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某尾矿料的物理力学性质试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
尾矿的物理力学性质如干密度、强度等与其堆存深度关系的密切程度与一般的土有较大的区别。对广东省大宝山槽对坑尾矿库尾矿料进行的物理力学性试验研究中, 得出了e-p曲线拟合幂函数方程以及尾粉砂内摩擦角和孔隙比的关系。研究表明, 各种尾矿都具有一定的凝聚力。控制尾矿排放工艺, 改善坝体的排水条件是增强坝体的稳定性的必要条件。 相似文献
基于组件的决策支持系统模型设计与实现 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
决策支持系统(Decision Support System简称DSS)是模型驱动的,DSS中模型的设计与实现是一个有待进一步研究的问题。本文把组件技术引入到DSS模型的设计与实现中来,提出基于组件技术的DSS的模型设计与实现策略。给出基于组件思想的DSS模型定义和运算,并给出基于组件技术的DSS基模型和复合模型的实现方法。 相似文献
高速公路采空区工程处理范围确定方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采空区工程处理范围确定是捆扰通过采空区高速公路建设的难题,目前尚无良好的理论计算确定方法。基于随机介质理论应用于岩土工程领域的研究成果,建立高速公路采空区地面变形计算模型,编制相关计算程序(GSM和POBA),用于耒阳—宜章(耒宜)高速公路采空区地面变形计算,成功解决高速公路采空区地面变形计算问题。提出高速公路地面变形控制指标,将其应用于耒宜高速公路采空区工程处理范围确定实践,为解决实际工程问题提供依据。 相似文献
Effects of stress conditions on rheological properties of granular soil in large triaxial rheology laboratory tests 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
In order to study the rheological properties of red stone granular soil,a series of rheological experiments were executed on large tri-axial rheological apparatus.Under 100,200 and 300 kPa confining stress conditions,the rheological tests were carried out.These experiment results showed that the stress conditions,especially the stress level were the critical influencing factors of the rheological deformation properties.Under the low stress level(S=0.1),the granular soil showed the elastic properties,and there was no obvious rheological deformation.Under the middle stress level(0.20.8) creep curves showed the non-linear viscous plastic rheological properties.Especially,under the stress level of S=1.0,the accelerated rheological phase of creep curves occurred at early time with a trend of failure.The stress level had obvious effects on the final rheological deformation of the soil sample,and the final rheological deformation increments nonlinearly increased with stress level.The final rheological deformation increment and step was little under low stress level,while it became large under high stress level,which showed the nonlinearly rheological properties of the granular soil.The confining pressure also had direct effects on final rheological deformation,and the final rheological deformation linearly increased with confining pressure increments. 相似文献
纤维加筋技术可以显著改善土体的力学性能,在岩土工程领域得到广泛的应用。玄武岩纤维作为一种新型环保的加筋材料,其与土体的力学性能得到越来越多的关注。本文通过三轴压缩试验以及动三轴试验研究了纤维含量、含水率以及围压等因素对玄武岩纤维加筋粉质黏土剪切特性、动弹性模量以及阻尼比的影响。试验结果表明:玄武岩纤维可以通过提高黏聚力来提高粉质黏土的剪切强度,当纤维含量为0.2%、含水率为18.5%(最优含水率)时,纤维加筋粉质黏土的剪切强度最大。随着纤维含量以及含水率的增加,相同动应变对应的动弹性模量呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势,当土体的纤维含量为0.2%、含水率为18.5%时,其动弹性模量最大;动弹性模量与围压呈现正相关关系。土体阻尼比随着纤维含量以及含水率的增加先减小后增大,随着围压的增加而减小。综合分析表明,本文所采用的玄武岩纤维最优含量在0.2%左右。纤维加筋粉质黏土的扫描电镜(SEM)结果表明:单根纤维与土体间的握裹作用以及纤维网间的约束作用是加筋土强度增强的主要机理。 相似文献
The improved granular mixtures are widely used as the fillings of railway 8ubgrade, and in order to investigate the effect of coarse grain content on granular mixtures, a series of field tests were conducted. The experimental results indicate that the permeability coefficient increases significantly with the increment of granite gravel content, especially in the range of 60%-70%. Thcrc exists a coarse grain content limit defined as 53%-58.5% to reform the permeable granular skeleton. Beyond this limit, the permeable granular skeleton is efficiently formed, and the macro pores between the separate gravels are partially filled, which is the explanation lbr the permeability increase. The investigations indicate the subgrade resistance modulus (ks0, Ev2, and Evd) depends on the granite gravel content, and the resistance modulus increases significantly beyond granite gravel content of 50%. The skeletons of granitc gravel clayey sand mixture change in the long-term deformation objected to the train-induced dynamic load, which involves three main repeated and circular deformation stages. Generally, the long-time deformation is explained as the gravel crushing and filling the internal porous space with crushed gravel fragments. Through these investigations, the C40-G60 or C30-G70 is recommended as an optimum soil mixture for the good permeability and high resistance modulus. 相似文献