In this paper, the absorption spectra of multilayer structures have been obtained and analysed in the wavelength range 0.5–10 μm. The multilayer system is an SMS type in which M is a thin metallic layer sandwiched between two semiconducting layers. The systems (i) B.S./Cu/B.S. and (ii) Cu2S/Cu/Cu2S (where B.S. = black sulphide) are developed by the methods of electrodeposition/chemical dipping, whereas the ZnS/Cu/ZnS system is fabricated in vacuo. The /ε ratios are also calculated using the experimentally observed absorption spectra, and found to be higher in the case of the ZnS/Cu/ZnS system, in comparison to the other two systems. The absorption spectra have also been calculated using our theoretical model of the above-mentioned systems. 相似文献
This paper presents a time-dependent periodic heat transfer analysis of a non-air-conditioned building having a south-facing wall of phase-changing component material (PCCM). A rectangular room (6 × 5 × 4 m) based on the ground is considered. The effects of heat transfer through walls and roof, heat conduction to the basement ground and furnishings, heat gain through window and heat loss due to air ventilation have been incorporated in the periodic time-dependent heat transfer analysis. The time-dependent heat flux through the PCCM south-facing wall has been obtained by defining the effective thermal properties of the PCCM for a conduction process with no phase change. Numerical calculations are made for a typical mild winter day (7 March 1979) at New Delhi for heat flux entering through the wall and inside air temperature. Further, a PCCM wall of smaller thickness is more desirable, in comparison to an ordinary masonry concrete wall, for providing efficient thermal energy storage as well as excellent thermal comfort in buildings. 相似文献
Floods are common and recurring natural hazards which damages is the destruction for society. Several regions of the world with different climatic conditions face the challenge of floods in different magnitudes. Here we estimate flood susceptibility based on Analytical neural network (ANN), Deep learning neural network (DLNN) and Deep boost (DB) algorithm approach. We also attempt to estimate the future rainfall scenario, using the General circulation model (GCM) with its ensemble. The Representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenario is employed for estimating the future rainfall in more an authentic way. The validation of all models was done with considering different indices and the results show that the DB model is most optimal as compared to the other models. According to the DB model, the spatial coverage of very low, low, moderate, high and very high flood prone region is 68.20%, 9.48%, 5.64%, 7.34% and 9.33% respectively. The approach and results in this research would be beneficial to take the decision in managing this natural hazard in a more efficient way.
The origin of wine has an important relevance not only in relation to the sustainability of the production systems but also in relation to wine quality, having great impact in terms of the economy of small producer. Terms such as protected geographical status (PGS), protected designation of origin (PDO), protected geographical indication (PGI) and traditional speciality guaranteed (TSG) are been used to characterise wines from different regions and countries. Despite the number of papers and reports published in the literature in relation to issues such as authenticity and discrimination in wine, few reports can be found that explore the use of molecular spectroscopy to specifically target denomination of origin. This report reviews the use of molecular spectroscopy to address such issues within the wine industry. 相似文献
Natural hazards such as flooding can cause changes in land-cover. The present study deals with the changes in land-cover in three worst affected districts (Anand, Vadodara and Kheda) of Gujarat state in India due to severe flood during 2005. The Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) P6 Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS) III satellite imageries of pre- and post-flooding periods were used as sources of information for the study area. Three classification approaches (unsupervised ISODATA, supervised Maximum Likelihood Classifier, and fuzzy rule based) were used to extract flood induced land-cover information. Results obtained from the above classification approaches were compared. Soft computing technique such as fuzzy based image classification gave better separability amongst classes as compared to hard classification techniques. The accuracy assessment showed that the fuzzy approach can predict land-cover more accurately than traditional approach and also showed great potential for dealing with mapping of flood induced land-cover. Unsupervised classification results for the period October 2004 to October 2005 revealed decrease in inland water bodies (14.49%) and agricultural area (6.42%) while increase in remaining land-cover. During February 2005 to February 2006, all land-cover classes decreased except agricultural fallow and sparse vegetation. In case of supervised classification, decreasing trend was observed only in case of agricultural area (6.78%) during October 2004 to October 2005. Similarly, during February 2005 to February 2006, increase in coastal water bodies (0.73%) and sparse vegetation (1.7%) was observed where as decreasing trend was noticed in the remaining land-cover classes. In fuzzy based classification, only decrease in agricultural area (7.09%) was observed from October 2004 to October 2005, whereas during February 2005 to February 2006, decrease in area was exhibited in all land-cover classes except coastal water bodies and sparse vegetation. Change detection indicated interchange of areas between inland and coastal water bodies and decrease in agricultural area leading to increase in area of agricultural fallow and sparse vegetation. 相似文献
Parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC) is one of the most proven technologies for large‐scale solar thermal power generation. Currently, the cost of power generation from PTSC is expensive as compared with conventional power generation. The capital/power generation cost can be reduced by increasing aperture sizes of the collector. However, increase in aperture of the collector leads to higher heat flux on the absorber surface and results in higher thermal gradient. Hence, the analysis of heat distribution from the absorber to heat transfer fluid (HTF) and within the absorber is essential to identify the possibilities of failure of the receiver. In this article, extensive heat transfer analysis (HTA) of the receiver is performed for various aperture diameter of a PTSC using commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS Fluent 19.0. The numerical simulations of the receiver are performed to analyze the temperature distribution around the circumference of the absorber tube as well as along the length of tube, the rate of heat transfer from the absorber tube to the HTF, and heat losses from the receiver for various geometric and operating conditions such as collector aperture diameter, mass flow rate, heat loss coefficient (HLC), HTF, and its inlet temperature. It is observed that temperature gradient around the circumference of the absorber and heat losses from the receiver increases with collector aperture. The temperature gradient around the circumference of the absorber tube wall at 2 m length from the inlet are observed as 11, 37, 48, 74, and 129 K, respectively, for 2.5‐, 5‐, 5.77‐, 7.5‐, and 10‐m aperture diameter of PTSC at mass flow rate of 1.25 kg/s and inlet temperature of 300 K for therminol oil as HTF. To minimize the thermal gradient around the absorber circumference, HTFs with better heat transfer characteristics are explored such as molten salt, liquid sodium, and NaK78. Liquid sodium offers a significant reduction in temperature gradient as compared of other HTFs for all the aperture sizes of the collector. It is found that the temperature gradient around the circumference of the absorber tube wall at a length of 2 m is reduced to 4, 8, 10, 13, and 18 K, respectively, for the above‐mentioned mass flow rate with liquid sodium as HTF. The analyses are also performed for different HTF inlet temperature in order to study the behavior of the receiver. Based on the HTA, it is desired to have larger aperture parabolic trough collector to generate higher temperature from the solar field and reduce the capital cost. To achieve higher temperature and better performance of the receiver, HTF with good thermophysical properties may be preferable to minimize the heat losses and thermal gradient around the circumference of the absorber tube. 相似文献
Waste heat is generally dissipated from process water to atmospheric air in cooling towers. In the present study, a novel design is used to extract more amount of heat without any additional energy input by incorporating secondary ambient air in an induced draft wet cooling tower. In addition, more fresh air is induced in the tower from the rain zone, which increases the effectiveness at any value of the water to air flow rate (L/G ratio). Moreover, tower characteristics, range, and evaporation loss were also increased due to the novel design. It is noteworthy that secondary fresh air increases effectiveness, heat rejection, and tower characteristics by 10.12%, 19.65%, and 26.11%, respectively, and decreases approach by 16.32% at 0.55 L/G ratio, 44°C inlet water temperature, 29.7°C dry bulb temperature, and 18.4°C inlet air wet bulb temperature. 相似文献
Ambrisentan is an US FDA approved drug, it is the second oral endothelin A receptor antagonist known for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, but its oral administration is limited due to its poor water solubility. Hence, the objective of the investigation was focused on enhancement of solubility and bioavailability of ambrisentan by solid dispersion technique using natural Daucus carota extract as drug carrier. Drug carrier was evaluated for solubility, swelling index, viscosity, angle of repose, hydration capacity, and acute toxicity test (LD50). Ambrisentan was studied for the saturation solubility, phase solubility, and Gibbs free energy change. Compatibility of drug and the natural carrier was confirmed by DSC, FTIR, and XRD. Solid dispersions were evaluated for drug content, solubility, morphology, in vitro, and in vivo study. Screening of the natural carrier showed the desirable properties like water solubility, less swelling index, less viscosity, and acute toxicity study revealed no any clinical symptoms of toxicity. Drug and carrier interaction study confirmed the compatibility to consider its use in the formulation. Formed particles were found to be spherical with smooth surface. In vitro studies revealed higher drug release from the solid dispersion than that of the physical mixture. Bioavailability study confirms the increased absorption and bioavailability by oral administration of solid dispersion. Hence, it can be concluded that the natural Daucus carota extract can be the better alternative source for the preparation of solid dispersion and/or other dosage forms for improving solubility and bioavailability. 相似文献