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Sc-based nanomaterials have attracted consid-erable attention due to their unique optical properties dif-ferent from those of Ln/Y-based nanomaterials.However,s...  相似文献   
Fe2O3由于成本低廉,储量丰富和理论比容量高(1007 mA hg^-1)等特点,在锂离子电池负极材料的应用中极具发展前景.然而一些问题仍然存在,如:充放电过程中比容量的迅速衰减,不可逆的体积膨胀以及较短的循环寿命等.这些问题严重制约了Fe2O3在锂离子电池中的实际应用.为了突破这些局限,本文以金属-有机骨架(MOF...  相似文献   
The immediate and delayed metabolic changes in rats treated with valproate (VPA), a drug used for the treatment of epilepsy, were profiled. An established approach using dried blood spots (DBS) as sample matrices for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolomics profiling was modified using double solvents in the extraction of analytes. With the modified method, some of the previously undetectable metabolites were recovered and subtle differences in the metabolic changes upon exposure to a single dose of VPA between males and female rats were identified. In male rats, changes in 2-hydroxybutyric acid, pipecolic acid, tetratriacontane and stearic acid were found between the control and treatment groups at various time points from 2.5 h up to 24 h. In contrast, such differences were not observed in female rats, which could be caused by the vast inter-individual variations in metabolite levels within the female group. Based on the measured DBS drug concentrations, clearance and apparent volume of distribution of VPA were estimated and the values were found to be comparable to those estimated previously from full blood drug concentrations. The current study indicated that DBS is a powerful tool to monitor drug levels and metabolic changes in response to drug treatment.  相似文献   
阳离子基团的分布对阴离子交换膜的微观相态和阴离子传导率有显著的影响.为开发全钒液流电池用高性能阴离子交换膜,本文通过向含有二甲胺基团的氟化聚芴醚前驱体接枝含阳离子烷基链的方式,合成了具有相似离子交换容量的一系列侧链多阳离子型氟化聚芴醚.实验结果表明,多阳离子侧链的引入能促进微观相分离的形成并提升阴离子传导率.同时,侧链...  相似文献   
The heat exchanger network (HEN) in a syngas-to-methanol process was designed and optimized based on pinch technology under stable operating conditions to balan...  相似文献   
PCC在双转子连续混炼机控制系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用先进的PCC控制系统实现了对双转子连续混炼机的有效控制。介绍了该系统的整体方案,简述了该控制系统的特点,重点阐述了在设备运行中对混炼机、喂料机、单螺杆挤出机及切粒机等主要部件的连锁控制及对相关回路的PID控制。该系统具有友好的人机界面、操作简便、运行可靠等特点。  相似文献   
主题数据库技术的亲合性分析方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业信息化的本质是企业数据环境的改造,信息化过程必须以主题数据库为主线,逐步建立高档次数据环境。文章对主题数据库技术中的亲合性分析方法进行分析和改进,给出了亲合性分析的改进单向性模型和计算公式;并通过实例对企业活动之间的相关性进行分析,形成聚合性矩阵来建立主题数据库。  相似文献   
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