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Magnetic roll separators on rare-earth magnets are suitable for removing iron impurities from various materials. The advantages of these magnetic separators over traditional ones are demonstrated. __________ Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 5, p. 33, May, 2005.  相似文献   
New functionalized styrene–maleimide copolymers were prepared by free radical copolymerization of styrene (St) and N‐4‐carboxybutylmaleimide (NBMI) in chloroform, using 2,2′‐azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as initiator. Monomer and copolymer characterization was carried out by 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR. Copolymer composition was determined by elemental analysis and Fourier‐transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The glass transition temperature (from DSC) and the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the copolymers were consistent with the thermal behavior and stability observed for alternating St–maleimide copolymers. St–NBMI copolymers crosslinked with divinylbenzene (DVB) were also synthesized and their cation exchange properties evaluated in order to assess the capacity of the new copolymers to bind metallic ions. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
In this study, an aluminum based metallic matrix (Al-2wt.% Cu) was reinforced with SiC particulates using a conventional casting technique and a new disintegrated melt deposition technique. Microstructural characterization studies conducted on the samples taken from disintegrated melt deposition technique revealed a more uniform distribution of SiC particulates and good interfacial integrity between SiC particulates and metallic matrix when compared to the conventionally cast composite samples. Results of ambient temperature mechanical tests demonstrate an increase in 0.2% YS and ultimate tensile strength of samples taken from disintegrated melt deposition technique when compared with the unreinforced and conventionally cast composite samples. The results of microstructural characterization and mechanical testing were finally rationalized in terms of the nature of processing technique employed to reinforce Al-2wt.% Cu metallic matrix with SiC particulates.  相似文献   
For pt.I see IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol.1, p.167-78 (1990). Parallel, self-organizing, hierarchical neural networks (PSHNNs) involve a number of stages with error detection at the end of each stage, i.e., rejection of error-causing vectors, which are then fed into the next stage after a nonlinear transformation. The stages operate in parallel during testing. Statistical properties and the mechanisms of vector rejection of the PSHNN are discussed in comparison to the maximum likelihood method and the backpropagation network. The PSHNN is highly fault tolerant and robust against errors in the weight values due to the adjustment of the error detection bounds to compensate errors in the weight values. These properties are exploited to develop architectures for programmable implementations in which the programmable parts are reduced to on-off or bipolar switching operations for bulk computations and attenuators for pointwise operations  相似文献   
Various methods of sounding were investigated for evaluating the quality of compacting water-saturated fine and medium sands. A comparative analysis of the data obtained with the data of direct soil sampling was carried out. The given recommendations can be used when preparing the new edition of the building codes for engineering surveys for construction. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 17–20, July–August, 1994  相似文献   
The rapid advances in molecular biology have begun to shift many of the bottlenecks in genome research from the laboratory to the data analysis facility. The pace at which this has occurred creates a situation in which software development always has to catch up with the flow of data. Since such large-scale processes were not anticipated, the analysis infrastructure has not been fully established. Furthermore, most systems that have been built were designed by the biologists who collected the data. More recently, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers have taken an interest in this problem. This has had a positive effect, since it has created a tight synergy between the informatics and the biology. Several principles affected the design of the system developed at TIGR. Each of the sample preparation, sequencing, and analysis steps had to be managed, scheduled, and tracked. This information had to be made readily available to those who needed it for carrying out their tasks. Different skill levels of the users had to be taken into account. The degree of human intervention at each step had to be evaluated and built into the design. A mixed processing environment of Macintosh and Unix platforms had to be integrated. Most importantly, the system had to save time, reduce error, and ensure uniformity of the analysis and quality of the results. In the authors' experience, the tools they have built work well because of their early decisions as to which systems to use for development. The authors settled on a robust relational database management system (Sybase) and a portable development environment (C, C++)  相似文献   
We report on the fabrication and characterization of high-speed p-type modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) with 0.7-μm and 1-μm gate-lengths having unity current-gain cut-off frequencies (fT) of 9.5 GHz and 5.3 GHz, respectively. The devices were fabricated on a high hole mobility SiGe heterostructure grown by ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHV-CVD). The dc maximum extrinsic transconductance (gm) is 105 mS/mm (205 mS/mm) at room temperature (77 K) for the 0.7-μm gate length devices. The fabricated devices show good pinch-off characteristics and have a very low gate leakage current of a few μA/mm at room temperature and a few nA/mm at 77 K  相似文献   
The authors describe and discuss the new technique, multistep adaptive flux interpolation (MAFI), and its application to image data for coding. When applied to an image, MAFI produces an output which is also in an image form, but which has a more uniform feature density and a greatly reduced size. MAFI warps the input image by removing those rows and columns which contain a majority of redundant pixels. The side information required for reconstruction is minimal, and the image can be further compressed using conventional coders, making the compression ratio even higher. Because of its warped nature, the MAFI output's statistics are also more consistent with the properties assumed by block-based discrete cosine transform (DCT) methods  相似文献   
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