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本文介绍有限元分析软件--ANSYS的二次开发技术,利用该软件的技术,开发了Tripe-TEM传输室三维特性阻抗计算的参数化通用模块.与传统计算方法相比,采用参数化通用模块计算不仅提高了计算的效率,也能有效地控制计算的精确度.  相似文献   
填饲后朗德鹅肉脂营养成分分析及营养价值评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择引进的纯种法国朗德鹅进行饲养,在85日龄时,选体质强壮、健康无病、体重在4.0~43千克的朗德鹅70只进行1个月的肥育填饲,比较研究了不同填饲期的朗德鹅胸腿肌化学组成、氨基酸含量、皮下脂肪和肾脂肪的一般化学特性及主要高级脂肪酸组成等肉脂基本性状.测定结果表明:朗德鹅肌肉的干物质含量为26.27%~26.59%,粗蛋白为18.03%~19.98%,粗脂肪为8.33%~10.33%,灰分1.31%~1.92%,Ca0.03%~0.06%,P0.12%~0.15%;朗德鹅肌肉的各种必需氨基酸含量(除色氨酸外)均较高,特别是对人类具有特殊意义的赖氨酸含量高达1.07%~1.23%,与风味关系密切的谷氨酸高达2.61%~2.67%.朗德鹅脂肪的不饱和脂肪酸含量较高(59.50%~64.80%).脂肪化学特性:碘价60.69~81.02,酸价0.4521~0.5344,皂化价195.21~195.47.得出结论:填饲后朗德鹅肌肉富含呈风味物质、必需氨基酸含量丰富、脂肪含量低并且不饱和脂肪酸含量高,是人类较好的动物肉食原料.  相似文献   
Mycotoxins are highly toxic metabolites produced by fungi that pose a huge threat to human and animal health. Contamination of food and feed with mycotoxins is a worldwide issue, which leads to huge financial losses, annually. Decades of research have developed various approaches to degrade mycotoxins, among which the biological methods have been proved to have great potential and advantages. This review provides an overview on the important advances in the biological removal of mycotoxins over the last decade. Here, we provided further insight into the chemical structures and the toxicity of the main mycotoxins. The innovative strategies including mycotoxin degradation by novel probiotics are summarized in an in-depth discussion on potentialities and limitations. We prospected the promising future for the development of multifunctional approaches using recombinant enzymes and microbial consortia for the simultaneous removal of multiple mycotoxins.  相似文献   
绝缘老化过程和老化机理的研究是电力设备绝缘状态监测和状态诊断技术的基础.本文研究绝缘常用材料云母在大电机运行应力作用下的老化过程.对300MW/18kV发电机运行23年的定子线棒绝缘进行X射线衍射实验,通过衍射图谱分析绝缘中云母晶体的化学式,探讨了云母的老化过程.结果表明:在运行应力尤其是局部放电的长期作用下,定子绝缘中所有云母晶体都发生了复杂的变化,K原子数由老化前的1减小为0.75,Al离子被Fe离子和Li离子置换,羟基被F离子置换等.但还很难解释其复杂过程.  相似文献   
介绍了Invensys旗下Wonderware公司的HMI产品InTouch在变电站监控系统中的应用.  相似文献   
谢根生 《佛山陶瓷》2006,16(2):19-21
本文针对95氧化铝瓷的性能要求,用正交实验法优选出了瓷釉配方,在1530℃研制出性能稳定、釉面光滑、光泽好、坯釉适应性好、介电性能良好的瓷釉配方。  相似文献   
鞍本地区是我国最大的BIF型铁矿集中分布区,其铁矿资源量/储量约占全国总量的1/4,但由于日伪时期的掠夺式开采和矿业整合开发前的无序开发利用,在一定深度空间内遗留了大量隐伏采空区,为后期实现规模化露天开采带来极大的安全隐患,成为制约露天铁矿资源安全高效开采的难题。以弓长岭露天铁矿大砬子采区高陡边坡下的深部采空区为研究对象,利用LS_DYNA软件进行采空区的安全爆破模拟研究,结合现场深部采空区爆破参数试验结果,提出了采用孔中起爆处理采空区的方法,具体参数设置为空区预留顶板厚度3 m,孔间延期时间42 ms,排间延期时间75 ms,平均炸药单耗0.237 kg/t。在上述分析的基础上,针对大砬子露天采场高陡边坡内的深部不规则多层采空区提出了分层、分区安全爆破处理的技术方案,且空区边界用切割爆破方法处理,爆破处理效果良好,采空区得到了安全有效治理。  相似文献   

Oxygen measurement and control system is critical for minimizing corrosion in nuclear systems. Oxygen measurement and control tools use lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) and pure lead as a coolant or as a spallation target. Oxygen can be supplied by either gas phase (H2O or O2) or solid phase (PbO dissolution); thus, oxygen control includes both gas phase and solid phase methods. This article focuses on oxygen concentration measurement and control of lead-bismuth eutectic in a small, static experimental facility. This facility was developed for oxygen sensor calibration and gas/solid phase control systems test programs. The oxygen sensor with Nano Cu/Cu2O closely the Nernstian behavior down to 195°C; the oxygen sensor measurement accuracy satisfied the requirements of subsequent experiments. The gas phase control system (verified according to different type of mass transfer, such as air, H2O, gas injection, and coverage) and the solid phase control system were very successful in small experimental devices. Accurate oxygen concentration control was achieved with both the gas and solid phase control systems.  相似文献   
An experimental method is presented to determine the amount of resin flow within a composite laminate during cure. The method is analogous to the use of radioactive tracers in other applications. Heavier elements such as chlorine and bromine, which may be naturally present in small amounts in epoxy resins are used to follow resin flow and mixing. The presence and the quantity of these “tags” is determined using wavelength dispersive X-ray analysis in a scanning electron microscope. With the resins in this study, it is shown that it is possible to measure volume fractions of resin with accuracies ranging from ±0.5 to ±3 volume %. By using brominated resin in only one layer of a laminate, the degree of flow and mixing can be followed accurately. The results suggest that there is considerable resin mixing as well as flow.  相似文献   
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