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山羊绒/纳米绒/品德尔/纳卡半精纺针织纱的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对品德尔、纳卡、纳米绒及山羊绒4种纤维的性能分析,结合4种纤维的性能特点,开发出了纱线线密度24.0 tex×2山羊绒/纳米绒/品德尔/纳卡(30/30120/20)的半精纺针织纱,改善了4种纤维的可纺性,并使其各自的优点得到进一步提高.采用毛纺与棉纺相结合的半精纺技术,优选纺纱设备,对纱线规格及工艺流程进行了设计;对在纺纱过程中的预处理、梳棉、并条、粗纱、细纱、络并捻等工序的工艺参数进行了设置;简单介绍了各工序的技术措施.  相似文献   
邸亚宁 《聚氯乙烯》2009,37(9):38-39,42
对电石法PVC生产中除汞制酸工序进行技术改造,改造后降低了一次水用量和烧碱消耗量,副产的稀盐酸可全部回收,彻底地杜绝了环境污染。  相似文献   
垃圾渗滤液污染物在土壤中迁移规律试验及模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为全面系统地研究垃圾渗滤液迁移规律,科学地分析污染物运移规律和预测污染物浓度分布情况,通过垃圾渗滤液的动态淋溶试验,研究了垃圾渗滤液主要污染物包括有机物(CODcr,)、Cl-、SO42-、总硬度等在土壤水环境中的运移机理,试验结果表明迁移速度最快和最慢的分别为Cl-与有机物(CODCr);并对建立的一维数学模型求解表明·模型曲线与COD试验曲线较好的吻合,说明所建数学模型模拟有机污染物的有效性.  相似文献   
在力学分析时,柱状节理玄武岩可视为玄武岩刚性材料与节理面接触材料的复合型二元介质,其物理力学特性主要由节理面控制。同时,节理面法向刚度K n和切向刚度K s选取标准直接影响到等效岩体变形模量。结合白鹤滩水电站坝址区柱状节理玄武岩原位变形载荷试验,基于广义回归神经网络(GRNN)及三维离散元模拟(3DEC)方法进行节理变形参数的反分析,分析计算结果与实测结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
阐述了水利水电施工企业项目管理的特点,就本施工企业实行项目管理的实践情况作了介绍,对施工企业如何进行规范化项目管理提出了建议。  相似文献   
Sedimentation basins are incorporated into runoff infiltration systems and serve as a retention system, in which the sedimentation of particles occurs as a result of gravitational force. The effectiveness of sedimentation basins in terms of removing particles is highly dependent on design parameters such as their dimensions and drainage times. To evaluate the flow distribution within sedimentation basins, a conceptual model was developed using a tracer and compared to the actual condition at the treatment system. Here, a significant difference in the height of the connecting tube between settling basin and filter basin was found. This leads to a drying out of the basin, which significantly affects the flow rates and hence the sedimentation there. Based on a model experiment with colour tracer, the flow paths were visually represented in the basin, and both the concrete variant and the effects of internal structures were considered. It was found that the incorporation of a baffle led to an improved utilization of the basin, and to water being retained for longer times. Due to the lower flow rate and these longer times, fine and medium-sized sediments could be easily settled. In a field study, the performance of a sedimentation basin for the removal of particles was evaluated based on the influent and effluent concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS). The street runoff treatment plant was monitored for one year and results showed that there was no particle accumulation in the sedimentation basin (there was no permanent retention of the particle loads). The mean TSS concentrations were 89 mg/L at the inlet of the sedimentation basin and 94 mg/L at the end of the settling tank, respectively. The structural design and operation of the system showed higher flow and turbulent flow conditions in the sedimentation basin, in which settlement of fine and medium sized particles was very low; as a result, the soil filter basin was loaded with runoff particles. Thus the particulate matter had to be removed either on the surface of the filter basin or within the porous space of the filter. The build-up of such particles can result in a significant increase of head loss due to clogging; therefore, filters must be maintained by removing the accumulated particles on a regular basis.  相似文献   
图尔古松水电站位于东哈萨克斯坦州济良诺夫斯克西北30 km处,其深孔弧形闸门除承受高水头的静水压力、地震动水压力,还需考虑泥沙淤积以及温度变化的影响。弧形闸门是电站泄洪、排砂的主要控制设备,根据其受力与止水特点及环境特性,弧门设计采用主横框架结构,直支臂支撑,顶止水为P型和转铰止水双重水封,设计为温度-51~40℃,除考虑材料热胀冷缩的影响,还设计了有效的融冰措施,可满足挡水、运行和检修要求。  相似文献   
城市河流作为城市环境要素的一部分,在城市发展中发挥着不可替代的作用,但由于过去粗放式的发展模式,引发了一系列生态环境问题,导致河流生态环境受损,河流部分功能丧失,影响了城市的未来发展。本文通过对当前城市河流普遍存在的问题进行分析总结,梳理了城市河流生态修复的发展历程。在此基础上,展望了未来的研究重点,可为我国的城市河流治理提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   
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