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The Chlor-Alkali production is one of the largest industrial scale electro-synthesis in the world. Plants with more than 1000 individual reactors are common, where chlorine and hydrogen are only separated by 0.2 mm thin membranes. Wrong operating conditions can cause explosions and highly toxic gas releases, but also irreversible damages of very expensive cell components with dramatic maintenance costs and production loss. In this paper, a Multi-Expert System based on first-order logic rules and Decision Forests is proposed to detect any abnormal operating conditions of membrane cell electrolyzers and to advice the operator accordingly. Robustness to missing data – which represents an important issue in industrial applications in general – is achieved by means of a Dynamic Selection strategy. Experiments performed with real-world electrolyzer data indicate that the proposed system can significantly detect the different operating modes, even in the presence of high levels of missing data – or “wrong” data, as a consequence of maloperation –, which is essential for precise fault detection and advice generation.  相似文献   
This paper describes a variable structure control for fractional‐order systems with delay in both the input and state variables. The proposed method includes a fractional‐order state predictor to eliminate the input delay. The resulting state‐delay system is controlled through a sliding mode approach where the controller uses a sliding surface defined by fractional order integral. Then, the proposed control law ensures that the state trajectories reach the sliding surface in finite time. Based on recent results of Lyapunov stability theory for fractional‐order systems, the stability of the closed loop is studied. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show the interest of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
The use of FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures has been growing rapidly due to its advantages over conventional steel reinforcement (e.g., corrosion resistance, light weight, magnetic neutrality). A potential application of FRP reinforcement is in structural concrete frames. However, current seismic design standards and detailing criteria for beam-column joints were established for steel reinforcement and may be unsuitable for FRP reinforcement due to its different mechanical properties. During recent earthquakes, many structural collapses were initiated or caused by beam-column joint failures. Since there are no detailed specifications for the application of FRP reinforcement in seismic zones, research is needed to gain a better understanding of the behaviour of FRP-reinforced concrete under seismic loading. In this study, two full-scale beam-column joint specimens reinforced with steel and GFRP, respectively, were tested in order to investigate their performance in the event of an earthquake. The control steel-reinforced specimen is detailed according to the Canadian Code (CSA A23.3-94) recommendations. The GFRP-reinforced specimen is detailed in a similar scheme but using a GFRP grid. The behaviour of the two specimens under reversed cyclic loading, their load-storey drift envelope relationship and energy dissipation ability were compared. The GFRP-reinforced specimen showed a predominantly elastic behaviour up to failure. While its energy dissipation was low, its performance was acceptable in terms of total storey drift demand.  相似文献   
Dimer fatty acid-based polyamides (DAPA) are reinforced with cellulose fibres (CF) from 5 to 20 wt.%. Thermal, morphological, dynamic mechanical and mechanical properties of the corresponding biocomposites (DAPAC) are investigated. They exhibit a high increase in glass transition temperature (Tg) and a decrease in the crystallisation temperature and crystallinity degree. This can be attributed to carbonyl (DAPA) and hydroxyl (CP) groups’ interactions. These hydrogen bonds reduce the polymer mobility. For instance, the dynamic mechanical spectra of these biocomposites reveal an increase in the stiffness and higher thermal–mechanical stability. Morphological observations reveal a moderate interfacial adhesion between the fibres and the matrix. With the increase of the fibre content, tensile tests show a high increase in Young modulus and yield stress, and a decrease of elongation at break. Predicted modulus results based on micromechanical models, Voigt and Reuss bounds and Halpin–Tsai approaches, are compared with the experimental values. They show that the Halpin–Tsai model can be used to quantify the mechanical properties for DAPA/CF biocomposites.  相似文献   
During heat treatment processes, especially during quenching, cracks may form because of the presence of high thermal and mechanical stresses and strains. Notwithstanding the fact that increasingly detailed modelling for heat treatment is being performed (considering, i.a., grain size, creep and transformation plasticity), homogeneous microstructures are still normally assumed. Chemical and hence structural inhomogeneities are not commonly explicitly considered, which is especially accentuated in the case of real parts simulation because of the resulting numerical problem's size. Intensive quenching on a cylindrical specimen of 100Cr6 (SAE) steel is proposed here to experimentally investigate the microcrack generation. A finite element based model is proposed to numerically evaluate the fracture behaviour in a two‐step simulation. First, by solving the quenching problem in direct correspondance with the experimental test performed, and second, by studying the mesoscale response taking into account the influence of second phase particles in a representative volume element based approach. The maximum principal stress criterion is used to trigger the fracture by means of the extended finite element method at the mesoscale. The trend to form cracks in the surface region, experimentally observed, has been well captured by the model. The influence of carbides sizes and content on the mesoscale fracture response has been numerically analysed as well. A good agreement has been reached between the simulations and the experimental results, exhibiting the potential of the introduced approach to be used as a failure prediction methodology.  相似文献   
Decade inductance boxes are widely used in electrical laboratories for calibration of instruments that measure inductance. The main aim of this paper is to construct a new inductance box providing a huge number of automated inductance steps, which are used in the laboratories to perform full automatic calibration of inductance meters. Therefore, a new inductance box has been introduced that mainly consists of three decades. The three inductance decades have the same design, but each has its four different internal inductive elements. Each decade can generate 15 different inductance values, so it is more economical and practical compared to the other ordinary decades, which produce only 10 values by using 10 internal inductive elements. 1666 different inductance values can be obtained from this inductance box, while 4096 inductance values can be obtained by the possible combinations of its three decades steps. Practical design, fabrication and specifications of this new inductance box are demonstrated in detail. It is designed to achieve relative accuracy in the range from 5 × 10?4 to 5 × 10?3. It could be used to perform full automatic inductance measurements at the National Institute of Standards, Egypt, for the first time. Comparison between an ordinary inductance box and the new introduced one has been made to validate its performance.  相似文献   
In this article, the coupled theory, Lord–Shulman theory, and Green–Lindsay (GL) theory are used to study the influence of a magnetic field on a fiber-reinforced thermoelastic half-space. Normal mode analysis is used to solve a thermal shock problem. Numerical results for the temperature, displacement components, and stress components are given and illustrated graphically. A comparison is made between the coupled and GL theories in the absence and presence of a magnetic field and reinforcement.  相似文献   
A series of AIPO4–MoO3 (APM) systems with various molybdena loadings (5–50) mol %, same modified with phosphomolybdic acid (PMA) and cerium ions, were prepared by an impregnation method and calcined at 400 °C, except for the samples modified with PMA which were calcined at 350 °C for 4 h. The catalysts were characterized by TG/DTG, XRD, IR spectroscopy, N2 adsorption and electrical conductivity measurements. The surface acidity and basicity of the catalysts were determined by adsorption of pyridine and the dehydration–dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol. The catalytic esterification of acetic acid with ethanol was carried out in a convention fixed bed reactor. The results clearly revealed that the catalyst with a composition of 10 mol % MoO3 (APM10) was the most active and selective catalyst for the production of ethyl acetate. Moreover, the yield of ethyl acetate increases on addition of PMA into APM10 while it decreases on the addition of Ce4+ ions. These results were correlated with structure, semiconductivity and the acid–base properties of the prepared catalysts. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Nanocomposite materials were prepared from poly(oxyethylene) (POE) as the matrix and a stable aqueous suspension of cellulose nanocrystals extracted from tunicate as the reinforcing phase. After dissolving POE in water and mixing with the cellulose nanocrystals suspension, solid films were obtained by casting and evaporating the preparations. Resulting films were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and dynamic mechanical analysis. Favorable interactions between cellulose and POE were evidenced and assumed to be partially responsible for a decrease of the crystallinity of the matrix. A thermal stabilization of the nanocomposites for temperatures higher than the melting temperature of POE was reported and ascribed to the formation of a rigid cellulosic network within the matrix assumed to be governed by a percolation effect. The formation of this percolating network was not altered by the matrix crystallization process and filler/POE interactions.  相似文献   
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