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Steady natural convection in a rectangular slightly inclined box filled with a porous medium is studied. If the lower plate is heated and the aspect ratio large, the structure of the flow is simple as long as the Rayleigh number remains sub-critical. If the upper plate is heated, a boundary layer regime appears provided that the Rayleigh number is high. The Nusselt number is calculated by the Galerkin method and shown to approximate in this particular case to the following expression: Nu= 1 + 0,16k3/2Ra*1/42  相似文献   
Traditional cooking‐cooling of processed meat and poultry products is industrially carried out in smokehouses or autoclaves. A mathematical model was developed to simulate these operations. Equations, describing heat transfer and thermal destruction of micro‐organisms and quality characteristics, were solved numerically. The model was validated experimentally for heat transfer and energy consumption and was used to perform a sensitivity analysis. Input variables were: process time (PT), smokehouse temperature (TSH), bologna size (diameter, D and height, H), surface heat transfer coefficients (hheat and hcool), product thermal diffusivity (αheat and αcool). Output variables were: product core temperature (Tc), core and volume‐average lethality (Pcm and Pvm) and cook (Cc and Cv) values as well as surface (Qs) and volume‐average (Qv) quality retention, total specific energy consumption (En) and energy efficiency (Ce). Multiple linear regression models were developed to predict Cc and Cv from five inputs and used to obtain acceptable deviation ranges.  相似文献   
We examine here by electro-thermal simulation tools (SILVACO's Atlas) a configuration of Silicon-On-Insulator substrate for Fully-Depleted MOSFET architectures, incorporating diamond as buried insulator, and compare it with traditional silicon dioxide BOX for the future technological nodes of the ITRS (90 nm and below). Our aim is to give major trends to be followed in order to optimize diamond integration from electrical and thermal points of view, constraints that must be kept in mind in parallel with the technological work on thin diamond films. In this theoretical study, we perform a benchmarking between SiO2 and diamond BOX. We first point out that the BOX thickness should not be more than few hundred nanometers to maintain electrical performances. From thermal point of view, we demonstrate that the replacement of 100 nm thick buried oxide by a 100 nm thick diamond layer can lead to about 50% reduction of the temperature when only 33% decrease can be obtained with Ultra Thin SiO2 BOX (20 nm). Furthermore, thick diamond BOX avoids the parasitic capacitances issue that reduces Ultra Thin BOX devices working frequency.  相似文献   
A simple mathematical model is used to predict the evolution of the mean free path in the solid phase in a sintered material. The knowledge of the volume fraction of the solid phase and of the particle coordination number are only required. Good agreement is observed between experimental data and the purposed relationship.  相似文献   
A fullerene-like ball is found in a second century mosaic from Porta Marina Roman Baths near Ostia. Although it could be an hexadecahedral ball (28 vertices, 4 hexagonal and 12 pentagonal faces), it is probably an erroneous representation of a dodecahedral ball.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the Euclidean location-allocation problem with an unknown number of facilities, and an objective of minimizing the fixed and transportation costs. This is a NP-hard problem and in this paper, a three-stage ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is introduced and its performance is evaluated by comparing its solutions to the solutions of genetic algorithms (GA). The results show that ACO outperformed GA and reached better solutions in a faster computational time. Furthermore, ACO was tested on the relaxed version of the problem where the number of facilities is known, and compared to existing methods in the literature. The results again confirmed the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
This paper shows that an adequate use of vectorfields can solve most inconsistencies related to texture mapping that appear in current animation and rendering systems based on implicit objects. The method used is based on the concept of a virtual skin. A skin with its own texture mapping is spread over an implicit object and is constrained to stick to the deformation of the implicit object. A vectorfield is used to compute the relationship between the motion of the skin and the deformation of the object. Visual and implementation issues are discussed with respect to typical applications of implicit objects in computer graphics.  相似文献   
This paper introduces MULBS, a new DCOP (distributed constraint optimization problem) algorithm and also presents a DCOP formulation for scheduling of distributed meetings in collaborative environments. Scheduling in CSCWD can be seen as a DCOP where variables represent time slots and values are resources of a production system (machines, raw-materials, hardware components, etc.) or management system (meetings, project tasks, human resources, money, etc). Therefore, a DCOP algorithm must find a set of variable assignments that maximize an objective function taking constraints into account. However, it is well known that such problems are NP-complete and that more research must be done to obtain feasible and reliable computational approaches. Thus, DCOP emerges as a very promising technique: the search space is decomposed into smaller spaces and agents solve local problems, collaborating in order to achieve a global solution. We show with empirical experiments that MULBS outperforms some of the state-of-the-art algorithms for DCOP, guaranteeing high quality solutions using less computational resources for the distributed meeting scheduling task.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of reaching agreement in distributed systems in which some processes may deviate from their prescribed behavior before they eventually crash. We call this failure model “mortal Byzantine”. After discussing some application examples where this model is justified, we provide matching upper and lower bounds on the number of faulty processes, and on the required number of rounds in synchronous systems. We then continue our study by varying different system parameters. On the one hand, we consider the failure model under weaker timing assumptions, namely for partially synchronous systems and asynchronous systems with unreliable failure detectors. On the other hand, we vary the failure model in that we limit the occurrences of faulty steps that actually lead to a crash in synchronous systems.  相似文献   
This prospective observational study aimed at evaluating efficacy and biocompatibility performances of the new heparin-coated Evodial dialyzers with/without systemic heparin reduction. After a 4-week wash-out period with reference polysulfone F70S dialyzers, 6 hemodialysis patients were sequentially dialyzed with Evodial, F70S, and Evodial dialyzers using 30% heparin reduction, each period of treatment was 4 weeks. Removal rates (RR) (urea, creatinine, and β2-microglobulin), dialysis dose, and instantaneous clearances (urea and creatinine) were measured as well as inflammatory (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor α, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) and oxidative stress (OS) (superoxide anion, homocysteine, and isoprostanes) parameters at the end of each study period. Patients treated with Evodial or F70S dialyzers for 4 weeks presented comparable dialysis efficacy parameters including urea and creatinine RR, dialysis dose and instantaneous clearances. By contrast, a significantly lower but reasonably good β2-microglobulin RR was achieved with Evodial dialyzers. Regarding biocompatibility, no significant difference was observed with inflammation and OS except for postdialysis monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 which significantly decreased with Evodial dialyzers. Thirty percent heparinization reduction with Evodial dialyzers did not induce any change in inflammation but led to an improvement in OS as demonstrated by a decrease in postdialysis superoxide production and predialysis homocysteine and isoprostane. This bioactive dialyzer together with heparin dose reduction represents a good trade-off between efficacy and biocompatibility performance (improvement in OS with a weak decrease in efficacy) and its use is encouraging for hemodialysis patients not only in reducing OS but also in improving patient comorbid conditions due to lesser heparin side effects.  相似文献   
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