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高性能计算机电源系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从系统级、机柜级、板级三方面详细介绍了某高性能计算机电源系统的实现方案。重点介绍了计算板的电源和控制电路的设计方法,并对电源系统的稳定性进行了分析,提出了解决方法,最后给出了系统运行时的电源实测波形。运行结果表明,该系统具有供电质量高,可靠性高,易于维护,能进行故障诊断等优点。  相似文献   
针对单相电压型逆变器固有的输出电压幅值和相位落后于给定的问题,采用了一种多环反馈加前向通道前馈补偿的控制方案,该方案使逆变器在空载和负载下,其输出电压的幅值和相位均能完全跟踪正弦给定,同时使系统具有优异的稳压特性、动态特性和对非线性负载的适应性.介绍了该方案的理论依据,并搭建了一台2kVA的实验样机.实验结果证明了该方案的有效性.  相似文献   
介绍了命令流方法在液压机ANSYS有限元建模的起因和用途,并作了实例建模,最后指出对计算机应用软件的二次开发在液压机结构设计中的必要性.  相似文献   
Sirex noctilio Fabricius (Hymenoptera Siricidae) is a major quarantine pest responsible for substantial economic losses in the pine industry. To achieve better pest control, (Z)-3-decen-ol was identified as the male pheromone and used as a field chemical trapping agent. However, the interactions between odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) and pheromones are poorly described. In this study, SnocOBP9 had a higher binding affinity with Z3D (Ki = 1.53 ± 0.09 μM) than other chemical ligands. Molecular dynamics simulation and binding mode analysis revealed that several nonpolar residues were the main drivers for hydrophobic interactions between SnocOBP9 and Z3D. Additionally, computational alanine scanning results indicated that five amino acids (MET54, PHE57, PHE71, PHE74, LEU116) in SnocOBP9 could potentially alter the binding affinity to Z3D. Finally, we used single-site-directed mutagenesis to substitute these five residues with alanine. These results imply that the five residues play crucial roles in the SnocOBP9-Z3D complex. Our research confirmed the function of SnocOBP9, uncovered the key residues involved in SnocOBP9-Z3D interactions, and provides an inspiration to improve the effects of pheromone agent traps.  相似文献   
在差别矩阵的基础上,针对不完备决策表提出了基于差别矩阵的区分对象对集定义,并证明求不完备决策表的核可以转化到求基于差别矩阵的区分对象对集上。在此基础上,提出了一种基于区分对象对的不完备决策表求核算法,该算法的时间复杂度为:[max{O(|C||U||Upos|),O(K|C||U|)}],优于同类算法的时间复杂度;用实例说明了新算法的有效性。  相似文献   
面向高级综合验证的数据流图提取技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文主要讨论高级综合系统RTL(register transfer level)级综合结果正确性验证策略的确 定及验证系统设计中DFG(data flow graph)逆向获取算法的设计与实现.算法主要包括4个处 理阶段:FSM(finite state machine)动态分析及控制输出获取;FSM当前状态下数据通道有 效元件分析;数据通道结构到DFG操作结点转换;DFG结点间数据依赖关系分析、共享寄存器 变量分离及有向边的形成.  相似文献   
阐述了一个基于PC的点火线圈数据采集处理系统。在VB本身的功能局限的情况下,采用VB和VC的混合编程来对Ю口进行操作。  相似文献   
It is well known that coarse spatial resolution is an important factor for the occurrence of mixed pixels in remote sensing images, and conventional approaches for spectral unmixing adopt various techniques on spectral dimension only in a fixed spatial resolution. In this article, a super resolution (SR) approach for spectral unmixing is proposed, based on the assumption that increasing the spatial resolution helps to retrieve the composition of a pixel. Firstly, a remote sensing image is downscaled into an SR image using example-based kernel ridge regression (EBKRR). Secondly, the SR image is classified using supervised hard classification, and then the class map is decomposed into thematic class layers. Thirdly, the thematic class layers are upscaled into the original spatial resolution with an averaging operation, and the abundance maps are finally derived. In two simulated data-based experiments and one ground data-based experiment, this approach was compared with linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) and artificial neural network (ANN)-based spectral unmixing methods. The accuracy assessment indicated that the SR approach outperformed LSMA and ANN under measurements of mean absolute error and absolute bias in the three experiments.  相似文献   
为解决实际电子产品设计和开发过程中的问题,以EWB仿真软件为例,详细讨论了D/A数模转换电路和集成DAC芯片的仿真。根据仿真结果得知:温度的影响:当温度从0℃升高到100℃的过程中,输出电压快速升高,最后波动幅度逐渐减小,趋于恒定;电路参数的影响:当R1从1kΩ线性增大到10kΩ,初始输出线性升高,后由于非线性失真趋于恒定,因此设计倒T形电路网络D/A转换器时需注意电阻的精确度。对于集成DAC,当数字输入值较高时转换精度下降。  相似文献   
李晶  丁丹一  刘曦  罗锦 《蓄电池》2010,47(2):82-84
通过对阀控式铅酸蓄电池5h不离线放电测试方法及其放电终止电压值的研究,实现了一种安全、快速的变电站用蓄电池状态评估方法——“50%放电”,同时满足DL/T724—2000标准对变电站仅有一组蓄电池的安全测试要求。  相似文献   
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