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Mesoporous sulfated Al2O3–ZrO2 (MSAZ) catalysts with large surface areas and pore volumes after calcination at high temperature (650 °C) and with higher Al2O3 content than 20wt% were successfully prepared from a template of block copolymer (P84). The MSAZ catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 27Al magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), thermogravimetric analysis (TG–DTG), temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia (NH3-TPD) and infrared spectra (IR) of adsorbed pyridine. It is shown that the resulting mesostructured sulfated Al2O3–ZrO2 samples have a well-developed textural mesoporosity. The number of acid sites present on MSAZ catalysts is higher than that on conventional sulfated zirconia, and the former catalysts are more active than the latter one for various acid-catalyzed reactions.  相似文献   
The hydrogenation of diene‐based polymers via diimide is a very attractive alternative to the conventional catalytic hydrogenation route based on gaseous molecular hydrogen. However, serious crosslinking always accompanies it and limits the end‐use properties of the polymers. Gel formation in polymers that are hydrogenated via diimide has been investigated in detail through an inspection of all the chemical reactions involved in the process. The results indicate that hydrogen peroxide decomposition, some reactions related to oxygen, and the redox reaction between hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine are capable of generating radicals. However, radicals generated in the aqueous phase do not appear to initiate the crosslinking of diene‐based polymers in the latex form. It is proposed that the primary radicals giving rise to crosslinking are generated in the polymer phase in situ, and the step responsible for generating these organic radicals is possibly the diimide disproportionation reaction. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 96: 1122–1125, 2005  相似文献   
Four cocatalysts, referred to as ethylaluminoxanes, were synthesized by the reaction between triethylaluminium (AIEt3) and water under various molar ratios of H2O/Al at ?78°C. Aluminoxanes were used as cocatalysts for a MgCl2‐supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst for propylene polymerization at temperatures ranging from 70 to 100°C. When the polymerization was activated by AlEt3, the activity as well as the molecular weight and isotacticity of the resulting polymer gradually dropped as the temperature varied from 70 to 100°C. When ethylaluminoxane was employed as the cocatalyst, good activity and high molecular weight and isotacticity were obtained at 100°C. Furthermore, when the cocatalyst varied from AlEt3 to ethylaluminoxane, the atactic fraction and polymer fraction with moderate isotacticity decreased and the high isotactic fraction slightly increased, which indicated that the variation of the cocatalyst significantly affects the isospecificity of active sites. It was suggested that the reactivity of the Al‐Et group and the size of the cocatalyst were correlated to the performance of the Ziegler–Natta catalyst at different temperatures. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 1978–1982, 2006  相似文献   
A step‐index polymer optical fiber (SI POF) containing Rhodamine B in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) has been fabricated by a preform technique. Fluorescence of different fiber lengths were observed and discussed. A high gain (23 dB) for a SI POF with 60‐cm length, 400‐μm diameter was obtained. The Rhodamine B content of the doped SI POF is 5 ppm‐wt. The signal wavelength providing the highest gain for a 60 cm SI POF is around 630 nm, and the optimum fiber length is about 60 cm at 10 kW launched pump power. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 93: 681–685, 2004  相似文献   
The density profile of electrosynthesized polymeric layers on carbon fibers is obtained from gravimetric and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data. The coating density ρ is found to decrease with increasing radial distance, r, subject to the power law . Based on a modified diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) model, it is shown that lattice Monte Carlo simulation of the coating process predicts the experimentally observed power law exponent.  相似文献   
显微荧光检验法是显微检验的一个重要角度,由于缺少基础性研究,这一方法在文件检验中的运用并不广泛.着重考虑曝光时间这一因素,以盖印材料的荧光特性为观察角度,运用显微荧光检验法对大量常用盖印材料进行系统、全面的观察和研究.研究表明,绝大部分盖印材料可被激发出荧光,每种盖印材料的荧光特性都有各自的规律性特点.  相似文献   
Exe类型电子书制作软件集成文字内容和小图片非常容易,效果也很不错,但是对集成高品质的音视频、数码照片等大容量数据文件却无能为力。通过对iebook超级精灵自带模板以及Exe电子书文件的深入分析,把flash技术、流媒体对象和file协议有机结合,实现动态加载指定相对路径下的外部视频文件到电子书中,大大提高了iebook超级精灵在处理多媒体方面的实用性。  相似文献   
This paper presents a mathematical model based on the reaction rate expressions to describe the displacement of methane conversion in the steam reforming. The effect of several parameters including weight hourly space velocity (WHSV), load-to-surface ratio, reaction pressure, hydrogen partial pressure in permeate side and reaction temperature were investigated. Simulation and experimental results showed that a conversion higher than 80% could be achieved in a palladium membrane reactor at reaction temperature of 500 °C relative to 850 °C in a conventional fixed bed reactor (FBR). Besides, the yield of CO (<2%) in membrane reactor was much lower than that (>50%) in the FBR, which indicated the significant depression of CO production in use of membrane reactor.  相似文献   
在1150℃和1250℃、0.1L/min和10L/min的气量下,对通人含不同CO2量的氮气影响粉尘含碳球团还原速度的实验研究表明:以滚动方式所造球团中,氧化物的还原完全以间接还原的方式进行,气氛中非还原气体流速(或流量)的增加对粉尘含碳球团氧化铁还原速度有显著的降低作用,但还原温度提高则对气量增加造成的氧化铁还原速度降低有显著的抵消作用.气氛对球团中锌的挥发速度影响很小,对铅的挥发速度几乎不产生影响.  相似文献   
CeO2 particles confined within the pores of an SBA-15 mesoporous silica host were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation (IMP) and deposition precipitation (DP) methods. The materials were characterized by XRD, N2-adsorption and temperature programmed reduction (TPR) to evaluate the structure, texture, and redox properties. The preparation procedure had significant impact on the assembling mode of CeO2 inside the SBA-15 mesopores. A high dispersion of CeO2 particles was achieved via DP, whereas the dispersion of CeO2 prepared by IMP was found to be inhomogeneous and CeO2 partially blocked the pores. The CO conversion in the water-gas-shift reaction was enhanced over 1 wt% Pt supported on CeO2-modified SBA-15 obtained by DP.  相似文献   
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