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根据危险化学品易燃、易爆、有毒的特点,提出安全储存和管理的管理思路,同时探讨了装卸入库的安全注意管理点.  相似文献   
SiO2 hollow spheres with movable Fe3O4 core were obtained by exposing the pre-synthesized Fe3O4SiO2 particles (with an adsorption interlayer of ethylene glycol) under the irradiation of electron beam inside transmission electron micrograph (TEM). In the formation process, the evaporation of adsorbed ethylene glycol and the evolution of amorphous SiO2 layer played important roles, and that should be attributed to the high temperature and trapped charges induced by the irradiation of electron beam. This work provided a new route to obtain particles with movable core structure and extended the applications of electron beam.  相似文献   
A novel boned perovskite manganese oxide magnetoresistant material was prepared using La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) as the precursor powders and metal tin (Sn) as the binder. The microstructure and phase characteristics, low-field transport properties were studied. Sn segregated at the grain boundaries of LSMO grains. The insulator–metal (IM) transition and enhanced LFMR are only observed with a low content of Sn, due to grain boundary disorder and spin polarized tunneling between grain boundaries. The Sn addition induced resistivity decreasing dramatically. In the high temperature PM region, the resistivities for samples with low Sn content follow the adiabatic small-polaron-hopping model.  相似文献   
以包头市第二热电厂300 MW直接空冷系统为例,分析了凝结水过冷却的原因,主要有凝结水回水被外界空气冷却、真空严密性差以及补充水溶氧和补水方式的影响等,提出加装保温、雾化喷嘴和改进补水方式等减小冷却度的措施.  相似文献   
The paper examines the deterministic and stochastic behavior of magnetic ballast discharge lamps. Expressions to deterministically calculate the harmonic currents of discharge lamps are provided and analytical expressions of the probability density functions of these harmonic currents are obtained. The results are validated with experimental measurements.  相似文献   
The external administration of recombinant human erythropoietin is the chosen treatment for those patients with secondary anemia due to chronic renal failure in periodic hemodialysis. The objective of this paper is to carry out an individualized prediction of the EPO dosage to be administered to those patients. The high cost of this medication, its side-effects and the phenomenon of potential resistance which some individuals suffer all justify the need for a model which is capable of optimizing dosage individualization. A group of 110 patients and several patient factors were used to develop the models. The support vector regressor (SVR) is benchmarked with the classical multilayer perceptron (MLP) and the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model. We introduce a priori knowledge by relaxing or tightening the epsilon-insensitive region and the penalization parameter depending on the time period of the patients' follow-up. The so-called profile-dependent SVR (PD-SVR) improves results of the standard SVR method and the MLP. We perform sensitivity analysis on the MLP and inspect the distribution of the support vectors in the input and feature spaces in order to gain knowledge about the problem.  相似文献   
图像隐写检测算法是目前信息隐藏领域的研究热点之一。分析了几种可针对互联网上大量图像数据的计数统计特征类隐写检测方法,其中包括本文提出的一种新型快速、高效的统计检测方法-TAP检测法。  相似文献   
Free-Space Optical Communications for Next-generation Military Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a continuing need for increased capacity for military applications, especially in network-centric operational concepts that promote the use of information as fundamental for gaining superiority on the battlefield. As an example, the access to, and distribution of, sensor data is a major tenet of network-centric warfare and yet radio frequency (RF) links will struggle to provide the needed capacity. Free-space optical communications (FSOC) has the potential to meet these emerging military needs by offering dramatic increases in capacity. However, there are many technical challenges al multiple layers of the communications protocol stack. This article describes these challenges and discusses some mitigation approaches to provide a path to realizing this capability on the battlefield  相似文献   
提出一个两层的商业生态系统模型,上层网络中的用户进行商业活动,构成一个生态系统;下层网络由多个查询服务器组成,构成分布式查询系统,供上层用户注册其服务代理以及查找服务.上层和下层网络随时间不断演化且相互影响.在该模型的基础上,研究下层分布式系统的可扩展性.实验表明,该系统是可扩展的,并通过比较得出影响可扩展性的因素.  相似文献   
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