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The paper addresses the design of two-level power system stabilizers using an optimal reduced order model whose state variables are torque angles and speeds. The reduced order model retains their physical meaning and is used to design a two-level linear feedback controller that takes into account the realities and constraints of electrical power systems. The two-level control strategy is used, and a global control signal is generated from the output variables to minimize the effect of interactions. The effectiveness of this controller is evaluated and a multimachine system is given as an example to illustrate the advantages of the proposed method. Responses of the system with a two-level scheme and an optimal reduced order scheme are included for comparative analysis.  相似文献   
本文介绍β放射性气体浓度计的一种新的分度方法——泄漏元件排气法。其特点是一只元件可分度放射性气体浓度计的许多读出数(甚至是几个量程),操作方便。  相似文献   
核电厂管系振动鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了核电厂管道振动鉴定概况,讨论了目前使用的管系振动的鉴定方法,给出了鉴定准则。  相似文献   
The mode of fuel management of the HTR-10 was studied, including the simulation of the fuel shuffling process and the measurement of the burnup of a fuel element. The prior consideration was the design of the equilibrium state. Based on this the fuel loading of the initial core and the fuel shuffling mode from the initial core through the running-in phase into the equilibrium state were studied. The code system VSOP was used for the physical layout of the HTR-10 at the equilibrium state and in the running-in phase. For the equilibrium state, in order to lessen the difference between the peak and the average burnup, 5-fuel-passage-through-the-core was chosen for the fuel management. The average burnup of the spent fuel for the equilibrium core is 80 000 MWd t−1, and the peak value of it is less than 100 000 MWd t−1 when the burnup of the recycled fuel element is under 72 000 MWd t−1. The mixture of fuel element and graphite element was used for the initial core loading, the volume fractions of the fuel and the graphite elements were 0.57 and 0.43, respectively. During the running-in phase, the volume fraction of graphite will decrease with the fresh fuel elements being loaded from the top of the core and the graphite elements discharged from the bottom of the core. The fuel shuffling mode is similar to that of the equilibrium state. The burnup limit of recycled fuel element is also 72 000 MWd t−1 and the peak burnup is less than 100 000 MWd t−1. Finally the core will be full of fuel elements with a certain profile of burnup and reaches the equilibrium state. According to the characteristics of the pebble-bed high temperature gas-cooled reactor, a calibrating method of concentration of 137Cs was proposed for the measurement of fuel burnup.  相似文献   
杨菠 《世界电信》2002,15(5):26-30
台湾电信市场的开放大致分四个阶段,从1995年起,陆续开放了移动通信、卫星通信及固定通信等多种业务。固网市场,2001年新世纪资通、台湾固网和力霸宽频电信的加入打破了中华电信的独家垄断,开始形成四强竞争的新局面。移动领域,1997年底6家运营商8张民营执照的发放开始了该领域史无前例的竞争。在2001年1月,台湾大哥大、远致电信、亚太行动宽频、联邦电信和中华电信获得了3G执照,累计竞标金额达488.99亿元(新台币)。  相似文献   
浅谈高层建筑火灾扑救   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前言伴随着我国经济建设的迅速发展 ,高层建筑已在各大城市大量涌现。大量的高层建筑 ,既为城市的经济发展增添了繁荣的氛围 ,同时又给消防安全提出了新的课题。近年来 ,高层建筑所引发的火灾已成为全世界关注的一个难题。据统计 ,1999年全国共发生高层建筑火灾 112 2起 ,而 2 0 0 0年则猛增到 184 32起。因此 ,加强对高层建筑火灾扑救的研究 ,对缔造良好的消防环境 ,确保经济和社会稳定至关重要。本文仅是作者的一些浅见 ,希望能有可取之处与大家分享。18世纪末至 19世纪 ,欧洲和美国的的工业革命带来了生产力的发展与经济的繁荣。这个时期…  相似文献   
Covariance-based methods of exploration of functional connectivity of the brain from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiments, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), require a priori knowledge such as an anatomical model to infer functional connectivity. In this research, a hybrid method, combining independent component analysis (ICA) and SEM, which is capable of deriving functional connectivity in an exploratory manner without the need of a prior model is introduced. The spatial ICA (SICA) derives independent neural systems or sources involved in task-related brain activation, while an automated method based on the SEM finds the structure of the connectivity among the elements in independent neural systems. Unlike second-order approaches used in earlier studies, the task-related neural systems derived from the ICA provide brain connectivity in the complete statistical sense. The use and efficacy of this approach is illustrated on two fMRI datasets obtained from a visual task and a language reading task.  相似文献   
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