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基于理想灰关联投影的电子战系统作战效能评估比较模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电子战系统作战效能的评估比较问题,基于灰色系统理论和矢量投影方法,提出了一种新的基于理想灰关联投影的分析模型和算法,介绍了该方法的基本原理和一些基本概念,建立了系统作战效能与正、负理想作战效能之间接近程度的分析模型,总结了用该方法进行比较分析的一般步骤;并提出了一种基于效能区分度的比较灵敏度分析方法。实际算例验证了所提作战效能比较分析模型和比较灵敏度分析方法的可行性和有效性,该方法为电子战系统作战效能的评估比较提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   
研究了酸轧产品表面质量对镀锌产品表面质量的影响,探讨了酸洗质量、乳化液残留、带钢表面粗糙度、冷硬卷表面带状缺陷对镀锌产品表面质量缺陷,如带状锌花偏小或无锌花、片状锌花偏小、线状锌花偏小的影响,并确定了酸洗及轧制过程的关键工艺控制措施,使镀锌产品一级品率提升了1.5% 。  相似文献   
Background and Aims: The goal of this study was to investigate the relationships between NDVI values at different phenological stages and measurements of grape parameters at two different harvest dates. Methods and Results: The research was done on a Sangiovese vineyard in Central Italy. Over four seasons, airborne NDVI measurements acquired between June and August were related to grape parameters (yield per vine, pH, °Brix, anthocyanins and polyphenols) at technological harvest (H1) and two weeks later (H2). Correlations were higher at H1 and decreased at H2 with a different rate depending on the parameter. °Brix and pH correlations showed a moderate rate of variation between H1 and H2; bigger differences and a different inter‐annual dynamic were observed in anthocyanins and polyphenols between H1 and H2. Conclusions: The ability of NDVI to discriminate different grape classes was confirmed, but its efficacy substantially varies depending on the harvest date. These results suggest the existence, within the same vineyard, of different grape populations having specific timing and shape of ripening curve; as a consequence, distinct vigour zones of the vineyard show a different evolution of the content of grape parameters between the two harvests thus influencing the degree of correlation between grape quality and NDVI measurements. Significance of the Study: This is the first study in which harvest date has been considered for its influence on the predictive skill of RS. It therefore highlights not only the importance of spatial variation within the single vineyard, but also the importance of ripening dynamics.  相似文献   
基于台架试验和完整工作循环数值模拟,开展了汽油机活塞头部形貌特征对爆震的敏感性研究。以台架试验数据为基准校正了汽油机性能仿真模型,通过开展压缩比为9~16区间的外特性仿真模拟,得出压缩比为12时外特性最优。在压缩比为12的3 500r/min全负荷工况,采用化学反应动力学离子分析法,通过数值模拟分析3类基于活塞头部形貌方案的燃烧室,得出具有点火驻涡区域、气门避障区域、驻涡与避障区域之间的连通区域、后部连通区域的SABCD方案抗爆性最优,并指出活塞头部形貌特征中的连通区域对爆震敏感性具有显著影响。通过对方案SABCD的连通区域关键参数进行优化得出,当区域连通宽度和连通台阶高度均为4mm时爆震敏感性最低。研究结果表明,通过对活塞头部形貌特征的合理设计,能实现提升汽油机压缩比的同时有效抑制燃烧室对爆震的敏感性。  相似文献   
In the paper, a clinical experience with treatment of intestinal paresis in 545 children, aged from 1 day to 13 years, including 225 children operated upon for peritonitis is summarized. The authors differentiate 3 stages in the development of intestinal paresis depending on the degree of intensity of systemic and local disturbances. The employed methods of treatment in intestinal paresis were classified by the principle of their effect as 3 groups. Application of some or other method of the paresis therapy is determined by the stage of its development. In treatment of postoperative intestinal paresis a continuous peridural blockade is considered to be the method of choice. Utilization of the latter enabled the authors to reveal a number of postoperative complications: mechanic intestinal obstruction, incompetent anastomosis, etc.  相似文献   
Coplanar lines of different orientations rotating in depth and viewed in parallel projection may appear to rotate in different directions and reverse independently of each other, or they may appear coplanar and all reverse together. The frequency of the latter "grouped" appearance for lines with an orientation range of 30 degrees was a function of the number of lines in a given space. Grouping was greater for lines converging to an implicit vanishing point and for lines with collinear edges regardless of their orientations. Line length, and by inference, interline separation also had effect of the nature of the response.  相似文献   
The histochemical localization of carbohydrates and lipids and some oxidative, hydrolytic and steroid-linked enzymes has been studied in the testis of the camel with particular reference to the effect of the season on the distribution of these substances. PAS-positive, but diastase-resistant, material was seen mainly in the wall of blood vessels and in the boundary tissues of the seminiferous tubules, tubuli recti and rete testis. Clear cyclical changes were seen for glycogen in the lining epithelium of the seminiferous tubules. Glycogen was most abundant in early stages and very scanty or absent in the late stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Numerous small lipid droplets were seen in the interstitial cells and towards the lumen of the seminiferous tubules that contain elongate spermatids or spermatozoa. Large lipid droplets were also demonstrable in the basal layer of the seminiferous epithelium and in the cytoplasmic debri. Alkaline phosphatase was demonstrated in the boundary tissues of the seminiferous tubules, tubuli recti and reti testis and in the cells bordering the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. Succinate and lactic dehydrogenases showed similar patterns of distribution in the interstitial elements and intratubularly. delta5-3beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was exclusively demonstrated in the interstitial cells. 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase could not be demonstrated. The season seems to have no effect on the distribution of all these substances. The possible significance of all these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
采用HPLC法测定刺芪参胶囊中人参皂苷含量,采用UV法测定刺芪参胶囊中多糖含量,利用大、小鼠经口急性毒性试验、Ames试验、小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验对刺芪参胶囊的安全性进行评价,采用30d喂养试验进行毒理学研究。结果表明:刺芪参胶囊中人参皂苷及多糖的平均含量分别为0.273,3.190g/100g;刺芪参胶囊对大、小鼠急性经口最大耐受剂量均24.0g/kg·BW,按急性毒性分级,属无毒级;遗传毒性试验均为阴性;30d喂养试验表明,刺芪参胶囊对大鼠的临床检查、血液学指标检查、血生化指标检查、脏器重量和系数以及病理组织学检查等指标均无明显不良影响。说明刺芪参胶囊是一种安全无毒的产品,具有良好的食用安全性。  相似文献   
目前研究已证实乳酸菌可降低食品中N-二甲基亚硝胺(NDMA)的含量,减小其对人体消化道的毒性作用。但乳酸菌抑制NDMA毒性作用的同时,NDMA对其生长影响鲜见相关报道。该研究选用具有潜在益生功能的干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)SB27,分析其胃肠液耐受性及黏附性能,并检测不同培养介质中NDMA对干酪乳杆菌SB27生长的影响。结果表明,干酪乳杆菌SB27可耐受胃肠液的消化,具有良好的黏附性能,且在MRS培养基、低氮源MRS培养基和磷酸盐缓冲液中,NDMA对菌株SB27生长均无显著影响。该研究为进一步研究干酪乳杆菌SB27降解NDMA作用奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
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