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Configuration Logic (CL) is a formal language that allows a network engineer to express constraints in terms of the actual parameters found in the configuration of network devices. We present an efficient algorithm that can automatically check a pool of devices for conformance to a set of CL constraints; moreover, this algorithm can point to the part of the configuration responsible for the error when a constraint is violated. Contrary to other validation approaches that require dumping the configuration of the whole network to a central location in order to be verified, we also present an algorithm that analyzes the correct formulas and greatly helps reduce the amount of data that need to be transferred to that central location, pushing as much of the evaluation of the formula locally on each device. The procedure is also backwards-compatible, in such a way that a device that does not (or only partially) supports a local evaluation may simply return a subset or all of its configuration. These capabilities have been integrated into a network management tool called ValidMaker.  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the problem of retrieving a movie from a set of multimedia(MM) servers by the clients on a network. We consider a strategy in which multiple MM servers are deployed by the service provider (SP) to retrieve a requested MM movie to the clients, for minimizing the access time (the waiting time of the client before initiating the playback) and maximizes the system reliability. We design a movie retrieval strategy that explicitly considers issues such as reliability and/or availability factors of the multimedia servers and the communication channels in the problem formulation. We develop a mathematical model for this retrieval strategy and derive an optimal size of each movie portion that is expected to be rendered by each server. We then derive a closed-form expression for the access time of the MM document and the system reliability which gives a trade-off relationship between access time and reliability (availability) of the service by our strategy. We extend our study to investigate on the effect of sequencing of the servers, the order in which movie portions are to be retrieved, to minimize the access time and to maximize the system reliability. With system reliability factors, we identify an optimal sequence, which maximizes system reliability out of all possible retrieval sequences. We then propose two methods to retrieve any missing movie portions upon a server failure during the retrieval process. In order to measure the quality of service provided by the service provider to its customers, we introduce a QoS parameter that can tune the playback rate to avoid any data underflow or overflow situations. Then, from probabilistic perspective, we obtain an estimate of the failure time of a single server and its resulting missing movie portion caused by this server failure. We conduct rigorous simulation experiments to testify all the theoretical findings reported. Illustrative examples are provided for the ease of understanding.  相似文献   
The neural mechanisms underlying motion segregation and integration still remain unclear to a large extent. Local motion estimates often are ambiguous in the lack of form features, such as corners or junctions. Furthermore, even in the presence of such features, local motion estimates may be wrong if they were generated near occlusions or from transparent objects. Here, a neural model of visual motion processing is presented that involves early stages of the cortical dorsal and ventral pathways. We investigate the computational mechanisms of V1-MT feedforward and feedback processing in the perception of coherent shape motion. In particular, we demonstrate how modulatory MT-V1 feedback helps to stabilize localized feature signals at, e.g. corners, and to disambiguate initial flow estimates that signal ambiguous movement due to the aperture problem for single shapes. In cluttered environments with multiple moving objects partial occlusions may occur which, in turn, generate erroneous motion signals at points of overlapping form. Intrinsic-extrinsic region boundaries are indicated by local T-junctions of possibly any orientation and spatial configuration. Such junctions generate strong localized feature tracking signals that inject erroneous motion directions into the integration process. We describe a simple local mechanism of excitatory form-motion interaction that modifies spurious motion cues at T-junctions. In concert with local competitive-cooperative mechanisms of the motion pathway the motion signals are subsequently segregated into coherent representations of moving shapes. Computer simulations demonstrate the competency of the proposed neural model.  相似文献   
Analysis of Caching and Replication Strategies for Web Applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Developers often use replication and caching mechanisms to enhance Web application performance. The authors present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of state-of-the art replication and caching techniques used to host Web applications. Their analysis shows that selecting the best mechanism depends heavily on data workload and requires a careful review of the application's characteristics. They also propose a technique for Web practitioners to compare different mechanisms' performance on their own  相似文献   
We present an original appearance model that generalizes the usual Gaussian visual subspace model to non-Gaussian and nonparametric distributions. It can be useful for the modeling and recognition of images under difficult conditions such as large occlusions and cluttered backgrounds. Inference under the model is efficiently solved using the mean shift algorithm  相似文献   
This paper studies a family of optimization problems where a set of items, each requiring a possibly different amount of resource, must be assigned to different slots for which the price of the resource can vary. The objective is then to assign items such that the overall resource cost is minimized. Such problems arise commonly in domains such as production scheduling in the presence of fluctuating renewable energy costs or variants of the Travelling Salesman Problem. In Constraint Programming, this can be naturally modeled in two ways: (a) with a sum of element constraints; (b) with a MinimumAssignment constraint. Unfortunately the sum of element constraints obtains a weak filtering and the MinimumAssignment constraint does not scale well on large instances. This work proposes a third approach by introducing the ResourceCostAllDifferent constraint and an associated incremental and scalable filtering algorithm, running in (mathcal {O}(n cdot m)), where n is the number of unbound variables and m is the maximum domain size of unbound variables. Its goal is to compute the total cost in a scalable manner by dealing with the fact that all assignments must be different. We first evaluate the efficiency of the new filtering on a real industrial problem and then on the Product Matrix Travelling Salesman Problem, a special case of the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem. The study shows experimentally that our approach generally outperforms the decomposition and the MinimumAssignment ones for the problems we considered.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the use of online simulation on Holonic manufacturing systems. Concepts needed for the use of online simulation in a classical hierarchical system were already defined, the observer being the central one. The behavior's differences between both classes of systems are studied to determine the best way to adapt these concepts to this new environment. In the product resource order staff approach (PROSA) reference architecture, staff holons were chosen to welcome the simulation models and the observer. An application on an industrial sized Holonic manufacturing system is described to demonstrate the validity of the approach.  相似文献   
To comply with the new regulations on particulate matter, car manufacturers more and more commonly use diesel particulate filters (DPF). The working of these systems needs to periodically burn soot that has been accumulated during the loading of the DPF. This paper describes the kinetics of the non-catalytic and catalytic oxidation of real diesel soot with oxygen. From these experiments, mechanisms for catalyzed and non-catalyzed soot oxidation have been proposed.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether the beneficial effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) may influence ischemia-reperfusion-induced alterations of myocardial α- and β-adrenoceptor (α-AR, β-AR) responsiveness. This study was carried out using monolayer cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes in a substrate-free, hypoxia-reoxygenation model of ischemia. The cardiomyocytes (CM) were incubated during 4 days in media enriched either with n−6 PUFA (arachidonic acid, AA) or with n−3 PUFA (eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA). The n−6/n−3 ratio in n−3 CM was close to 1.2, compared to 20.1 in n−6 CM. The contractile parameters of n−6 CM and n−3 CM were similar in basal conditions as well as during hypoxia and reoxygenation. In basal conditions, the phospholipid (PL) enrichment with long chain n−3 PUFA resulted in an increased chronotropic response to isoproterenol (ISO) and to phenylephrine (PHE). After posthypoxic reoxygenation, the chronotropic response to β-AR activation in n−6 CM was significantly enhanced as compared with the control response in normoxia. In opposition, the ISO-induced rise in frequency in n−3 CM in control normoxia and after reoxygenation was similar. In these n−3 CM, the changes in contractile parameters, which accompanied the chronotropic response, were also similar in reoxygenation and in normoxic periods, although the rise in shortening velocity was slightly increased after reoxygenation. In response to PHE addition, only the chronotropic effect of n−6 CM appeared significantly enhanced after hypoxic treatment. These results suggested that increasing n−3 PUFA in PL reduced the increase in α- and β-AR functional responses observed after hypoxia-reoxygenation. This effect may partly account for the assumed cardiac protective effect of n−3 PUFA, through the attenuation of the functional response to catecholamines in the ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   
The Nightingallery project encouraged participants to converse, sing, and perform with a musically responsive animatronic bird, playfully interacting with the character while members of the public could look on and observe. We used Nightingallery to frame an HCI investigation into how people would engage with one another when confronted with unfamiliar technologies in conspicuously public, social spaces. Structuring performances as improvisational street theatre, we styled our method of exhibiting the bird character. We cast ourselves in supporting roles as carnival barkers and minders of the bird, presenting him as if he were a fantastical creature in a fairground sideshow display, allowing him the agency to shape and maintain dialogues with participants, and positioning him as the focal character upon which the encounter was centred. We explored how the anthropomorphic nature of the bird itself, along with the cultural connotations associated with the carnival/sideshow tradition helped signpost and entice participants through the trajectory of their encounters with the exhibit. Situating ourselves as secondary characters within the narrative defining the performance/use context, our methods of mediation, observation, and evaluation were integrated into the performance frame. In this paper, we explore recent HCI theories in mixed reality performance to reflect upon how genre-based cultural connotations can be used to frame trajectories of experience, and how manipulation of roles and agency in participatory performance can facilitate HCI investigation of social encounters with playful technologies.  相似文献   
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