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In a laboratory study using seven fresh-frozen anatomic specimen knees, the effect of total knee arthroplasty on the three-dimensional kinematics of the patella, femur, and tibia were measured. Experiments were performed in the intact knee, after division of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), after total knee arthroplasty, and after 10 degrees internal rotation, 10 degrees external rotation, 5-mm medial shift, and 5-mm lateral shift of the femoral component on the femur. The presence of a high lateral ridge on the anterior surface of the femoral component effectively prevented patellar subluxation or dislocation, but displaced and tilted the patella medially. Internal rotation or medial displacement of the femoral component exaggerated this medial patellar displacement and shift. External rotation of the femoral component corrected it, except at flexion angles greater than 100 degrees, where the femur was shifted medially on the tibia and externally rotated 15 degrees. This combination produced a net 10-mm medial displacement of the patella relative to the tibia at 120 degrees knee flexion. Lateral placement of the femoral component compensated for the effect of the high lateral ridge and allowed more normal patellar tracking while allowing tibiofemoral motions similar to those seen after sectioning of the ACL. The kinematics of the patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints were not reproduced with a total knee prosthesis that sacrifices the ACL. When using a prosthesis with a high lateral ridge, lateral placement of a femoral component prevented patellar dislocation and allowed patellar tracking patterns similar to those seen in the intact knee without further altering tibiofemoral motions.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the viscous flow about wings is very important in 3-D wing design. In transonic flow about a typical supercritical wing, the viscous effect results in a sizable reduction of the lift-to-drag ratio. The Reynolds number dependence of the flow is not clearly defined, and no known similitude exists that can be used to scale the experimental data for a particular design. Recent advances in computer technology and numerical technique have relieved the difficulty of obtaining a theoretical solution somewhat, but the lack of a proper reliable method of treating the turbulence in a time-averaged Navier-Stokes solution remains the major stumbling block.For this paper, a “zonal” approach has been used for a viscid-inviscid interaction analysis to yield an iterative solution for the viscous flow about wings in the transonic flow regime. The chord Reynolds number considered was of the order of 106 and above so that the flow was predominantly turbulent. The inviscid flow field was obtained by solving the 3-D potential flow equation. A parabolic coordinate mapping was used in the computation, in conjunction with a finite volume formulation. A new approximate factorization scheme has been developed for the iterative solution of the inviscid flow. A special far field asymptotic boundary condition that improves the accuracy and convergence of the method was derived. For the 3-D boundary layer calculation, the integral method of Myring-Smith-Stock was extensively modified to make it suitable for the interaction calculation. The effect of wing thickness was taken into account and the 3-D viscous wake was computed. The interaction calculation was formulated with a set of coupling conditions that includes the source flux distribution due to the surface boundary layer on the wing, the flux jump distribution due to the viscous wake, and the effect of the viscous wake curvature. The transpiration boundary conditions have been used for the inviscid flow in the coupled calculation. In addition, a method was devised so that the results of an analysis of the trailing edge strong interaction solution for a 2-D viscous airfoil could be adapted for the normal pressure correction near the trailing edge. The theory has been applied to supercritical wing geometries of practical interest. The converged viscous flow results compare favorably with experimental pressure data.  相似文献   
The presence of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp was analyzed in two kinds of food from animal origin in Costa Rica. 100 samples of non pasteurized milk, from the principal producing zones of the country, and 100 samples of chicken giblets, purchased in retail markets, were analyzed according to the methodology described by Food and Drug Administration, 1995. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was analyzed in both kinds of food, while L. monocytogenes was evaluated in raw milk and Salmonella spp. in chicken giblets. Five strains of E. coli O157:H7 were isolated, three of them coming from chicken giblets and the other two from raw milk. 15% positivity for Salmonella spp. was found in chicken giblet samples and 3% positivity for L. monocytogenes in raw milk samples. The results obtained show the importance of the adequate processing of food from animal origin in order to decrease the potential transmission of pathogenic agents. The introduction of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points system (HACCP) and Good Manufacturing practices in food industry keep on being the principal control measures and inocuity warranty.  相似文献   
This work presents an in situ monitoring of HVOF thermal spraying process through an acoustic emission (AE) technique in an industrial coating chamber. Single layer thermal spraying on substrate was carried out through slits. Continuous multilayer thermal spraying onto the sample without slit was also conducted. The AE was measured using a broadband piezoelectric AE sensor positioned on the back of the substrate. A mathematical model has been developed to determine the total kinetic energy of particles impacting the substrate through slits. Results of this work demonstrate that AE associated with particle impacts can be used for in situ monitoring of coating process. Results also show that the amplitude and AE energy is related to the spray gun transverse speed and the oxy-fuel pressure. The measured AE energy was found to vary with the number of particles impacting the substrate, determined using the mathematical model.  相似文献   
Thin-film plasma polymer coatings were deposited on to titanium, stainless steel and 70/30 copper-nickel substrates from hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) as potential permanent promoters of dropwise condensation of steam. Long-term durability condensation tests showed that HMDSO films on titanium exposed to low-velocity steam performed well with some lifetimes in excess of 12 000 h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to monitor the dependence of chemical composition of the films on the deposition conditions and it was shown that composition was not critically dependent on deposition conditions. Additionally, XPS was used to monitor chemical composition before and after exposure of specimens to steam in an attempt to identify the failure mechanisms for films which had ceased to sustain dropwise condensation over their entire surface. Furthermore, short tube sections were coated with plasma-polymerized HMDSO and exposed to steam at elevated velocities. In this case the durability was poor and this is attributed to water droplet impingement erosion on the tube surfaces. This was confirmed by a subsequent test where no water droplets were present in the steam flow and the coating lifetime was seen to increase.  相似文献   
We use the Gibsonian ecological construct of affordance to integrate personality and social psychology. Illustrative applications include the interpersonal implications of depression, the nature of social competence, the meaning of traits, and various aspects of the structure and function of attitudes. We also use the affordance concept to derive a lock-and-key metaphor for integrating personality and social psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The study was designed to test the hypothesis that aging in cattle is associated with reduced developmental competence of oocytes. The hypothesis was tested by comparing embryo production and pregnancy rates between 13- to 16-year-old cows (n = 6 in Year 1 and n = 9 in Year 2) and their 3- to 6-year-old young daughters (n = 8 in Year 1 and n = 9 in Year 2) after superovulation and transfer of embryos into an unrelated group of young recipients. Embryos were transferred into 2- to 5-year-old recipient cows (n = 99) as singletons (n = 45) or in pairs (n = 54 pairs). Embryo survival in recipients was determined by ultrasonography and by the number of calves born. Between old versus young cows, the number of ovulations (31 +/- 4 vs 38 +/- 3; P = 0.2) and the number of corpora lutea (25 +/- 3 vs 29 +/- 2; P = 0.3) did not differ, but fewer (P = 0.04) embryos were recovered from old cows (6 +/- 2) than their daughters (12 +/- 2). A higher proportion (P < 0.0001) of unfertilized oocytes/uncleaved zygotes were recovered from old cows (222/312, 71%) than their daughters (119/316, 38%). Among the embryos recovered, the proportion of International Embryo Transfer Society Grades 1-2 embryos was similar (P = 0.9) between old (59/90, 66%) and young cows (130/194, 67%). The survival of embryos after transfer into recipients, and the proportion of calves born were also similar between old and young cows. In conclusion, recovery of fewer embryos and a greater proportion of unfertilized oocytes/uncleaved zygotes suggest reduced developmental competence of oocytes from old cows, but there was no difference between age groups in embryo survival after the morula/blastocyst stage.  相似文献   
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