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In the knee joint, articular cartilage injury can often lead to osteoarthritis of the knee (OAK). Currently, no point-of-care treatment can completely address OAK symptoms and regenerate articular cartilage to restore original functions. While various cell-based therapies are being developed to address OAK, exosomes containing various components derived from their cells of origin have attracted attention as a cell-free alternative. The potential for exosomes as a novel point-of-care treatment for OAK has been studied extensively, especially in the context of intra-articular treatments. Specific exosomal microRNAs have been identified as possibly effective in treating cartilage defects. Additionally, exosomes have been studied as biomarkers through their differences in body fluid composition between joint disease patients and healthy subjects. Exosomes themselves can be utilized as a drug delivery system through their manipulation and encapsulation of specific contents to be delivered to specific cells. Through the combination of exosomes with tissue engineering, novel sustained release drug delivery systems are being developed. On the other hand, many of the functions and activities of exosomes are unknown and challenges remain for clinical applications. In this review, the possibilities of intra-articular treatments utilizing exosomes and the challenges in using exosomes in therapy are discussed.  相似文献   
Origin recognition complex (ORC) binds to replication origins in eukaryotic DNAs and plays an important role in replication. Although yeast ORC is known to sequence-specifically bind to a replication origin, how human ORC recognizes a replication origin remains unknown. Previous genome-wide studies revealed that guanine (G)-rich sequences, potentially forming G-quadruplex (G4) structures, are present in most replication origins in human cells. We previously suggested that the region comprising residues 413–511 of human ORC subunit 1, hORC1413–511, binds preferentially to G-rich DNAs, which form a G4 structure in the absence of hORC1413–511. Here, we investigated the interaction of hORC1413-511 with various G-rich DNAs derived from human c-myc promoter and telomere regions. Fluorescence anisotropy revealed that hORC1413–511 binds preferentially to DNAs that have G4 structures over ones having double-stranded structures. Importantly, circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) showed that those G-rich DNAs retain the G4 structures even after binding with hORC1413–511. NMR chemical shift perturbation analyses revealed that the external G-tetrad planes of the G4 structures are the primary binding sites for hORC1413–511. The present study suggests that human ORC1 may recognize replication origins through the G4 structure.  相似文献   
The liver directly accepts blood from the gut and is, therefore, exposed to intestinal bacteria. Recent studies have demonstrated a relationship between gut bacteria and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Approximately 10–20% of NAFLD patients develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and endotoxins produced by Gram-negative bacilli may be involved in NAFLD pathogenesis. NAFLD hyperendotoxicemia has intestinal and hepatic factors. The intestinal factors include impaired intestinal barrier function (leaky gut syndrome) and dysbiosis due to increased abundance of ethanol-producing bacteria, which can change endogenous alcohol concentrations. The hepatic factors include hyperleptinemia, which is associated with an excessive response to endotoxins, leading to intrahepatic inflammation and fibrosis. Clinically, the relationship between gut bacteria and NAFLD has been targeted in some randomized controlled trials of probiotics and other agents, but the results have been inconsistent. A recent randomized, placebo-controlled study explored the utility of lubiprostone, a treatment for constipation, in restoring intestinal barrier function and improving the outcomes of NAFLD patients, marking a new phase in the development of novel therapies targeting the intestinal barrier. This review summarizes recent data from studies in animal models and randomized clinical trials on the role of the gut–liver axis in NAFLD pathogenesis and progression.  相似文献   
In injection molding, high pressure is required to completely replicate the mold geometry, due to the viscosity of thermoplastic polymers, the reduced thickness of the cavity, and the low mold temperature. The reduction of the drag required to fill a thin‐wall injection molding cavity can be promoted by inducing the strong slip of the polymer melt over the mold surface, which occurs within the first monolayer of macromolecules adsorbed at the wall. In this work, the effects of different laser‐induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) topographies on the reduction of the melt flow resistance of polypropylene were characterized. Ultrafast laser processing of the mold surface was used to manufacture nano‐scale ripples with different orientation and morphology. Moreover, the effects of those injection molding parameters that mostly affect the interaction between the mold surface and the molten polymer were evaluated. The effect of LIPSS on the slip of the polymer melt was modeled to understand the effect of the different treatments on the pressure required to fill the thin‐wall cavity. The results show that LIPPS can be used to treat injection mold surfaces to promote the onset of wall slip, thus reducing the injection pressure up to 13%. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 59:1889–1896, 2019. © 2019 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
A full-field x-ray fluorescence imaging microscope using a Wolter mirror was constructed at Photon Factory BL3C2. White x rays from a bending magnet were used to excite x-ray fluorescence and to enhance the x-ray fluorescence intensity. A photon-counting method using a charge-coupled device was applied to obtain an x-ray fluorescence spectrum at the image plane. The spatial distributions of some specific atoms such as Fe and Zn were obtained from photon-counting calculations. An energy resolution of 220 eV at the Fe Kalpha line was obtained from the x-ray fluorescence spectrum by the photon-counting method. The newly developed three-dimensional element mappings of the specific atoms were accomplished by the photon-counting method and a reconstruction technique using computed tomography.  相似文献   
Palladium-catalyzed hydroxycarbonylations of aryl halides and benzyl chloride derivatives proceeded in ionic liquid media (l-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (1), tetrafluoroborate (2) and Aliquat®336 (3)). The palladium-catalyst/mixture could be recycled, after separation of the product by extraction with water. The use of ionic liquid media greatly increased the yield of benzoic acid in hydroxycarbonylation.  相似文献   
Experiments in liquid-liquid dispersion were performed using a circular loop reactor designed for suspension polymerization. In order to vary widely differences in physical properties such as the viscosity, density, and interfacial tension between the two liquids concerned, polystyrene pellets were dissolved into the dispersed phase which consisted of a styrene monomer liquid. The diameter distributions and mean diameters of droplets formed were measured by stepwise changes in the impeller diameter. From these results, the effect of the impeller diameter on the breakup of droplets was determined. Correlations relating the mean droplet diameter to the operational conditions were derived.  相似文献   
We investigated the microstructural changes on an atomic length scale during thermal decomposition process of Ca-deficient hydroxyapatite (Ca-def HAp) by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Ca-def HAp was prepared by hydrolysis of -tricalcium phosphate. The Ca-def HAp had a whisker-like morphology 2–5 m in length and 0.1 m in diameter that was elongated along c-axis. Thicker planer defects parallel to the (100) plane of the HAp matrix were observed as precipitation in the sample annealed at 700 and 800 °C by HRTEM observation. Thickness of the precipitation was about 10 nm and the boundaries between the precipitation and HAp matrix was coincident. The periodicity in the precipitation was parallel to the (100) plane of the HAp matrix and measured to be 1.42 nm. Since the precipitation was observed only in the sample annealed at a narrow temperature range of 700–800 °C, it was regarded as a metastable phase formed on the thermal decomposition process. Absorption peaks in IR spectra of annealed Ca-def HAp containing the metastable phase appeared at 744 and 3538 cm–1 due to non-stoichiometric HAp with high Ca/P molar ratio. Furthermore, the results of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy showed that the metastable phase had higher Ca/P molar ratio than that of the matrix and stoichiometric HAp. Therefore, the metastable phase could be identified as Ca-rich metastable phase. The presence of Ca-rich metastable phase was confirmed to be associated with the thermal decomposition process.  相似文献   
In a very rough experiment using two MgO plates, coated with a 200 Å thick YBaCuO film to increase their reflectivity, and facing each other their YBaCuO films to make a Perot-Fabry (PF) interferometer, we have observed a 43% maximum transmission and a finesse around 33 at v=29 cm?1, in good accordance with a new phenomenological model for YBaCuO. Much higher performances can be expected by optimizing the YBaCuO film thickness.  相似文献   
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