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Environmental issues inspire the revival of natural dyes that exhibit better biodegradability and more compatibility over synthetic ones. This research is aimed to investigate the effect of color and fastness properties on wool yarn substrate with natural anthraquinone colorants extracted from madder roots using gallnut (Quercus infectoria) extract as anchoring agent. Prior to the dyeing with Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia), wool fibers were pre and post-treated with different concentrations of gallnut extract (viz 1–5% o.w.f) to get a broad range of beautiful and color fast shades. The feasibility of gallnut extract as an anchoring agent and its effect on color strength and color fastness to light, rubbing, and washing was investigated. Results of color characteristics showed that the color coordinates of the dyed samples were situated in the red-yellow quadrant of the CIELabcolor space. Bio-mordanting with gallnut extract produced shades of practically acceptable color depth, color fastness to light, washing and rubbing. Pre-treatment with gallnut extract is dominated over post-treatment in terms of better colorimetric and fastness results.  相似文献   
Natural products have been in use long before the introduction of modern drug therapies and are still used in various communities worldwide for the treatment of anterior eye disease. The aim of this review is to look at the current non-pharmaceutical modalities that have been tried and assess the body of existing evidence behind them. This includes alternative medicine, existing non-pharmaceutical therapy and more recent low and high tech solutions.A detailed search of all available databases including MEDLINE, Pubmed and Google was made to look for English-language studies for complementary and alternative treatment modalities (CAM), natural therapies and new modalities for anterior eye disease such as blepharitis, dry eye and microbial keratitis. We have included a broad discussion ranging from traditional treatments like honey and aloe vera which have been used for centuries, to the more recent technological advances like Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), LipiFlow and photoactivated chromophore for corneal cross linking in infectious keratitis (PACK-CXL).Alternative management strategies may have a role in anterior eye diseases and have a potential in changing the way we currently approach them. Some of the available CAM could play a role if incorporated in to current management practices of not only chronic diseases like blepharitis and dry eye, but also acute conditions with significant morbidity like microbial keratitis. Further large-scale randomized control trials stratified by disease severity are required to improve our understanding and to evaluate the use of non-pharmaceutical therapy against current practice.  相似文献   
A surveillance study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Campylobacter in meat, milk and other food commodities in Pakistan. Over a period of 3 years (January 2002-December 2004), a total of 1636 food samples of meat, milk and other food commodities were procured from three big cities of Pakistan (Faisalabad, Lahore and Islamabad) and were analysed. Among meat samples, the highest prevalence (48%) of Campylobacter was recorded in raw chicken meat followed by raw beef (10.9%) and raw mutton (5.1%). Among other food commodities, the highest prevalence was observed in vegetable/fruit salad (40.9%), sandwiches (32%), cheese (11%) and raw bulk milk samples (10.2%). The overall prevalence of Campylobacter was found to be 21.5%, out of which 70.6% were identified as Campylobacter (C.) jejuni and 29.4% as C. coli. The study reported that the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. was significantly higher in the food commodities, which included raw/undercooked ingredients.  相似文献   
A novel technique for the measurement of liquid viscosity is presented. In this technique, a disk was driven by a constant speed dc shunt motor in the test liquid. The change in the motor current measured the viscosity. The change in motor current was measured using an instrumentation amplifier and the viscosity of the liquid was measured in terms of output voltage. The temperature of the liquid was controlled using a peltier cooler/heater and was measured using an AD590 two-terminal integrated circuit temperature sensor. The viscosity of vegetable oils (groundnut, palm, sunflower, coconut) in the temperature range from 20 °C to 60 °C were determined. The results thus found were similar to the results obtained from a Redwood viscometer. This technique is useful to measure viscosity of liquids.  相似文献   
Phenanthrene sorption to soil humic acid and different humin fractions   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This study was undertaken to provide an insight into the effect of heterogeneous soil organic matter (SOM) on the sorption of phenanthrene. Humic acid (HA) and humin were extracted from a peat soil. Humin was further fractionated into bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions. Heterogeneous natures of these fractions were characterized by elemental analysis, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and solid-state 13C NMR. Aliphaticity of the fractions followed the order lipid >BHA > HA > IR, while the polarity order was IR > BHA> HA > lipid. Sorption of phenanthrene on these fractions fitted the Freundlich equation, suggesting that phenanthrene sorption isotherms of lipid were almost linear (N = 0.993), while those of HA, BHA, and IR were nonlinear, with N values ranging from 0.723 to 0.910. The N values followed the order lipid > HA > BHA > IR and were significantly correlated inversely with their polarities (p < 0.05). Organic carbon-normalized sorption coefficients (K(FOC)) were independent of aliphatic or aromatic contents of the SOM fractions. The results suggested that SOM, especially for the humin fractions, was highly heterogeneous in terms of elemental composition, structure, and polarity. Such heterogeneity was considered to be responsible forthe nonlinear sorption of phenanthrene.  相似文献   
Arsenic removal by passive treatment, in which naturally present Fe(II) is oxidized by aeration and the forming iron(III) (hydr)oxides precipitate with adsorbed arsenic, is the simplest conceivable water treatment option. However, competing anions and low iron concentrations often require additional iron. Application of Fe(II) instead of the usually applied Fe(III) is shown to be advantageous, as oxidation of Fe(II) by dissolved oxygen causes partial oxidation of As(III) and iron(III) (hydr)oxides formed from Fe(II) have higher sorption capacities. In simulated groundwater (8.2 mM HCO3(-), 2.5 mM Ca2+, 1.6 mM Mg2+, 30 mg/L Si, 3 mg/L P, 500 ppb As(III), or As(V), pH 7.0 +/- 0.1), addition of Fe(II) clearly leads to better As removal than Fe(III). Multiple additions of Fe(II) further improved the removal of As(II). A competitive coprecipitation model that considers As(III) oxidation explains the observed results and allows the estimation of arsenic removal under different conditions. Lowering 500 microg/L As(III) to below 50 microg/L As(tot) in filtered water required > 80 mg/L Fe(III), 50-55 mg/L Fe(II) in one single addition, and 20-25 mg/L in multiple additions. With As(V), 10-12 mg/L Fe(II) and 15-18 mg/L Fe(III) was required. In the absence of Si and P, removal efficiencies for Fe(II) and Fe(III) were similar: 30-40 mg/L was required for As(II), and 2.0-2.5 mg/L was required for As(V). In a field study with 22 tubewells in Bangladesh, passive treatment efficiently removed phosphate, but iron contents were generally too low for efficient arsenic removal.  相似文献   
For the past 60 yr, chromate-copper-arsenate (CCA) has been used to pressure-treat millions of cubic meters of wood in the United States for the construction of many outdoor structures. Leaching of arsenic from these structures is a possible health concern as there exists the potential for soil and groundwater contamination. While previous studies have focused on total arsenic concentrations leaching from CCA-treated wood, information pertaining to the speciation of arsenic leached is limited. Since arsenic toxicity is dependent upon speciation, the objective of this study was to identify and quantify arsenic species leaching from new and weathered CCA-treated wood and CCA-treated wood ash. Solvent-extraction experiments were carried out by subjecting the treated wood and the ash to solvents of varying pH values, solvents defined in the EPA's Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), rainwater, deionized water, and seawater. The generated leachates were analyzed for inorganic As(III) and As(V) and the organoarsenic species, monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA), using high-performance liquid chromatography followed by hydride generation and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS). Only the inorganic species were detected in any of the wood leachates; no organoarsenic species were found. Inorganic As(V) was the major detectable species leaching from both new and weathered wood. The weathered wood leached relatively more overall arsenic and was attributed to increased inorganic As(III) leaching. The greater presence of As(III) in the weathered wood samples as compared to the new wood samples may be due to natural chemical and biological transformations during the weathering process. CCA-treated wood ash leached more arsenic than unburned wood using the SPLP and TCLP, and ash samples leached more inorganic As(III) than the unburned counterparts. Increased leaching was due to higher concentrations of arsenic within the ash and to the conversion of some As(V) to As(III) during combustion.  相似文献   
Experiments were performed to assess the reduction of Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli in commercial broiler carcasses by postchill dip applications of acidified sodium chlorite. Carcass rinses were collected before the inside-outside-bird washer (IOBW), post-IOBW, postchill, and after the postchill application of acidified sodium chlorite. Prevalence and counts of Campylobacter spp. and E. coli were determined. The mean values for Campylobacter spp. and E. coli counts differed significantly at sampling sites. The IOBW reduced the bacterial counts significantly in only one experiment. The chiller reduced Campylobacter counts significantly in both experiments but failed to significantly reduce the counts of E. coli in one experiment. No major reduction in the prevalence after enrichment for Campylobacter spp. was detected post-IOBW or postchill. However, a significant reduction in Campylobacter spp. and in E. coli counts and Campylobacter spp. prevalence was seen after the postchill application of acidified sodium chlorite. These results demonstrate that the antimicrobial effect of acidified sodium chlorite applied postchill may be used to significantly reduce Campylobacter spp. and E. coli in commercial broiler carcasses. Postchill systems may eventually be used in different applications, such as mist, spray, or bath, which could be applied closer to the final stages in processing.  相似文献   
Processing of maize (Zea mays L fresh and dry) for the production of various traditional products results in the loss of phytic acid. Fresh mature corn contains less phytic acid (1·71 g kg?1) than dry corn (7·15–7.60 g kg?1). The loss of phytic acid varies from 18·1 to 46·7% for fresh maize and from 11·5 to 52·6% for dry maize respectively among the heat treatments given. From a nutritional viewpoint, consumption of maize as chapati and after roasting in a sand bath or on charcoal will improve the availability of minerals.  相似文献   
During 2001-2005, 210 Salmonella enterica strains were isolated from seafood samples imported into US. Strains of S. enterica serovar Weltevreden were the most predominantly found among the 64 different serovars isolated. A total of 37 Salmonella Weltevreden isolates were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), plasmid profiles and antibiotic susceptibility to assess genetic diversity. Our results showed a low frequency of antibiotic resistance; 35 of the 37 isolates were sensitive to ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, sulfisoxazole, streptomycin and kanamycin. Only two isolates, from samples originating in the Philippines and India, showed resistance to ampicillin and tetracycline and to streptomycin, sulfisoxazole and tetracycline, respectively. Of the 37 isolates, two isolates did not carry any plasmid and 35 isolates harbored several small and mega-plasmids. These isolates were differentiated into 10 distinct types based on plasmid profiles. Four different PFGE clusters were obtained with a genetic similarity of 66-76%. Four groups of isolates (formed by two or three isolates each) showed 100% similarity in the PFGE profiles. One of these groups included strains isolated in Vietnam in 2003, 2004 and 2005 from fish and shrimp. The other groups included strains isolated in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand in 2000, 2004 and 2005 from snail, shrimp and fish. Our findings show genetic diversity and temporal persistence of S. enterica serovar Weltevreden in recently monitored seafood imports.  相似文献   
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