family of straight line segments.  相似文献   
A two-stage sampling procedure for obtaining an optimal confidence interval for the largest or smallest mean of k independent normal populations is proposed, where the population variances are unknown and possibly unequal. The optimal confidence interval is obtained by maximizing the coverage probability with a fixed width at a least favorable configuration of means. Then, the sample sizes can be determined by this procedure. It has been shown that the optimal interval is globally optimal over all possible choices of symmetric and asymmetric intervals. In situations where the two-stage sampling procedure cannot be completely carried through, a one-stage sampling procedure can be implemented, and their relationship is discussed. A numerical example to demonstrate the use of these sampling procedures is given.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung Erweiterte Fassung eines Vortrags des 1. Verfassers auf der 14. Internationalen Holzschutztagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Holzforschung. Mainz. 7. Oktober 1976.  相似文献   
Reviews the books, Drogues et dépendances by Jef-Louis Bonnardeaux (1983) and Toxicomanies by Dollard Cormier (1983. The book by Bonnardeaux is clearly written and is accompanied by illustrations. However, one doubts the utility of the representation of many biochemical formulas. One wishes also for a better structuring of the various chapters. The book by Cormier is an excellent complement to the Bonnardeaux book. Drug addiction is presented as a life style expressing a solution to problems of existence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Conducted a study to determine if the investigator's sex in a mail survey concerning attitudes toward women had any effect on (a) return rates and (b) expressed attitudes toward women. The Attitudes Toward Women Scale was sent to 306 randomly selected university faculty members (215 questionnaires returned). No significant differences were found due to the investigator's sex for return rates or for expressed attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Liquid phase backmixing in packed bubble columns . Correlations for the axial liquid phase dispersion coefficient in bubble columns packed with metal Raschig rings and Pall rings are given as Peg = f (Ga, Reg, H/D). The dependencies on physical and operational properties are discussed in detail with the aid of diagrams. Pall rings are not able to completely suppress greater turbulences and backmixing in columns of diameters D > 20 cm. A rule of thumb is also given for the apparent dispersion coefficient in this range. Raschig rings, however, are well suited for suppressing backmixing. The problems of adequate fulfilling of the model and undisturbed measurement of the backmixing behaviour are dealt with in detail.  相似文献   
In stored grain, the predatory mite Cheyletus spp. may be used to control the pest mite Acarus siro. The efficiency of control depends on many factors, particularly ambient temperature. In this study we investigated the effects of temperature and initial prey density on the prey–predator system under laboratory conditions. Ratio–response models were fitted to estimate the efficiency of control for three temperatures. At 15 °C a 90% reduction of A. siro was achieved by releasing nine Cheyletus malaccensis individuals into a population of 100 A. siro individuals in 1 kg of grain. At 20 °C, 90% reduction required seven C. malaccensis individuals and at 25 °C, it required three C. malaccensis individuals. Without the predator the intrinsic rates of increase of A. siro populations increased with temperature and were highest for an initial density of 100 individuals, revealing some form of positive interaction among A. siro individuals during food processing. The intrinsic rates of increase of C. malaccensis populations also increased with temperature and decreased with increasing density of the predator, presumably as a result of interference competition among predators.At 15 °C the rate of increase for A. siro was higher than that for C. malaccensis, while at higher temperatures it was the other way around. Lower developmental thresholds were 10 °C for A. siro and 13.6 °C for C. malaccensis. In order to find when an artificial release of C. malaccensis is most efficient we simulated a population increase of A. siro using temperature records from one grain store. In Central Europe this type of biological control can be efficient only when the predator is released at the beginning of storage, i.e. in September and October.  相似文献   
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