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Fatigue crack initiation in Al 2219-T851 for fully reversed loading(R = σ/σmax =−1) parallel to the material rolling direction is found to occur at intermetallic inclusions at the specimen surface. The inclusions are not involved in crack initiation for fatigue perpendicular to the rolling direction, and for this orientation crack initiation is at grain boundaries and specimens have an increased fatigue life. Except for fatigue at low peak stress, multiple numbers of microcracks are formed and for selected failed specimens the number of cracks has been determined as a function of crack length. Such crack length distribution measurements show that there is significant retardation of microcracks by interaction with grain boundaries. Furthermore it is found that the coalescence of microcracks provides a mechanism for cracking to “jump“ grain boundaries and reduce fatigue lifetime. The effect of relative humidity on this process is to increase the observed mean crack length, and decrease the number of crack initiations apparently due to weakening of the matrix-intermetallic interface at potential initiation sites. The overall result is that no significant dependence of fatigue life on relative humidity is found. Formerly with the Science Center, Rock-well International  相似文献   
It has been reported for as-quenched AISI 4340 steel that high temperature austenitizing treatments at 1200°C, instead of conventional heat-treatment at 870°C, result in a two-foldincrease in fracture toughness,K Ic, but adecrease in Charpy impact energy. This paper seeks to find an explanation for this discrepancy in Charpy and fracture toughness data in terms of the difference betweenK Ic and impact tests. It is shown that the observed behavior is independent of shear lip energy and strain rate effects, but can be rationalized in terms of the differing response of the structure produced by each austenitizing treatment to the influence of notch root radius on toughness. The microstructural factors which affect this behavior are discussed. Based on these and other observations, it is considered that the use of high temperature austenitizing be questioned as a practical heat-treatment procedure for ultrahigh strength, low alloy steels. Finally, it is suggested that evaluation of material toughness should not be based solely onK Ic or Charpy impact energy values alone; both sharp crack fracture toughness and rounded notch impact energy tests are required. formerly with Effects Technology, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA  相似文献   
Hot stage was used to investigate dislocation loop formation and growth at climb sources in Al rich alloys of β-NiAl. The loops grew by absorbing vacancies retained during cooling of the samples. The growth rate was dependent on the speed of cooling and anomalously high growth of loops occurred near the foil surfaces. The loop shapes were nearly square as a result of loop growth by a jog mechanism. Estimates of the vacancy concentration contained in the loops after growth demonstrated that nearly all thermal vacancies can be retained in NiAl.  相似文献   
The structural composition of soil organic matter (SOM) was determined in twenty-seven soils with different vegetation from several ecological zones of Australia and Pakistan using solid-state CPMAS 13C NMR. The SOM was characterized using carbon types derived from the NMR spectra. Relationships were determined between Koc (sorption per unit organic C) of carbaryl(1-naphthylmethylcarbamate) and phosalone (S-6-chloro-2,3-dihydro-2-oxobenzoxazol-3-ylmethyl O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate) and the nature of organic matter in the soils. Substantial variations were revealed in the structural composition of organic matter in the soils studied. The variations in Koc values of the pesticides observed for the soils could be explained only when variations in the aromatic components of SOM were taken into consideration. The highly significant positive correlations of aromaticity of SOM and Koc values of carbaryl and phosalone revealed that the aromatic component of SOM is a good predictor of a soil's ability to bind such nonionic pesticides.  相似文献   
The nutritional status of a cow is a key factor in the regulation of both follicle growth and oocyte quality. In this study, the effect of diets designed to increase circulating insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentrations on steroid production by granulosa cells in vitro was examined to analyse the mechanisms through which these changes occur. Hereford x Friesian heifers (n = 24) were offered maintenance or twice maintenance diets during the experimental period (17 days). Circulating concentrations of FSH did not differ between the two dietary groups, whereas insulin and IGF-I concentrations showed significant diet x day of oestrous cycle interactions. Ovaries were collected on day 3 of the first follicle wave after synchronization of oestrus. Granulosa cells were isolated from small (1-4 mm) and medium-sized (4-8 mm) follicles and cultured in the presence of long R3-IGF-I or bFSH or both. After 4 days in culture, granulosa cells isolated from small follicles, but not medium-sized follicles, collected from cattle offered the twice maintenance diet secreted significantly higher (P < 0.05) amounts of oestradiol compared with granulosa cells collected from cattle offered the maintenance diet. The effect was apparent in either the presence or absence of FSH and long R3-IGF-I. This nutritional effect on aromatase activity in granulosa cells was not apparent after day 6 of culture. There was no effect of diet on progesterone production by granulosa cells after 4 or 6 days of culture. These results support the hypothesis that dietary-induced changes in circulating insulin and IGF-I concentrations have a direct effect on the steroidogenic potential of bovine granulosa cells from small follicles. The dietary-induced increases in aromatase activity in small follicles combined with the increased concentration of metabolic hormones are possible mechanisms through which short-term changes in nutrition may affect follicle dynamics.  相似文献   
Sulphanilamide was determined to be a new inhibitor of lactoperoxidase (LPO) with an IC50 of 0.848.10−5 M. The Ki for sulphanilamide was determined to be 3.57.10−5 M and sulphanilamide showed competitive inhibition, which makes it a suitable ligand for constructing a Sepharose 4B-l-tyrosine affinity matrix. The affinity matrix was synthesised by coupling sulphanilamide as the ligand and l-tyrosine as the spacer arm to a cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-activated-Sepharose 4B matrix. Lactoperoxidase was purified 409-fold from the synthesized affinity matrix in a single step, with a yield of 62.3% and a specific activity of 40.9 EU/mg protein. The enzyme activity was measured using ABTS as a chromogenic substrate (pH 6.0). The degree of LPO purification was monitored by SDS–PAGE and its Rz (A412/A280) value. The Rz value for the purified LPO was found to be 0.7. Maximum binding was achieved and Km and Vmax values were determined.  相似文献   
Preliminary studies of chemical composition and sensory properties of instant noodles from blends of wheat flour and sweet potato starch were carried out. Sweet potato starch was used to replace wheat flour at 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70%. Proximate, vitamin A, mineral analysis and sensory evaluation were carried out by standard methods. Results showed that the formulated noodles had higher carbohydrate (63.34 – 70.53%), moisture (4.34 – 4.97%) and vitamin A (11.62 – 35.00 mg/100 g) but lower protein (3.36 – 7.89%), fat (16.91 – 25.09%), calcium (0.73 – 0.89%), phosphorus (0.24 – 0.32%), iron (0.10 – 0.27%) and ash content (1.17 – 3.17%) than the commercial noodles from wheat flour. The noodles containing 30% sweet potato starch showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) from commercial noodles (100% wheat flour) in terms of colour, crunchiness, taste and general acceptability, with improved nutrient composition. It is concluded that production and consumption of wheat flour/potato starch blend noodles should be encouraged to increase the calorie and vitamin A intake in the diet, especially for children who are the major consumers of noodles; apart from helping to promote and improve the utilization of sweet potato tubers.  相似文献   
The mycological and physicochemical qualities (pH and titratable acidity) of fermenting pearl millet gruel were evaluated using routine methods. Several species of yeasts and moulds were isolated and the mould species identified based on their observable macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. The moulds identified included: Penicillium sp (FM1), Rhizopus spp (FM2, FM3 and FM6), Aspergillus flavus (FM7) and Aspergillus niger (FM8). These isolates were screened for production of antimicrobial compounds using agar well diffusion method. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus lichieniformis, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas syringae, Proteus sp. and Serratia sp. were utilized as indicator organisms. Secondary metabolites were also extracted from the respective moulds and the antimicrobial properties of these metabolites were tested against pure cultures of E. coli, S. aureus, P. flourescens and B. lichieniformis. All the moulds exhibited antimicrobial activity against P. flourescens while the metabolic extract of Aspergillus flavus (FM7) displayed the highest zone of inhibition (24 mm) against an overnight culture of P. flourescens.  相似文献   
Cowpea varieties (IT88D-867-11, IT89KD-288 and MALA) were boiled, roasted, dehulled and later milled into powder. The proximate composition, functional and pasting properties as well as anti-nutritional contents (Tannin) of the product was subsequently determined. The result of the study revealed significant increase (P < 0.05) in the crude protein, crude ash, swelling power and water absorption capacity. Conversely, significant decrease (P < 0.05) was observed in crude fat, starch content, moisture content, solubility and peak viscosity. Boiled samples have significantly higher (P < 0.05) crude protein, swelling power, water absorption capacity, with concomitantly lower solubility and tannin content. Crude ash, moisture, solubility and tannin content of dehulled samples decreased significantly with an increase in protein, swelling power and water absorption capacity. However, IT89KD-288 has the highest protein content irrespective of the processing used. But raw IT89KD-288 showed highest percentage of swelling power, solubility, water absorption capacity and Tannin content. The result revealed that both boiling and dehulling will greatly reduce tannin content of cowpea.  相似文献   
The effect of high-pressure processing on quality and shelf life of black tiger shrimp was studied. Shrimp was high-pressure processed at selected pressure levels of 100, 270, and 435 MPa for 5 min at room temperature (25?±?2 °C). Changes in physical, biochemical, and microbiological characteristics after processing and during subsequent chilled storage were examined for 35 days. After processing significant (P?<?0.05) increase in moisture content and parallel reduction in protein content was observed. No significant changes were observed in TVB-N and TMA-N levels of shrimp after processing; however, these significantly increased with storage. Whiteness index increased with pressure intensity imparting brighter and mildly cooked appearance. Pressure-induced hardening effect was observed, which showed decreasing trend during storage. The treated samples maintained lower viable counts throughout the storage, thus having better microbial quality than untreated sample. Shelf life was extended to 15 days in shrimp treated at 435 MPa compared with 5 days in untreated sample. Pressure treatment of 435 MPa was found to be most effective in preserving the quality and extending the shelf life of black tiger shrimp.  相似文献   
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