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We report the cloning and expression of the fifth member of the mammalian UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (ppGaNTase) family. Degenerate polymerase chain reaction amplification and hybridization screening of a rat sublingual gland (RSLG) cDNA library were used to identify a novel isoform termed ppGaNTase-T5. Conceptual translation of the cDNA reveals a uniquely long stem region not observed for other members of this enzyme family. Recombinant proteins expressed transiently in COS7 cells displayed transferase activity in vitro. Relative activity and substrate preferences of ppGaNTase-T5 were compared with previously identified isoforms (ppGaNTase-T1, -T3, and -T4); ppGaNTase-T5 and -T4 glycosylated a restricted subset of peptides whereas ppGaNTase-T1 and -T3 glycosylated a broader range of substrates. Northern blot analysis revealed that ppGaNTase-T5 is expressed in a highly tissue-specific manner; abundant expression was seen in the RSLG, with lesser amounts of message in the stomach, small intestine, and colon. Therefore, the pattern of expression of ppGaNTase-T5 is the most restricted of all isoforms examined thus far. The identification of this novel isoform underscores the diversity and complexity of the family of genes controlling O-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   
TM Wadas 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,29(10):48E, 48H-48E, 48K
A hospital implements a mock code program to increase nurses' comfort and skill with increased code arrest duties, improving their performance 95%.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that accurate saccades can be generated, in the dark, that compensate for movements of the visual axis that result from movements of either the eyes alone or the head alone that intervene between target presentation and saccade onset. We have carried out experiments with human subjects to test whether gaze saccades (gaze = eye-in-space = eye-in-head + head-in-space) can be generated that compensate for smooth pursuit movements of gaze that intervene between target onset and gaze-saccade onset. In both head-unrestrained (head-free) and -restrained (head-fixed) conditions, subjects were asked to make gaze shifts, in the dark, to the remembered location of a briefly flashed target. On most trials, during the memory period, the subjects carried out intervening head-free gaze pursuit or head-fixed ocular pursuit along the horizontal meridian. On the remaining (control) trials, subjects did not carry out intervening pursuit movements during the memory period; this was the classical memory-guided saccade task. We found that the subjects accurately compensated for intervening movements of the visual axis in both the head-free and head-fixed conditions. We conclude that the human gaze-motor system is able to monitor on-line changes in gaze position and add them to initial retinal error, to program spatially accurate gaze saccades.  相似文献   
Experimental systems based on immunization with plasmid DNA or immune-stimulating complexes were used to delineate the requirements for generation of protective immunity against murine leishmaniasis. Vaccination with plasmid DNA encoding the host-protective Leishmania major parasite surface Ag-2 primed for an essentially exclusive Th1 response that protected mice against L. major infection. In contrast, parasite surface Ag-2 in immune-stimulating complexes generated an immune response with mixed Th1-like and Th2-like properties that was not protective despite the activation of large numbers of CD4+ T cells secreting IFN-gamma. These results indicate that a Th1 response is sufficient to protect against cutaneous leishmaniasis, but the induction of a simultaneous Th2 response abrogates the Th1 effector function. DNA vaccines may therefore have an advantage for diseases in which protection depends on the induction of Th1 responses.  相似文献   
A new series 5-thio aryl pyrazole derivatives were proposed aiming analgesic activity. In this work, 8 new compounds of this class were synthesized using usual synthetic methodology, having as key intermediate the 3-methyl-4-nitro-5-chloropyrazole-1-phenyl derivative and subsequent reaction with several nucleophiles sulfides. Pharmacological evaluation of this series showed analgesic activity in the some extent in especially for 5-(4-bromophenyl)-thio-3-methyl-4-nitro-1-phenylpyrazole which was the most potent in this series, presenting an analgesic action comparable to that show by dipyrone.  相似文献   
Virus-specific CD8+ effector T cells (eCTL) are enriched in the lungs of mice with primary influenza pneumonia, though later detection of memory T cells (mCTL) in the mediastinal lymph nodes (MLN) or spleen by peptide-based staining protocols is at the limits of flow cytometric analysis. Respiratory challenge with an H3N2 virus months after H1N1 priming induces a massive recall response, which reduces virus titers 2-3 days earlier than in nave controls. Influenza-specific mCTL produce interferon-gamma within 6 hr, but still take 4-5 days to localize to the infected respiratory tract. The delay reflects that the recall response develops first in the MLN, which contains relatively few mCTL. The response to a subdominant epitope is less obvious after secondary challenge.  相似文献   
The effects of mechanical injury on the metabolism of cartilage matrix are of interest for understanding the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis and the development of strategies for cartilage repair. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of injury on matrix turnover in a calf articular cartilage explant system for which the effects of mechanical loading on cell activity and the cell-mediated pathways of matrix metabolism are already well characterized. New methods of quantitative autoradiography were used in combination with established biochemical and biomechanical techniques for the analysis of cell and matrix responses to acute mechanical injury, with particular attention to the processes of localized matrix turnover in the cell-associated matrices of individual chondrocytes. Matrix deposition and turnover around cells in control explants was spatially dependent, with the highest rates of proteoglycan deposition and turnover and the lowest rates of collagen deposition (as indicated by [3H]proline autoradiography) occurring in the pericellular matrix. Injurious compression was associated with (a) an abrupt decrease in the tensile load-carrying capacity of the collagen matrix, apparently associated with mechanical failure of the tissue, (b) a considerable but subtotal decrease in cell viability, marked by the emergence of an apparently inactive cell population interspersed within catabolically active but abnormally large cells, and (c) sustained, elevated rates of proteoglycan turnover, particularly in the cell-associated matrices of apparently viable cells, which involved the increased release of aggregating species in addition to a spectrum of degradation fragments that were also in controls. These results may represent an in vitro model for the responses of chondrocytes and the cartilage extracellular matrix to mechanical injury.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The bilateral deficit is characterized by a decrease in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force during bilateral activation of homologous muscles compared with sum of the forces produced during unilateral MVC of the muscles. A proposed relationship between the bilateral deficit and the ability to activate high threshold motor units was investigated. The effects of muscle fatigue, induced using two contraction speeds, on the size of the bilateral deficit were measured. Based on previously published findings, it was expected that fast velocity isokinetic contractions compared with slow velocity isokinetic contractions would produce a larger bilateral deficit. It was hypothesized that following a unilateral fatigue protocol, the size of the bilateral deficit at the fast and slow velocities would be comparable. METHODS: The bilateral deficit was measured for isokinetic knee extension in 20 men (age:25 +/- 3 yr) before and after a fatigue protocol performed at 30 and 150 degreesxs(-1). RESULTS: The size of the bilateral deficit was initially the same at both velocities. The fatigue protocol at each contraction speed significantly decreased the maximum voluntary knee extension moment. The size of the bilateral deficit was not influenced by the 150 degrees fatigue protocol (pretest: -14.0% post-test: -12.5%; P > 0.05). However, the size of the bilateral deficit increased following the 30 degreesxs(-1) fatigue protocol (pretest: -13.7%; post-test: -21.9%; P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The failure of the size of the bilateral deficit to be comparable at 30 and 150 degreesxs(-1) following fatigue is contrary to previous published reports that suggested reduced activation of high threshold motor unit is the primary mechanism underlying the bilateral deficit.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To determine the effects of 28 d of creatine supplementation during training on body composition, strength, sprint performance, and hematological profiles. METHODS: In a double-blind and randomized manner, 25 NCAA division IA football players were matched-paired and assigned to supplement their diet for 28 d during resistance/agility training (8 h x wk[-1]) with a Phosphagen HP (Experimental and Applied Sciences, Golden, CO) placebo (P) containing 99 g x d(-1) of glucose, 3 g x d(-1) of taurine, 1.1 g x d(-1) of disodium phosphate, and 1.2 g x d(-1) of potassium phosphate (P) or Phosphagen HP containing the P with 15.75 g x d(-1) of HPCE pure creatine monohydrate (HP). Before and after supplementation, fasting blood samples were obtained; total body weight, total body water, and body composition were determined; subjects performed a maximal repetition test on the isotonic bench press, squat, and power clean; and subjects performed a cycle ergometer sprint test (12 x 6-s sprints with 30-s rest recovery). RESULTS: Hematological parameters remained within normal clinical limits for active individuals with no side effects reported. Total body weight significantly increased (P < 0.05) in the HP group (P 0.85 +/- 2.2; HP 2.42 +/- 1.4 kg) while no differences were observed in the percentage of total body water. DEXA scanned body mass (P 0.77 +/- 1.8; HP 2.22 +/- 1.5 kg) and fat/bone-free mass (P 1.33 +/- 1.1; HP 2.43 +/- 1.4 kg) were significantly increased in the HP group. Gains in bench press lifting volume (P -5 +/- 134; HP 225 +/- 246 kg), the sum of bench press, squat, and power clean lifting volume (P 1,105 +/- 429; HP 1,558 +/- 645 kg), and total work performed during the first five 6-s sprints was significantly greater in the HP group. CONCLUSION: The addition of creatine to the glucose/taurine/electrolyte supplement promoted greater gains in fat/bone-free mass, isotonic lifting volume, and sprint performance during intense resistance/agility training.  相似文献   
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