In this paper a nonlinear analysis of a multifilter phase-lock loop (MPLL) by using the method of "harmonic balance" is presented. The particular MPLL considered has a low-pass filter and a bandpass filter in parallel. An analytic expression for the relationship between the input signal phase deviation and the phase error is determined for sinusoidal FM in the absence of noise. The expression is used to determine bounds on the proper operating region for the MPLL and to investigate the "jump phenomenon" previously observed. From these results the proper modulation index, modulating frequency, etc., used for the design of an MPLL is determined. Data for the loop unlock boundary obtained from the theoretical expression are compared to data obtained from analog computer simulations of the MPLL. 相似文献
Three mixed-culture nitrifier sources degraded low concentrations (25-450 microg/L) of four trihalomethanes (THMs) (trichloromethane (TCM) or chloroform, bromodichloromethane (BDCM), dibromochloromethane (DBCM), tribromomethane (TBM) or bromoform) commonly found in treated drinking water. Individual THM rate constants (k1THM) increased with increasing THM bromine-substitution with TBM>DBCM>BDCM>TCM and were comparable to previous studies with the pure culture nitrifier, Nitrosomonas europaea. A decrease in temperature resulted in a decrease in both ammonia and THM degradation rates with ammonia rates affected to a greater extent than THM degradation rates. The significant effect of temperature indicates that seasonal variations in water temperature should be a consideration for technology implementation. Product toxicity, measured by transformation capacity (T(c)), was similar to that observed with N. europaea. Because both rate constants and product toxicities increase with increasing THM bromine-substitution, a water's THM speciation is an important consideration for process implementation during drinking water treatment. Even though a given water is kinetically favored, the resulting THM product toxicity may not allow stable treatment process performance. 相似文献
The morphological evolution of coherent γ’-precipitates in a Ni-23.4Co-4.7Cr-4Al-4.3Ti (wt%) alloy has been observed under systematically varying heat-treatment conditions. By deeply etching the matrix and observing under a scanning electron microscope, the precipitate morphologies are determined accurately. By quenching after solution treatment and aging isothermally, high initial precipitate density is obtained, and the cuboidal precipitates cluster and align to form regularly spaced arrays. The dimensionality of the aligned structure increases with increasing precipitate volume fraction as the aging temperature decreases. By directly cooling to an aging temperature after the solution treatment intermediate precipitate density is obtained. During the isothermal aging, the cuboidal precipitates split into octets and clusters of several pieces which disintegrate subsequently into aligned cuboids. Upon further aging the coherency is broken. When directly cooled to aging temperatures very close to the solvus temperature, the dispersed precipitates grow dendritically along the 〈111〉 directions. Various thermodynamic and kinetic theories for the elastic strain effect stemming from the lattice misfit agree quantitatively with the observed clustering, alignment, and splitting, but presently there is no complete theory which accurately describes the observed morphologies. 相似文献
Managing Cities. The New Urban Context. P. Healey, S. Cameron, S. Davoudi, S. Graham & A. Madani‐Pour (Eds) Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 1995, £14.95 pb, ISBN 0–471–95533–7
Industrial Property: Policy and Economic Development. Rick Ball & Andy Pratt (Eds). London, Routledge, 1994, £45.00 hb, ISBN 0–415–09152–7
Grassroots Environmental Action: People's Participation in Sustainable Development. Dharam P. Ghai & Jessica M. Vivian (Eds). London and New York, Routledge, 1995 (pb), 347 pp., ISBN 0–415–12703–3
Services and Space: Key Aspects of Urban and Regional Development. N. Marshall & P. Wood. Essex, Longman Scientific and Technical, 1995, 294 pp., £17.99 pb, ISBN 0–582–25162–1
Servicing The Middle Classes: Class, Gender and Waged Domestic Labour in Contemporary Britain. Nicky Gregson & Michelle Lowe. Routledge, 1994, vii + 327 pp., £13.99 pb, ISBN 0–419–08531–4
Urban Development Planning: Lessons for the Economic Reconstruction of South Africa's Cities. Richard Tomlinson. Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University Press, 1994, 277 pp., £14.95 pb, ISBN 1–868–14258–2相似文献
The content of this article is a contribution to the limited amount of available strong-wind multi-level tower observations in the atmospheric surface layer, and is primarily intended for those engineers and scientists engaged in the field of wind engineering. The observations were used to evaluate the correctness of the predictions obtained from theoretical and empirical models, the latter used frequently by the wind engineering community. The comparisons included profiles of mean wind, turbulence intensity, and gust velocities. To test the mean-velocity models for the prediction of wind speeds at locations where no recording stations were present, observations at a reference location were used to predict and to compare with the simultaneous observations at a number of locations where wind speed observations were available.The analysis of the data revealed that under strong wind conditions thermal stability effects should not be ignored. For obstacle-free open terrain significant variations of the aerodynamic roughness length are observed. The height of the surface layer that increases with roughness and wind speed is at least 150 m. Davenport's “gradient” height, not a function of wind speed, is approximately twice the height of the surface layer that applies to the strong wind data analyzed. Estimation of wind speed at locations where normally no observations are available may exceed the actual speed by as much as 50%. 相似文献
The development of elliptical cross sections in initially round test pieces of anisotropic materials makes it difficult to measure the true strain on a cross section using a transverse extensometer. In this paper, an analysis is given of the diametral strain and strain rate on a round cross section. Based on the experimental observation that static and dynamic microstructural changes of many anisotropic materials was too small to cause a noticeable change in anisotropic factor, R, up to relatively low strain levels, it is assumed that R is independent of strain in this analysis. Analytical results suggest that, when both the imposed axial strain rate and the anisotropic factor R remain constant and R0.5, the change in diametral strain rate is negligible no matter which orientation a transverse strain extensometer is positioned on a cross section. The analysis includes two methods of measuring the diametral strain: (i) measurement of the distance between two diametral-intercept points on the circumference of a cross section; and (ii) measurement of the distance between two parallel tangent lines of the cross section. Based on the analytical and experimental results, a new method has been proposed for obtaining true stress–strain data in uniaxial tensile or compression testing of anisotropic materials with constant or varying anisotropic factor. 相似文献
The lining of a facility for storing or disposing of hazardous materials or wastes on land must serve as an effective barrier to prevent potential contaminating species from migrating into the ground and the groundwater. The process from the design phase through the manufacture of a polymeric geomembrane to its installation and acceptance as a liner involves many steps that must be controlled in order to assure the ultimate effectiveness of the lining.
In this paper, a program of quality assurance and quality control involved in the critical steps in the process of constructing a lined waste disposal facility from its design through the final acceptance is described. Included are design, geomembrane selection and compatibility testing, specification, raw materials, geomembrane manufacture, panel fabrication, shipment to field site, inspection, installation and performance testing of the lined facility. Emphasis is placed on factors and properties of geomembranes that relate to service performance and must be controlled. The properties include overall thickness, thickness of coatings above threads, composition control, crystallinity, carbon black content, ply adhesion and seam integrity and strength. 相似文献
The discrete element method (DEM) has been extensively adopted to investigate many complex geotechnical related problems due to its capability to incorporate the discontinuous nature of granular materials. In particular, when simulating large deformations or distortion of soil (e.g. cavity expansion), DEM can be very effective as other numerical solutions may experience convergence problems. Cavity expansion theory has widespread applications in geotechnical engineering, particularly to the problems concerning in situ testing, pile installation and so forth. In addition, the behaviour of geomaterials in a macro-level is utterly determined by microscopic properties, highlighting the importance of contact models. Despite the fact that there are numerous contact models proposed to mimic the realistic behaviour of granular materials, there are lack of studies on the effects of these contact models on the soil response. Hence, in this study, a series of three-dimensional numerical simulations with different contact constitutive models was conducted to simulate the response of sandy soils during cylindrical cavity expansion. In this numerical investigation, three contact models, i.e. linear contact model, rolling resistance contact model, and Hertz contact model, are considered. It should be noted that the former two models are linear based models, providing linearly elastic and frictional plasticity behaviours, whereas the latter one consists of nonlinear formulation based on an approximation of the theory of Mindlin and Deresiewicz. To examine the effects of these contact models, several cylindrical cavities were created and expanded gradually from an initial radius of 0.055 m to a final radius of 0.1 m. The numerical predictions confirm that the calibrated contact models produced similar results regarding the variations of cavity pressure, radial stress, deviatoric stress, volumetric strain, as well as the soil radial displacement. However, the linear contact model may result in inaccurate predictions when highly angular soil particles are involved. In addition, considering the excessive soil displacement induced by the pile installation (i.e. cavity expansion), a minimum distance of 11a (a is the cavity radius) is recommend for practicing engineers to avoid the potential damages to the existing piles and adjacent structures. 相似文献
In response to the increasing public concern over the effects of construction waste on the environment, a performance assessment system has been designed to provide an instant, online assessment of how well a construction site performs environmentally, e.g. measuring the level of pollution generated from a construction site. Through the use of both Internet and database technologies, it is possible to collect and present data that are essential for environmental management online. To achieve this, a set of environmental performance parameters was derived through a postal questionnaire survey and interviews with experts in the field. A conceptual framework was developed, of which the key components were: template, knowledge base, output data and benchmark group. In combination, these factors provide a system that enables speedy assessment and effective management of environmental performance on construction sites, hence prompt decisions can be made and corrective actions can be taken before potential hazards turn into real disasters. 相似文献