In the past years, fundaments were set for a new type of electronics which is based on tracks in insulators formed by individual or multiple swift heavy ions. Due to the possibility of inserting any (semi)conducting material into these tracks, various active and passive electronic devices can be created. Among them are also transistor-like and Esaki diode-like elements. As many of these structures have sensing properties and the capability to undergo logic decisions, autonomous intelligent sensors appear to be a favourite field for future application. The use of liquid conductors may even expand the range of applicability towards medical implants. 相似文献
In this paper, the absorption spectra of multilayer structures have been obtained and analysed in the wavelength range 0.5–10 μm. The multilayer system is an SMS type in which M is a thin metallic layer sandwiched between two semiconducting layers. The systems (i) B.S./Cu/B.S. and (ii) Cu2S/Cu/Cu2S (where B.S. = black sulphide) are developed by the methods of electrodeposition/chemical dipping, whereas the ZnS/Cu/ZnS system is fabricated in vacuo. The /ε ratios are also calculated using the experimentally observed absorption spectra, and found to be higher in the case of the ZnS/Cu/ZnS system, in comparison to the other two systems. The absorption spectra have also been calculated using our theoretical model of the above-mentioned systems. 相似文献
This paper presents a time-dependent periodic heat transfer analysis of a non-air-conditioned building having a south-facing wall of phase-changing component material (PCCM). A rectangular room (6 × 5 × 4 m) based on the ground is considered. The effects of heat transfer through walls and roof, heat conduction to the basement ground and furnishings, heat gain through window and heat loss due to air ventilation have been incorporated in the periodic time-dependent heat transfer analysis. The time-dependent heat flux through the PCCM south-facing wall has been obtained by defining the effective thermal properties of the PCCM for a conduction process with no phase change. Numerical calculations are made for a typical mild winter day (7 March 1979) at New Delhi for heat flux entering through the wall and inside air temperature. Further, a PCCM wall of smaller thickness is more desirable, in comparison to an ordinary masonry concrete wall, for providing efficient thermal energy storage as well as excellent thermal comfort in buildings. 相似文献
Floods are common and recurring natural hazards which damages is the destruction for society. Several regions of the world with different climatic conditions face the challenge of floods in different magnitudes. Here we estimate flood susceptibility based on Analytical neural network (ANN), Deep learning neural network (DLNN) and Deep boost (DB) algorithm approach. We also attempt to estimate the future rainfall scenario, using the General circulation model (GCM) with its ensemble. The Representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenario is employed for estimating the future rainfall in more an authentic way. The validation of all models was done with considering different indices and the results show that the DB model is most optimal as compared to the other models. According to the DB model, the spatial coverage of very low, low, moderate, high and very high flood prone region is 68.20%, 9.48%, 5.64%, 7.34% and 9.33% respectively. The approach and results in this research would be beneficial to take the decision in managing this natural hazard in a more efficient way.
An interactive program has been developed which simulates several representative industrial processes. Specifically, the program generates product quality characteristic values which are concurrently monitored by standard control charting methods. The program requires the user to specify initial process parameter values and subsequent process adjustments; the latter is necessary in the event the process is deemed to be “out-of-control”. The effectiveness of these decisions are measured by economic criteria. The use of the software promotes a “hands-on” approach, which will better prepare the students to achieve quality improvements in an industrial environment through systematic and scientific evaluation. 相似文献
What are the best quantitative methods for studying cognitive decline? This question was investigated in a sample of 638 individuals aged 50 years and older from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging. A battery of cognitive tests tapping multiple domains was administered to each individual from 2 to 7 times over a span of 10 years. Four methods of operationalizing cognitive decline were compared: change scores, a criterion-based method, least squares, and random effects regression (RER). The RER results were most consistent with a significant decline across measures and differences between demented and nondemented individuals. Predicted slopes from the RER model also showed the strongest interrelationships within and across cognitive domains as indicated by factor analysis results and stronger associations with demographic, health, and psychosocial predictors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The final part of this series attempts to evaluate the relevance of Nazi medicine for doctors today. Euthanasia, informed consent, the conflict of interests of the individual versus those of society and racism were as prominent themes of Nazi medicine as they are today. It would be foolish not to learn from experiences of the past. Nazi medicine can therefore never be an irrelevant subject of the days gone by. 相似文献
This paper addresses the issues relating to the communication channels in a physical simulator for flexible automation of a palletization task. The simulator used in our work involves an IBM-7545 robot, a personal computer and an Allen-Bradley Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The communications relating to the Robot/PC interface and the PLC/PC interface are discussed.
The palletization station design requires that decisions on pallet pattern are made dynamically by a program running on the personal computer. The Robot/PC communication interface is necessary to transmit these decisions to the robot controller for execution. This communication is to be achieved using BASIC language and AML 4.1 as the software platforms.
The PLC has the task of controlling the transport of the boxes coming to the palletization station. The program for deciding the pallet pattern, running on the personal computer, needs real-time information on the counts of boxes of different sizes that are arriving for palletization. The PLC/PC interface serves to provide this information. 相似文献