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The self-assembly of short peptides into catalytic amyloid-like nanomaterials has proven to be a powerful tool in both understanding the evolution of early proteins and identifying new catalysts for practically useful chemical reactions. Here we demonstrate that both parallel and antiparallel arrangements of β-sheets can accommodate metal ions in catalytically productive coordination environments. Moreover, synergistic relationships, identified in catalytic amyloid mixtures, can be captured in macrocyclic and sheet-loop-sheet species, that offer faster rates of assembly and provide more complex asymmetric arrangements of functional groups, thus paving the way for future designs of amyloid-like catalytic proteins. Our findings show how initial catalytic activity in amyloid assemblies can be propagated and improved in more-complex molecules, providing another link in a complex evolutionary chain between short, potentially abiotically produced peptides and modern-day enzymes.  相似文献   
The click beetle species Agriotes acuminatus is distributed in open deciduous forests throughout a large area in Europe. In order to identify its sex pheromone, gland extracts of female beetles were investigated by using GC/MS. Neryl butanoate and 2,6-dimethyl-(Z,E)-2,6-octadien-1,8-diol dihexanoate, in a ratio of approximately 1:5, were the only volatile compounds present in the extracts. Structures of both esters were confirmed by synthesis. Field experiments revealed a strong attraction of A. acuminatus males towards neryl butanoate, which could be synergistically enhanced by addition of 2,6-dimethyl-(Z,E)-2,6-octadien-1,8-diol dihexanoate. The latter compound alone did not show any attractive effect. While all Agriotes spp. investigated to date use geranyl and/or (E,E)-farnesyl esters as sex pheromones, the nerol derivatives of A. acuminatus are the first (Z)-2-configurated pheromones within this genus.  相似文献   
Verification of CDM circuit simulation using an ESD evaluation circuit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, the capability of circuit simulation to predict CDM robustness of integrated circuits and to determine weak circuit elements is studied. The applicability is demonstrated for an ESD evaluation circuit designed to enable the analysis and optimization of ESD protection strategies in an early design phase during the introduction of a new technology. CDM circuit simulation is compared to the measurement results of variations of this circuit in two different package types. Failure locations are verified with physical failure analysis. The failure locations and CDM failure levels were reproduced accurately with circuit simulation for all circuit and package variations.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the inter-site and intra-site reproducibility of 7 Tesla brain imaging and compares it to literature values for other field strengths.

Materials and methods

The same two subjects were imaged at eight different 7 T sites. MP2RAGE, TSE, TOF, SWI, EPI as well as B1 and B0 field maps were analyzed quantitatively to assess inter-site reproducibility. Intra-site reproducibility was measured with rescans at three sites.


Quantitative measures of MP2RAGE scans showed high agreement. Inter-site and intra-site reproducibility errors were comparable to 1.5 and 3 T. Other sequences also showed high reproducibility between the sites, but differences were also revealed. The different RF coils used were the main source for systematic differences between the sites.


Our results show for the first time that multi-center brain imaging studies of the supratentorial brain can be performed at 7 T with high reproducibility and similar reliability as at 3T. This study develops the basis for future large-scale 7 T multi-site studies.
Different carboxylic acid derivatives of 2,2‐dinitropropane‐1,3‐diol (DNPD) and 2,2‐bis(azidomethyl)propane‐1,3‐diol (BAMP) were synthesized to investigate their suitability as energetic plasticizers. The syntheses were carried out using acyl chlorides of acetic, propionic, and butyric acid. The obtained products were characterized by elemental analysis, NMR, and IR spectroscopy. The energetic properties of the synthesized compounds were calculated on the basis of the computed heats of formation at the CBS‐4M level of theory using the EXPLO5 version 6.02 computer code. Investigations of physical stabilities were carried out using BAM drop hammer and friction tester. Low and high temperature behavior was determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The energetic and physical properties of the synthesized compounds were compared to the literature known energetic plasticizers N‐butyl nitratoethylnitramine (BuNENA) and diethylene glycol bis(azidoacetate) ester (DEGBAA). For analyzing the plasticizing abilities, mixtures of glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) and poly(3‐nitratomethyl‐3‐methyloxetan) (polyNIMMO) were prepared with both propionyl based compounds in different ratios and investigated regarding their glass transition temperatures and viscosity. Both compounds showed plasticizing effects in the range of BuNENA.  相似文献   

Social Welfare Computing is an emerging discipline that seeks to direct technology to cause minimum societal disruption, and in particular seeks to minimize the harm caused directly by technology itself. This is markedly different from the better-understood uses of technology to create value or to address existing social needs. Innovative technologies that are widely adopted created significant value for their users; otherwise, they would not be widely adopted. Often the companies that create them obtain new sources of wealth and power, which inevitably lead to new forms of abuse of power and new forms of societal disruption. Societal disruption in turn requires social adaptation, including new regulations to influence the behavior of firms and to define and to protect the rights of individuals in the changed society. The governance of online business models is complex because regulators must meet the conflicting objectives of different segments of society, and because regulators must avoid imposing restrictions that stifle innovation. Social Welfare Computing seeks to guide social adaptation, combining insights from disciplines as varied as anthropology, business strategy, economics, strategic planning, and law.

Due to reduced thermal conductivity, vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) provide significant thermal insulation performance. Our novel vacuum panels operate at reduced pressure and are filled with a powder of precipitated silicic acid to further hinder convection and provide static stability against atmospheric pressure. To obtain an in depth understanding of heat transfer mechanisms, their interactions and their dependencies inside VIPs, detailed microscale simulations are conducted.Particle characteristics for silica are used with a discrete element method (DEM) simulation, using open source software Yade-DEM, to generate a periodic compressed packing of precipitated silicic acid particles. This aggregate packing is then imported into OpenLB (openlb.net) as a fully resolved geometry, and used to study the effects on heat transfer at the microscale. A three dimensional Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for conjugated heat transfer is implemented with open source software OpenLB, which is extended to include radiative heat transport. The infrared intensity distribution is solved and coupled with the temperature through the emissivity, absorption and scattering of the studied media using the radiative transfer equation by means of LBM. This new holistic approach provides a distinct advantage over similar porous media approaches by providing direct control and tuning of particle packing characteristics such as aggregate size, shape and pore size distributions and studying their influence directly on conduction and radiation independently. Our aim is to generate one holistic tool which can be used to generate silica geometry and then simulate automatically the thermal conductivity through the generated geometry.  相似文献   
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