The purpose of this paper is to present a formulation of a curved thin-walled box beam finite element having a variable cross-section with at least one vertical axis of symmetry.
To allow for the effects of warping and distortion, three degrees of freedom have been included in the formulation. These degrees of freedom have been designated as the rate of change of twisting angle, the distortional angle of the cross-section, and the rate of change of distortional angle. The effect of shear lag has also been included.
The element may be used for the elastic analysis of a variety of thin-walled structures and in particular for the preliminary analysis of box bridge decks where a three-dimensional analysis may be unnecessary. The accuracy of the element has been demonstrated by comparison of the results obtained with known results from other methods for some examples. 相似文献
Although it is extensively researched, flocculation in the water-treatment industry lacks a design procedure to assess accurately the performance of the different types of agitator impeller which are available. New high-efficiency, hydrofoil-type impellers offer substantial potential for flocculation duties in many areas, provided that they are applied correctly. This paper highlights the importance of the 'velocity gradient'and the distribution of shear within the agitation system. The objective of the paper is to help engineers to evaluate different types of proprietary impeller designs, using various techniques to examine the shear distribution applied to the system. 相似文献
A method of evaluating the stress-strain state of frozen soils, which takes into account the existence of elastoviscoplastic
and temperature deformations over time under variable external effects, is described.
Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 10–13, July–August, 1997. 相似文献
The computer model developed has been used successfully for studying the large pipe-bending problem frequently encountered in offshore structural engineering. The pipe-soil interaction is modelled by using the Coulomb friction law. The modified finite element approach coupled with a modified tangent stiffness procedure is used to handle the nonlinearities (geometric and material, etc.) in the problem. The material nonlinearity has been considered both by the plastic-hinge method and by an elastic-plastic method. Before studying the practical problems, sufficient check problems were analysed and a good agreement was found between theoretically exact solutions and the results obtained from the developed computer model. 相似文献
The weatherability of the basalts in the Capivara Dam site, Rio Paranapanema, São Paulo State, Brazil, has been studied by means of saturation-drying tests. A great number of samples have disaggre — gated intensively with production of fines. The behavior of these rocks is related to their petrography, especially to their content in expansive clay minerals. These studies were performed in order to obtain data for the utilization of this material as rock fill, including ripraps. 相似文献
Rolling Dynamic Compaction(RDC),which is a ground improvement technique involving non-circular modules drawn behind a tractor,has provided the construction industry with an improved ground compaction capability,especially with respect to a greater influence depth and a higher speed of compaction,resulting in increased productivity. However,to date,there is no reliable method to predict the effectiveness of RDC in a range of ground conditions. This paper presents a new and unique predictive tool developed by means of artificial neural networks(ANNs) that permits a priori prediction of density improvement resulting from a range of ground improvement projects that employed 4-sided RDC modules;commercially known as"impact rollers". The strong coefficient of correlation(i.e. R0.86) and the parametric behavior achieved in this study indicate that the model is successful in providing reliable predictions of the effectiveness of RDC in various ground conditions. 相似文献