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本文论述应用平面变形条件下的模型试验结果,分析研究重庆菜袁隧道的初步设计,确定喷射混凝土和岩石锚杆的尺寸和二次衬砌的厚度,以及选择适合的施工方法。  相似文献   
实验药包爆炸应力波测试技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用压电晶体压力传感器测定实验药包在介质中产生的爆炸应力波,没有反映冲击能(E_)和膨胀能(E_b)对介质进行加载的实际情况。本文指出电阻应变传感器具备记录压缩相和拉伸相的能力,认为超动态应变测试系统适宜于测定爆炸应力波,并给出了用该系统对爆炸应力波进行测定的结果。  相似文献   
2013年12月6日,UNStudio的Motion Matters展览在罗马国立当代艺术馆进行了第三次展出。该展览分别在2011年于哈佛大学设计系研究生院和2013年夏天于柏林Aedes画廊进行了成功的展出。而这一次,这种根据场地定制展览的理念又在罗马国立当代艺术馆的2号展厅得以实现。这次展览成为罗马国立当代艺术馆对用不同方式进行专题展览的最后一次尝试。  相似文献   
遗传算法的多样性和收敛性   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
陈晓龙 《计算机工程与设计》2004,25(9):1603-1605,1622
系统分析了遗传算法多种选择操作。采用正交优化和随机产生初始解相结合选择方法,保证初始解多样性和均匀性。具体分析了选择操作常用的4种方法,并改进了轮盘赌法。结合一个多峰函数给出了其试验结果。仿真试验表明能够对函数进行全局寻优,并给出了不同方法对应的收敛速率。  相似文献   
Formulas that directly yield intensities of direct and diffuse radiation on horizontal surfaces from measurements of hourly total radiation only have been developed. Alternatively, atmospheric turbidity and solar altitude can also yield similar results. These formulas result in obtaining relations similar to those given by Parmelee from data collected in the United States. The data for New Delhi have also been shown to agree with these correlations.

Computed values of direct solar radiation on a horizontal surface or at normal incidence, are expressed by a mathematical expression that is shown to agree closely with the computed values obtained by Rao and Seshadri.

Correlation between hourly direct and total transmission factors has been shown to depend on the solar altitude, in addition to the atmospheric turbidity.  相似文献   

The ring-section technique has been studied by the Standard Testing Procedure Committee of the Glass Container Association, and a tentative Standard Method of Examining and Grading Glass Container Ring Sections is proposed. The scope, method, and frequency of sampling, method of examination, and the methods used for ware-quality grading and glass-quality grading are described.  相似文献   
介绍了利用浮力原理测量泥浆浓度的方法,计算了传感器的尺寸,设计了测量和显示电路,总结了该仪器的现场测量情况和特点。  相似文献   
介绍了固体电解质氧探测器的应用范围、探头的制作、发展水平和发展趋势,推广应用前景。  相似文献   
模型定位一直是逆向工程领域和图像处理领域的重要技术之一,结合零件加工定位和无损检测的需要,提出了产品模型定位系统框架和问题解决方法。该系统以工业CT或CMM测量数据作为三维输入方式,构成待配准模型,以CAD模型作为理论模型。针对待配准模型与理论模型,研究并实现了粗配准技术、精确配准技术、配准定位的分析评估以及数据拼合等核心技术。该系统可以应用于无损检测、无损评估以及加工定位等领域,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
At present, coal mine fires were forecasted with some temperature, smog, CO, CO2, etc, however, this method can't meet the requirements for safe production of coal mines in monitoring accuracy and validity. Overcoming these problems of foregone monitoring methods, using multi-parameters which include fire image, smog, CO, CO2, O2, etc, the paper put forward a synthetical analysis monitor with advanced technology of neural network. The research and application of this method has significance in theory and practical value for coal mine fire forecast.  相似文献   
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