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Experimental investigation on a hole edge supported slab with punching shear reinforcement In order to prevent the punching of conventional flat slabs, various design concepts resting upon numerous experiments have been developed and enshrined in design codes. Hole edge supported flat slabs with a small load application area have not been considered in these design codes. Previous experimental and numerical investigations showed the different load bearing behavior of conventional flat slabs and hole edge supported flat slabs with a small load application area. It was found that, resulting from these differences and depending on the kind of hole edge support, the punching shear capacity of hole edge supported flat slabs is possibly overestimated when using existing design codes. Linked to this the question raised how the use of punching shear reinforcement will lead to an increased punching shear capacity of hole edge supported slabs. In order to answer this question, a tentative test analogous to previous experiments was carried out on a flat slab specimen with punching shear reinforcement in the form of stud rails. In the following, the results of this test are reported and compared to the findings of the previous investigations.  相似文献   
Microbial exposure is related to the health of passengers on commercial aircraft, but no studies characterized the microbial composition at the species level and identified their ecological determinants. We collected vacuum dust from floor and seat surfaces in flight decks and cabins of 18 aircraft, and amplification-free shotgun metagenomics was conducted to characterize the microbial composition. In total, 7437 microbial taxa were identified. The relative abundance for bacteria, eukaryote, viruses, and archaea was 96.9%, 1.8%, 0.3%, and 0.03%, respectively. The top bacterial species mainly derived from outdoor air and human skin included Sphingomonas, Corynebacterium, Micrococcus luteus, Variovorax paradoxus, Paracoccus dentrificans, and Propionibacterium acnes. The abundance of NIAID-defined pathogens was low, accounted for only 0.23% of total microbes. The microbial species and functional composition were structured by the indoor surface type (R2 = 0.38, Adonis), followed by the manufacturer of the aircraft (R2 = 0.12) and flight duration (R2 = 0.07). Indoor surfaces affected species derived from different habitats; the abundance of dry skin and desiccated species was higher on textile surfaces, whereas the abundance of moist and oily skin species was higher on leather surfaces. The growth rates for most microbes were stopped and almost stopped.  相似文献   

This contribution presents a novel probabilistic approach for the generation of discretionary lane change proposals with a focus on highway driving situations. The developed model is based on the quantification of the utility of driving lanes. It generates a lane change proposal if the current driving lane is unsatisfactory in the sense that the desired velocity of the automated vehicle is undershot because of a slow preceding vehicle. A driving simulator study was conducted to create a dataset for the optimization of the model parameters. The optimization goal is to accurately match the timings of the lane change intentions of all participants. Finally, the applicability of the model is shown on real data from a test vehicle.

In this paper, we give an overview of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with radial tapers. Light is generated in the very center of a circularly symmetrical structure and is outcoupled at a tapered ring. Encapsulated devices with an emission wavelength of 980 nm achieve wallplug efficiencies of 48%. Non-encapsulated InGaAlP-based red-emitting LEDs show quantum efficiencies of 13%. A new device design combines the taper with a wafer-scale soldering technique promising a feasible fabrication method  相似文献   
The electrical conductivity of new solid electrolytes Eu2.096Hf1.904O6.952 and Gd2Hf2O7 have been compared with those for different pyrochlores including titanates and zirconates Ln2+xМ2−xO7−δ (Ln = Sm-Lu; M = Ti, Zr; x = 0−0.81). Impedance spectroscopy data demonstrate that Eu2.096Hf1.904O6.952 and Gd2Hf2O7 synthesized from mechanically activated oxides have high ionic conductivity, comparable to that of their zirconate analogues. The bulk and grain-boundary components of conductivity in Sm2.096Hf1.904O6.952synth = 1600oС), Eu2.096Hf1.904O6.952 and Gd2Hf2O7synth = 1670oС) have been determined. The highest bulk conductivity is offered by the disordered pyrochlores prepared at 1600oC and 1670oC: ~1.5 × 10−4 S/cm for Sm2.096Hf1.904O6.952, 5 × 10−3 S/cm for Eu2.096Hf1.904O6.952 and 3 × 10−3 S/cm for Gd2Hf2O7 at 780oС, respectively. The conductivity of the fluorite-like phases at the phase boundaries of the Ln2+xМ2−xO7−δ (Ln = Eu, Gd; M = Zr, Hf; x ~ 0.286) solid solutions, as well as that of the high-temperature fluorite-like phases Ln2+xМ2−xO7−δ (Ln = Eu, Gd; M = Zr, Hf; x = 0−0.286), is lower than the conductivity of the disordered pyrochlores Ln2+xМ2−xO7−δ (Ln = Eu, Gd; M = Zr, Hf; x = 0−0.096).  相似文献   
In this paper, robust disturbance‐feedback strategies for finite time‐horizon problems are studied. Linear discrete‐time systems subject to linear control, state constraints, and quadratic objective functions are considered. In addition, persistent disturbances, which enter the system additively and are contained in a polytopic set, act on the system. The synthesis of robust strategies leads in the case of the traditional robust state‐feedback and open‐loop min–max strategies to, respectively, nonconvex problems or conservatism. However, robust disturbance‐feedback problems can easily be reformulated as convex problems and solved by tractable linear matrix inequalities. Hence this approach bypasses the nonconvexity issue while maintaining the advantages of feedback strategies. As a key result, it is shown that both sources of conservatism attributed to this approach, namely, the relaxation method and the affine parametrization, can be removed at the expense of an increase in computational effort. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In glioblastoma, non-classical human leucocyte antigen E (HLA-E) and HLA-G are frequently overexpressed. HLA-E loaded with peptides derived from HLA class I and from HLA-G contributes to inhibition of natural killer (NK) cells with expression of the inhibitory receptor CD94/NKG2A. We investigated whether NK cells expressing the activating CD94/NKG2C receptor counterpart were able to exert anti-glioma effects. NKG2C+ subsets were preferentially expanded by a feeder cell line engineered to express an artificial disulfide-stabilized trimeric HLA-E ligand (HLA-E*spG). NK cells expanded by a feeder cell line, which facilitates outgrowth of conventional NKG2A+, and fresh NK cells, were included for comparison. Expansion via the HLA-E*spG feeder cells selectively increased the fraction of NKG2C+ NK cells, which displayed a higher frequency of KIR2DL2/L3/S2 and CD16 when compared to expanded NKG2A+ NK cells. NKG2C+ NK cells exhibited increased cytotoxicity against K562 and KIR:HLA-matched and -mismatched primary glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells when compared to NKG2A+ NK cells and corresponding fresh NK cells. Cytotoxic responses of NKG2C+ NK cells were even more pronounced when utilizing target cells engineered with HLA-E*spG. These findings support the notion that NKG2C+ NK cells have potential therapeutic value for treating gliomas.  相似文献   
One-quarter of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) experience acute kidney injury (AKI)—an abrupt reduction or loss of kidney function associated with increased long-term mortality. There is a critical need to identify early and real-time markers of AKI in ADHF; however, to date, no protein biomarkers have exhibited sufficient diagnostic or prognostic performance for widespread clinical uptake. We aimed to identify novel protein biomarkers of AKI associated with ADHF by quantifying changes in protein abundance in the kidneys that occur during ADHF development and recovery in an ovine model. Relative quantitative protein profiling was performed using sequential window acquisition of all theoretical fragment ion spectra–mass spectrometry (SWATH–MS) in kidney cortices from control sheep (n = 5), sheep with established rapid-pacing-induced ADHF (n = 8), and sheep after ~4 weeks recovery from ADHF (n = 7). Of the 790 proteins quantified, we identified 17 candidate kidney injury markers in ADHF, 1 potential kidney marker of ADHF recovery, and 2 potential markers of long-term renal impairment (differential abundance between groups of 1.2–2.6-fold, adjusted p < 0.05). Among these 20 candidate protein markers of kidney injury were 6 candidates supported by existing evidence and 14 novel candidates not previously implicated in AKI. Proteins of differential abundance were enriched in pro-inflammatory signalling pathways: glycoprotein VI (activated during ADHF development; adjusted p < 0.01) and acute phase response (repressed during recovery from ADHF; adjusted p < 0.01). New biomarkers for the early detection of AKI in ADHF may help us to evaluate effective treatment strategies to prevent mortality and improve outcomes for patients.  相似文献   
The human central nervous system (CNS) is separated from the blood by distinct cellular barriers, including the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and the blood–cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) barrier (BCSFB). Whereas at the center of the BBB are the endothelial cells of the brain capillaries, the BCSFB is formed by the epithelium of the choroid plexus. Invasion of cells of either the BBB or the BCSFB is a potential first step during CNS entry by the Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). Lm possesses several virulence factors mediating host cell entry, such as the internalin protein family—including internalin (InlA), which binds E-cadherin (Ecad) on the surface of target cells, and internalin B (InlB)—interacting with the host cell receptor tyrosine kinase Met. A further family member is internalin (InlF), which targets the intermediate filament protein vimentin. Whereas InlF has been shown to play a role during brain invasion at the BBB, its function during infection at the BCSFB is not known. We use human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) and human choroid plexus epithelial papilloma (HIBCPP) cells to investigate the roles of InlF and vimentin during CNS invasion by Lm. Whereas HBMEC present intracellular and surface vimentin (besides Met), HIBCPP cells do not express vimentin (except Met and Ecad). Treatment with the surface vimentin modulator withaferin A (WitA) inhibited invasion of Lm into HBMEC, but not HIBCPP cells. Invasion of Lm into HBMEC and HIBCPP cells is, however, independent of InlF, since a deletion mutant of Lm lacking InlF did not display reduced invasion rates.  相似文献   
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