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Cinchona-derived anion-exchange-type chiral selectors have been adapted and employed in countercurrent chromatography (CCC) for the separation of enantiomers of N-derivatized amino acids and 2-aryloxypropionic acids. The accurate optimization of the enantioseparation in terms of solvent system composition, pH values, ionic strength, and CCC operating conditions was performed. A wide range of solvent mixtures was evaluated. Successful resolutions were achieved in systems such as ammonium acetate buffer/tert-amyl alcohol/methanol/heptane and especially ammonium acetate buffer/methyl isobutyl ketone or diisopropyl ether. Up to 300 mg (0.92 mmol) of N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)-(+/-)-leucine was totally resolved in a single run using a 10 mM concentration of chiral selector in 122 mL of stationary phase. This amount could be increased up to 900 mg (2.77 mmol) when pH-zone-refining mode was applied. The results here presented account for the high potential of CCC as a preparative enantiomer separation technique.  相似文献   
The ability to optimizate the preparation of Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) films on platinized Si substrate by pulsed laser deposition was demonstrated. The effect of the modification of the interface film/electrode through the use of a (La,Sr)CoO3 (LSCO) seed layer on the remnant polarization, fatigue endurance and stress in PZT films was studied. An improvement on the ferroelectric properties was found with the using of the LSCO layer. A remnant polarization (Pr) of 19.8 μC/cm2 and 4.4 μC/cm2 for films with and without the LSCO layer were found. In the same way the polarization fatigue decreases significantly after deposition of the LSCO layer between the film and substrate. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images revealed a different growth process in the films. Current–voltage (IV) measurements showed that the use of LSCO seed layer improves the leakage current and, on the other hand the conduction mechanisms in the film without LSCO, after the fatigue test, was found to be changed from Schottky to Poole–Frenkel. The trap activation energy (about 0.14 eV) determined from Poole–Frenkel mode agrees well with the energy level of oxygen vacancies. The films stresses were estimated by XRD in order to explain the improvement on the structure and consequentially ferroelectric properties of the films. The model proposed by Dawber and Scott was found to be in agreement with our experimental data, which seems to predict that the oxygen vacancies play an important role on fatigue.  相似文献   
In estimating the discrete parameter of a Binomial distribution, to choose a truncated Poisson model as the prior distribution of this parameter is shown to be unsuitable. This research has been partially supported by Proyect DGES-PB97-1403-C03  相似文献   
Bioactive glasses (SiO2–P2O5–CaO) having tailored concentrations of different biocide metal ions (copper or silver) were produced by the sol–gel method. All the particles release phosphorous ions when immersed in water and simulated body fluid (SBF). Moreover, a surface layer of polycrystalline hydroxy-carbonate apatite was formed on the particle surfaces after 10 day immersion in SBF as confirmed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showing the bioactive materials. Samples with embedded either copper or silver ions were able to further release the biocide ions with a release rate that depends on the metal embedded and the dissolution medium: water or SBF. This biocide ion release from the samples explains the antimicrobial effect of our active particles against Escherichia coli DH5α ampicillin-resistant (Gram-negative) and Streptococcus mutans (Gram-positive) as determined by the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) method. The antimicrobial behavior of the particles depends on the bacteria and the biocide ion used. Noteworthy, although samples with copper are able to release more metal ion than samples with silver, they present higher MBC showing the high effect of silver against these bacteria.  相似文献   
The growing diffusion and acceptance in the business world of Total Quality Management (TQM) has attracted greater interest on the part of academia. Although fundamental questions focus on how the different dimensions of TQM can bring about better business performance, a more recent recurring issue pertains to the relationship between TQM and technological innovation and whether technological innovation might provide a source of competitive advantage. Unfortunately, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, the relationship between TQM and technological innovation appears contradictory and complex. This paper argues that the relationship might be better understood from the contingent perspective of strategic management and thus proposes a multidimensional intervening variable in the relationship, called Business Innovation Capability (BIC). An empirical study of 105 Spanish industrial firms reveals that the effect of some business practices suggested by TQM on technological innovation can be better understood when BIC dimensions are taken into account.  相似文献   
Given an AWGN channel, we look at the problem of designing an optimal binary uncoded communication system for transmitting blocks of binary symbols generated by a stationary source with memory modelled by a Markov chain (MC) or a hidden Markov model (HMM). The goal is to minimize the average SNR required for a given block error rate. The particular case where the binary source is memoryless with nonuniform symbol probabilities has been studied by Korn et al. [Optimal binary communication with nonequal probabilities. IEEE Trans Commun 2003;51:1435–8] [1] by optimally allocating the energies of the transmitted signals. In this paper we generalize the previous work to include the important case of sources with memory. The proposed system integrates the block sorting Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT, [Burrows M, Wheeler D. A block sorting lossless data compression algorithm. Research report 124. Digital Systems Center, 1994]) [2] with an optimal energy allocation scheme based on the first order probabilities of the transformed symbols. Analytical expressions are derived for the energy gain obtained with the proposed system when compared either with the optimal blockwise MAP receiver or with a standard source coded system consisting of an optimal source encoder followed by an optimal uncoded binary communication system, i.e. by a symbol-by-symbol MAP detector.  相似文献   
Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) has become the technique of choice to statistically evaluate positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) functional brain studies. Nevertheless, only a few methodological studies have been carried out to assess the performance of SPM in SPECT. The aim of this paper was to study the performance of SPM in detecting changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in hypo- and hyperperfused areas in brain SPECT studies. The paper seeks to determine the relationship between the group size and the rCBF changes, and the influence of the correction for degradations. The assessment was carried out using simulated brain SPECT studies. Projections were obtained with Monte Carlo techniques, and a fan-beam collimator was considered in the simulation process. Reconstruction was performed by using the ordered subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) algorithm with and without compensation for attenuation, scattering, and spatial variant collimator response. Significance probability maps were obtained with SPM2 by using a one-tailed two-sample f-test. A bootstrap resampling approach was used to determine the sample size for SPM to detect the between-group differences. Our findings show that the correction for degradations results in a diminution of the sample size, which is more significant for small regions and low-activation factors. Differences in sample size were found between hypo- and hyperperfusion. These differences were larger for small regions and low-activation factors, and when no corrections were included in the reconstruction algorithm.  相似文献   
Advances in sensor technology are revolutionizing the way remotely sensed data is collected, managed and analyzed. The incorporation of latest-generation sensors to airborne and satellite platforms is currently producing a nearly continual stream of high-dimensional data, and this explosion in the amount of collected information has rapidly created new processing challenges. For instance, hyperspectral signal processing is a new technique in remote sensing that generates hundreds of spectral bands at different wavelength channels for the same area on the surface of the Earth. Many current and future applications of remote sensing in Earth science, space science, and soon in exploration science will require (near) real-time processing capabilities. In recent years, several efforts have been directed towards the incorporation of high-performance computing (HPC) systems and architectures in remote sensing missions. With the aim of providing an overview of current and new trends in parallel and distributed systems for remote sensing applications, this paper explores three HPC-based paradigms for efficient implementation of the Pixel Purity Index (PPI) algorithm, available from the popular Kodak’s Research Systems ENVI software package, as a representative case study for demonstration purposes. Several different parallel programming techniques are used to improve the performance of the PPI on a variety of parallel platforms, including a set of message passing interface (MPI)-based implementations on a massively parallel Beowulf cluster at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and on a variety of heterogeneous networks of workstations at University of Maryland; a Handel-C implementation of the algorithm on a Virtex-II field programmable gate array (FPGA); and a compute unified device architecture (CUDA)-based implementation on graphical processing units (GPUs) of NVidia. Combined, these parts deliver an excellent snapshot of the state-of-the-art in those areas, and offer a thoughtful perspective on the potential and emerging challenges of adapting HPC systems to remote sensing problems.  相似文献   
Algebras difusas     
Resumen En este trabajo se propone una estructura de álgebra difusa (borrosa) basada en la distinción entre difusidad extensiva y comprehensiva, desarrollando y conectando los trabajos de Nahmias sobre variables difusas, de Klement sobre medibilidad difusa y de Nowakowska sobre estructuras de conceptos.   相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is commonly employed in industrial ethanol production, regardless of the capability of Kluyveromyces marxianus strains to produce ethanol at similar or higher levels and on inhibitory conditions. Therefore, in this work strains of S. cerevisiae (ethanol RED and AR5) and K. marxianus (SLP1 and OFF1) were compared for ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and wheat straw (WS) hydrolysates. As it is known, during the lignocellulosic hydrolysis not only free sugars were obtained (SCB, g L?1: glucose 7.64, xylose 8.38, arabinose 2.43; and WS, g L?1: glucose 6.07, xylose 6.36, arabinose 2.09) but also growth inhibitors of yeast such as hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural that could modify the fermentation capability. The volumetric ethanol productivity (Q p) was evaluated, and it was observed that the K. marxianus SLP1 was the most efficient for ethanol production reaching a Q p of 0.292 and 0.250 g L?1 h?1 on SCB and WS hydrolysates, respectively. In contrast, S. cerevisiae AR5 and ethanol RED exhibited a reduced Q p on SCB, but similar values of Q p to K. marxianus OFF1 on WS. The results obtained show that it is possible to select K. marxianus yeast strains for ethanol production using SCB and WS hydrolysates obtaining higher Q p than S. cerevisiae yeast strains. Considering the efficiency of ethanol production and the tolerance to inhibitors, K. marxianus strain SLP1 possesses a great potential as an industrial yeast for lignocellulosic ethanol production.  相似文献   
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