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夏文光 《煤炭工程》2000,(11):40-41
智能大厦设计中采用综合布线系统,解决建立统一的弱电信息传输平台,使各自动化系统之间达到统一管理,综合实现各自功能的目的.  相似文献   
By using the theory of clipping voltage-switches, two kinds of master/slave nMOS quaternary flip-flops are designed. These flip-flops have the capability of two-input presetting and double-rail complementary outputs. It is shown that these flip-flops are effectively suitable to design nMOS quaternary sequential circuits by designing two examples of hexadecimal up-counter and decimal up-counter. Supported by Youth Science & Technology Foundation of Ningbo Science & Technology Commission and by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新的神经网络模型用以求解带等式约束的二次规划问题。本模型大大改进了Shenguei zhang等人(1992)给出的二阶神经网络。后者的结构复杂,且只适用于求解具有唯一最优解的情况,而不能求解最优解为无界集合的情形。与它相比,本文提出的新神经网络模型不仅能够精确求解具有唯一最优解的情况,而且还能实时求解最优解集合为无界的情况,此外,在结构上也大为简化,易于电路实现。  相似文献   
为研究松辽盆地齐家—古龙凹陷白垩系青山口组黑色页岩的沉积环境,利用岩心描述、薄片资料及地球化学数据开展岩相分析与沉积模式建立。结合有机碳含量和矿物组成划分出6种岩相,即富有机质黏土质页岩、富有机质长英质页岩、富有机质含生屑长英质页岩、贫有机质长英质泥岩、贫有机质含生屑长英质泥岩及贫有机质介壳灰岩。青山口组富有机质页岩并不全是静滞水体中悬浮沉积的产物,大量微米级的微波状纹层、透镜状层理、交错层理、粒序层理、冲刷充填构造以及定向排列的介屑佐证了浊流和底流作用的存在。微量元素分析表明,青一段湖盆面积大,水体深,虽有底流和浊流作用,但保持较强的还原环境,形成富有机质的黏土质页岩、粉砂质页岩和含生屑粉砂质页岩的互层,发育各种纹层。青二段、青三段随着湖平面下降,三角洲注入能力增强,贫氧环境受到破坏,有机质保存条件变差,岩相向贫有机质块状泥岩转变。  相似文献   
Recent results are extended on difference methods for the prediction of bandlimited signals, obtained by D.H. Mugler and W. Splettstosser (1986, 1987) and by D.H. Mugler (1990), are extended to generalized bandlimited signals defined by M. Zakai (1965) and A.J. Lee (1975, 1976). This makes the difference method applicable to a wider class of signals  相似文献   
二维水波数学模型的实验验证   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了验证基于缓坡方程的波浪折射和绕射综合问题的数学模型,在波浪水池中,对缓坡地形上的双突堤在规则波,单向不规则波和多向不规则波作用下的折射,绕射综合影响进行了实验研究,并将实验得到的结果和数值计算结果进行了比较。  相似文献   
水电枢纽下游河床下切问题的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河床演变过程极为复杂,影响因素较多,但尽管它们的表现形式不同,归根结底,是由于水流的输沙不平衡所引起的,当来沙量小于输沙能力时,河床发生冲刷:当来沙量大于输沙能力时,河床发生淤积,河床演变的结果是力图恢复水流输沙平衡,也就是说河床变形总是朝着使变形终止的方向发展。  相似文献   
早在40年代,著名的苏联地质学家H·C·沙茨基在系统研究古地台构造时,发现古地台边缘普遍存在着一种“横向边缘构造”。早期,他称之为“横向边缘拗陷”(沙茨基1946,1947);随后在1960年,他正式将这种构造命名为裂陷槽,意指初生的槽沟。按沙茨基的说明,它是地台边缘狭长形的盆地,其走向横切地台同与地台毗邻的地槽褶皱带的交线的延展方向。裂陷槽所在就是地槽褶皱带以一定的角度(称为内角)突入地台的部位。  相似文献   
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) can provide value-added services to both drivers and passengers with on-board vehicular communication systems. Node mobility and volatile wireless connection in VANETs affect inter-contact time (T I ) between mobile nodes, which greatly degrades the performance of vehicular applications. Nevertheless, the node spatial distribution in VANETs is another important factor especially in real applications. It positively affects the inter-contact time of vehicular nodes. By leveraging it, we can significantly improve the performance of data transmissions and inter-vehicle communication. To this end, we investigate the data collected from around 4,000 taxisin Shanghai and propose in this paper an efficient hot road mobility model. We find that most taxis distribute on some hot roads, which makes the node spatial distribution follow the power law. Based on this observation, we propose the concepts of indirect contact and heterogeneous inter-contact time (T H ) to reveal how hot roads can change the distribution of inter-contact time. We find that the tail distribution of T H also appears the power law, and both node spatial distribution and T H distribution decay at least as the power law. We further propose a model for detecting vehicle mobility in hot roads, which can generates synthetic traces that captures both spatial and temporal features of nodes in VANETs.  相似文献   
Simple iterative methods to exploit the signal-space diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Signal-space diversity is a power- and bandwidth-efficient diversity technique. To exploit the signal-space diversity, joint maximum-likelihood (ML) detection at the receiver is usually needed, where the complexity grows exponentially with the dimension of the lattice. In this letter, we propose a serial concatenated scheme and two simple iterative methods to exploit the signal-space diversity. The simple iterative methods are based on the idea of soft interference cancellation. The first iterative method is based on a vector Gaussian approximation, while the second one is based on a scalar Gaussian approximation. The complexity of the first iterative method grows cubically with the dimension of the lattice, and the simulations show that its performance approaches that of the optimal maximum a posteriori detection method. The complexity of the second iterative method grows linearly with the dimension of the lattice, and the simulations show that when the dimension of the lattice N=32, at bit-error rate =10/sup -5/, the performance gap between the Rayleigh fading channel and the Gaussian channel is only 0.3 dB.  相似文献   
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