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The CTFA Evaluation of Alternatives Program is an evaluation of the relationship between data from the Draize primary eye irritation test and comparable data from a selection of promising in vitro eye irritation tests. In Phase III, data from the Draize test and 41 in vitro endpoints on 25 representative surfactant-based personal care formulations were compared. As in Phase I and Phase II, regression modelling of the relationship between maximum average Draize score (MAS) and in vitro endpoint was the primary approach adopted for evaluating in vitro assay performance. The degree of confidence in prediction of MAS for a given in vitro endpoint is quantified in terms of the relative widths of prediction intervals constructed about the fitted regression curve. Prediction intervals reflect not only the error attributed to the model but also the material-specific components of variation in both the Draize and the in vitro assays. Among the in vitro assays selected for regression modeling in Phase III, the relationship between MAS and in vitro score was relatively well defined. The prediction bounds on MAS were most narrow for materials at the lower or upper end of the effective irritation range (MAS = 0-45), where variability in MAS was smallest. This, the confidence with which the MAS of surfactant-based formulations is predicted is greatest when MAS approaches zero or when MAS approaches 45 (no comment is made on prediction of MAS > 45 since extrapolation beyond the range of observed data is not possible). No single in vitro endpoint was found to exhibit relative superiority with regard to prediction of MAS. Variability associated with Draize test outcome (e.g. in MAS values) must be considered in any future comparisons of in vivo and in vitro test results if the purpose is to predict in vivo response using in vitro data.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The institutional review board (IRB) is a critical element in the protection of patients' and subjects' rights with regard to their participation in research protocols. The purpose of this study was to describe the structure and current practices of IRBs in the United States. METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to the IRB chair of each U.S. hospital with a capacity of at least 400 beds (n = 907). The survey contained 21 questions outlining committee size and structure, review of research proposals, and policies concerning scientific misconduct. Chairs also were asked what advice they would offer a young investigator preparing a proposal for submission. RESULTS: A total of 488 surveys (54%) were returned; 447 of the responding institutions had an IRB committee. Committees had an average of 14 members, representing 27 medical specialties. Orthopedics had the least IRB representation (10% of committees), followed by emergency medicine (12%) and ophthalmology (15%). The majority of research proposals go through 5 specific steps once submitted for review. Common reasons for proposal rejection were improperly designed consent form (54%), poor study design (44%), unacceptable risk to subjects (34%), ethical or legal reasons (24%), and scientific merit (14%). When a research proposal is rejected, 86% of the responding IRBs assist the investigator in making appropriate revisions. Although a number of IRBs (17%) have dealt with scientific misconduct allegations, only 58% have a written policy regarding research integrity. CONCLUSION: Despite variations in committee structure and representation, IRBs have similar procedures for governing research. Investigators should be familiar with these procedures and are encouraged to discuss their proposal with an IRB representative prior to formal review.  相似文献   
Schematic representation of pain information was investigated in chronic pain patients, health professionals, and nonpatient controls. Under the guise of an English-language experiment, Ss were presented with 12 word stems to be completed with the first 2 English words that came to mind. Four of the stems could be completed with sensory pain words, 4 with effective, and 4 with words associated with pain or illness. All could be completed with at least 3 other nonpain words of equal or greater frequency. Results indicate that chronic pain Ss produced significantly more pain-related completions than control Ss and that in all 3 groups the types of pain words produced were related to the extent of personal experience of pain. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the organization of schema, implicit memory, and the activation of mental representations of pain (schema).  相似文献   
The very late antigen-4 (VLA-4) integrin expressed on the surface of lymphocytes and macrophages can regulate their migration to inflammatory sites as well as control cellular activation. The role of VLA-4 in the establishment of autoimmune diabetes is not easily predicted given the multiplicity of adhesion pathways and their differential use by various cell types. The contribution of VLA-4 to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was investigated by administration of VLA-4-specific monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) in an adoptive transfer model of disease in NOD mice. This study shows that VLA-4-specific MoAbs profoundly inhibit the development of diabetes with protection sustained by repeated MoAb exposure. Insulitis was completely inhibited during treatment and progressed to a severe degree once MoAb treatment was suspended, yet approximately 40% of treated recipients failed to become diabetic during 1-2 months post-treatment. Although we cannot rule out depletion of a relatively minor subpopulation of cells by prolonged anti-VLA-4 MoAb exposure, this inhibition of diabetes onset by treatment with MoAbs to VLA-4 supports a dependence on VLA-4 for cellular functions leading to diabetes and demonstrates that a significant disease modifying effect can be mediated by targeting the VLA-4 integrin.  相似文献   
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