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以无差动滚切法为基础 ,提出了利用花键轴铣床加工长轴斜齿轮的方法 ,为花键轴铣床扩展了加工功能。  相似文献   
总结了常用的液压系统故障诊断的方法 ,通过实例给出了几种新的液压系统故障诊断方法 ,对从事液压技术的人员有参考作用。  相似文献   
A novel logic family, called charge recycling differential logic (CRDL), has been proposed and analyzed. CRDL reduces power consumption by utilizing a charge recycling technique with the speed comparable to those of conventional dynamic logic circuits. It has an additional benefit of improved noise margin due to inherently static operation. The noise margin problem of true single-phase-clock latch (TSPC) is also eliminated when a CRDL logic circuit is connected to it. Two swing-suppressed-input latches (SSILs), which are introduced for use with CRDL, have better performance than the conventional transmission gate latch. Moreover, a pipeline configuration with CRDL in a true two-phase clocking scheme shows completely race-free operation with no constraints on logic composition. Eight-bit Manchester carry chains and full adders were fabricated using a 0.8 μm single-poly double-metal n-well CMOS technology to verify the relative performance of the proposed logic family. The measurement results indicate that about 16-48% improvements in power-delay product are obtained compared with differential cascode voltage switch (DCVS) logic  相似文献   
一种高铜铝合金板侵彻后的显微组织分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用53式7.62 mm穿燃弹斜入射一种高铜铝合金板,弹速为818 m/s。利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察铝板侵彻后的弹坑微观组织。结果表明:弹靶接触表面有熔化物,成分为靶材与弹丸的混合物;在侵彻的不同深度,弹坑微观组织呈现不同的特征,入口处晶粒被拉长,中间处的晶粒发生剧烈扭折,局部出现绝热剪切带,底部观察到形变显微带以及异常长大晶粒;靶板主要发生塑性扩孔型破坏。  相似文献   
基于图像分割技术的压痕直径图像测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析布氏硬度试验压痕图像基础上,提出基于属性直方图的图像分割算法.利用工业CCD相机获取压痕图像,通过图像分割、目标区域处理、压痕圆拟合等步骤完成图像处理,由此实现对压痕尺寸的自动精确测量.实验证明,该算法满足布氏硬度试验对压痕直径的测量要求.  相似文献   
不同硫载体对轮胎用NR胶料性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了添加不同载体化合物二辛基多硫代磷酸酯(SDT/S)、二丁基二硫代磷酸锌(TP/S)、二硫代己内酰胺(S/G)、二硫代二码啡啉(M/G)以及SDT/S的用量对轮胎用NR胶料的加工性能、硫化特性、拉伸性能、动态生热和压缩永久变形等性能的影响规律,并与传统硫黄硫化体系进行了比较。结果表明,加入SDT/S和TP/S会缩短门尼焦烧时间,但能提高硫化平坦模量和改善抗硫化返原能力;较低硫化温度(145℃下),传统硫化体系赋予NR硫化胶较低的拉伸强度和300%定伸应力,提高硫化温度(175℃),会使加入硫载体的NR硫化胶具有较高的拉伸性能保持率;加入SDT/S和提高其用量,可提高NR胶料的抗硫化返原性能,降低硫化胶的动态生热和改善压缩永久变形性能。  相似文献   
Direct quantitative comparisons of four different probe methods were performed for determination of local gas holdup, vertical bubble length, bubble rising velocity, and bubble frequency. The methods include vertically projecting electroresistivity, horizontally projecting electroresistivity, U-shape light reflection, and light transmission. The measured bubble properties strongly depended on the size and configuration of the probe tips. The light transmission probe developed in this work can be used to determine the bubble properties effectively. In order to minimize interferences with bubble flow, the size of probe tip should be small as possible and its configuration must be vertically projecting.  相似文献   
A mathematical model using local thermodynamic equilibrium isotherms for adsorption on immobilized adsorbents is proposed in order to optimize the design parameters inin situ bioproduct separation process. The model accurately follows the experimental data on the adsorption of berberine, secondary metabolite produced in plant cell culture. The result shows that the lower loading capacity in immobilized adsorbents is due to the decrease in the maximum solid phase concentration and the isotherm equilibrium constant, not the effective diffusivity. Design parameters inin situ bioproduct separation process, such as the size of the beads, the ratio of beads to bulk volume and the adsorbent content of the bead, are evaluated by using the model. The decrease of bead size is the most effective parameter for adsorption of berberine in immobilized adsorbent due to a reduction in the overall diffusional resistance.  相似文献   
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