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In this study, parabolic trough collector with an integrated source of geothermal water is used with regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater, an electrolyzer, and an absorption cooling system. The absorption fluids used in the solar collectors were Al2O3‐ and Fe2O3‐based nanofluids. Detailed energetic and exergetic analyses are done for the whole system including all the components. A comparative analysis of both the used working fluids is done and plotted against their different results. The parameters that are varied to change the output of the system are ambient temperature, solar irradiance, the percentage of nanofluids, the mass flow rate of the geothermal well, the temperature gradient of the geothermal well that had an effect on the net power produced, and the outlet temperature of the solar collector overall energetic and exergetic efficiencies. Other useful outputs by this domestic integrated multigeneration system are the heating of domestic water, space heating (maintaining the temperature at 40°C‐50°C), and desalination of seawater (flash distillation). The hydrogen production rate for both the fluids diverges with each other, both producing average from 0.00490 to 0.0567 g/s.  相似文献   
This article presents the computational fluid dynamic simulation of the heat transfer characteristics induced by a swap swirl air‐jet generator on the impingement surface. The study was carried out for conventional and swap twist tape inserts of twisted ratio y = 2.93 with various swap angles (α = 30°, 60°, 90°) at a constant distance of nozzle diameter impingement plate (L = 2D). The results show that the Nusselt number of the swirl impingement air‐jet depends on the twisted tape swap angles and airflow rate. The results also showed that the swap angle of 90° gave notable uniform local heat transfer distribution compared with the typical twist tape and other swap twist tapes (α = 30°, 60°). In addition, the predicted results of the local heat transfer coefficient help explain the local turbulence intensity and generation to assist the industrial applications of swirl impingement air‐cooling jet.  相似文献   
The role of radiations in textile processing is gaining attention due to its low cost, energy effectiveness and eco-friendly process. This study is concerned with the improvement in modulation of microwave assisted vat dyeing of cellulosic fiber. It was found that radiation treatment of both cotton fabric and dye solution for 1 min gives good color strength, while for redox reaction, 2.5 g of NaHSO3, 2 mL of CH3COOH, and 1.5 mL of H2O2 are the optimized conditions which show it is a cost-effective tool. Good color strength was obtained at 65 °C for 1 h dyeing using 50 mL of optimal solution in dye bath at pH 9. Finally, ISO standards for color fastness to light, washing, rubbing and perspiration were applied at 0.5–2.5% of shade at optimal conditions which showed that microwave treatment has enhanced the color characteristics. Hence, the technique can successfully and easily be employed for surface modification of fabric for good quality dyeing with various classes of dyes.  相似文献   
This short communication reports on a radar approach for structural health monitoring of wind turbine blades. Therefore, a bistatic frequency‐modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar in the frequency range from 33.4 to 36.0 GHz has been developed and tested experimentally using a laboratory wind turbine demonstrator. A differential damage localization framework is presented here that exploits signal differences between measurements from the intact and the damaged structure for 3D imaging of the defect. We have achieved the localization of a 30‐mm cut in a glass fiber composite structure as well as the localization of a water pack at the backside of the specimen with a localization error of several centimeters.  相似文献   
The residual properties of concrete subjected to elevated temperature are of importance to assess the stability of the structure. This paper investigates the performance of concrete containing white ware ceramic sand exposed to elevated temperature. Concrete mixes containing 0%, 50%, and 100% ceramic sand were prepared. The specimen were exposed to elevated temperatures of 200°C, 500°C, and 800°C for a duration of 60 minutes. Their residual mechanical properties (compressive strength, split tensile strength), ultra sonic pulse velocity, and mass change for different cooling regimes were investigated and compared among specimen. The results showed that incorporation of ceramic sand in concrete mixes improved the resistance against elevated temperature of hardened concrete.  相似文献   
This article presents a comparison analysis of OMIT (Ozone Monitoring Instrument retrieved overpass total ozone column (TOC)), and DOST (Dobson Ozone Spectrophotometer observed TOC) over Delhi during a period from October 2004 to June 2011. Megacity Delhi, located in Indo-Gangetic Basin, is an important site for comparison of ground-based and satellite retrieved TOCs due to significant anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursors, large shift in seasons, and large-scale crop residue burning in the region. DOST and OMIT data show an overall bias of 3.07% and significant correlation with coefficient of determination R2 = 0.73. Large seasonal fluctuations in the biases and correlations have been observed ranging from 2.46% (winter) to 3.82% (spring), and R2 = 0.84 (winter) to R2 = 0.09 (summer), respectively. The large biases are attributed to changes in temperature, cloud cover, pollutants emissions from urban area, and crop-residue burning events. We also find notable variations in correlations between the datasets due to the varying burden of absorbing aerosols from open field crop-residue burning. The R2 has changed from 0.67 (for aerosol optical depth, AOD 1.5–3.5) to 0.77 (for AOD 0–0.99). The dependence of the bias on solar zenith angle, cloud fraction, and satellite distance is also discussed. A simple linear regression analysis is applied to check the linkage between DOST and OMIT. The influence of atmospheric air temperature and relative humidity on OMIT at different pressure levels between 1000 and 20 hPa has been discussed.  相似文献   
Nickel alloys including Inconel 718 are considered as challenging materials for machining. Laser beam machining could be a promising choice to deal with such materials for simple to complex machining features. The machining accuracy is mainly dependent on the rate of material removal per laser scan. Because of the involvement of many laser parameters and complexity of the machining mechanism it is not always simple to achieve machining with desired accuracy. Actual machining depth extremely varies from very low to aggressively high values with reference to the designed depth. Thus, a research is needed to be carried out to control the process parameters to get actual material removal rate (MRRact) equals to the theoretical material removal rate (MRRth) with minimum surface roughness (SR) of the machined surfaces. In this study, five important laser parameters have been used to investigate their effects on MRR and SR. Statistical analysis are performed to identify the significant parameters with their strength of effects. Mathematical models have been developed and validated to predict the machining responses. Optimal set of laser parameters have also been proposed and confirmed to achieve the actual MRR close to the designed MRR (MRR% = 100.1%) with minimum surface roughness (Ra = 2.67 µm).  相似文献   
Next‐generation optoelectronic applications such as virtual and augmented reality systems need ultrahigh resolution displays with a greater number of smaller, tightly packed pixels to avoid issues such as aliasing and the screen‐door effect. High‐resolution grid electrodes with submicron or nanoscale line widths are ideal for successful integration of more pixels with smaller light‐emitting diodes. Solution‐printed metal grid electrodes are a cost‐effective alternative to the vapor‐deposited indium tin oxide or metal grid transparent electrodes, but a scalable method to print high‐resolution (≤2 µm line width) grid structures over large flexible or rigid substrates remains elusive. A versatile, scalable, directed assembly process is presented for printing high‐resolution grid transparent conductive electrodes under ambient conditions using silver nanoparticles over large substrates. Silver grid electrodes with line widths of 2 µm and 300 nm are printed using the described process. The aspect ratio and hence the electrical properties of the transparent electrodes are tailored using the withdrawal speed and the depth of the patterned photoresist. A high‐performance grid electrode with a sheet resistance of 43 Ω sq−1 and an average transmittance of ≈93% to visible light is realized. The printed grid electrodes are also remarkably flexible and are suited to a wide variety of conventional and emerging optoelectronic applications.  相似文献   
We present a simple Landau free energy functional for cubic-to-orthorhombic and cubic-to-monoclinic martensitic phase transformations. The functional is derived following group–subgroup relations between different martensitic phases – tetragonal, trigonal, orthorhombic and monoclinic – in order to fully capture the symmetry properties of the free energy of the austenite and martensite phases. The derived free energy functional is fitted to the elastic and thermodynamic properties of NiTi and NiTiCu shape memory alloys which exhibit cubic-to-monoclinic and cubic-to-orthorhombic martensitic phase transformations, respectively.  相似文献   
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