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The problem of water production is one of the major technical, environmental, and economical issues associated with oil and gas production. The main goal of this study is to prepare a reservoir numerical simulator with emphasis on water coning. The study mostly involves the numerical simulation of water coning and includes proposed correlations in the literature. The computer program included four distinct modules to calculate: critical or maximum allowable oil rate, water breakthrough time, well performance after water coning take palaces, and water coning simulation. Flow equations of water and oil were discretized and numerically solved for two-dimensional coordinates. The implicit scheme was used to calculate unknown pressures of any grid block. For calculation of water saturation, explicit scheme was used. Real field data of a well in southwest Iran was put into the program and critical rate, water breakthrough time, well performance after water coning, and water coning simulation of reservoir were determined. The authors found that the results of correlations are very far from the reality. On the other hand, numerical simulation shows good agreement with real production data. In addition, it was observed that the present production rate of this well would result in rapid water coning.  相似文献   
The current controlled current-mode amplifier proposed by Fabre et al. (1996, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I, 43, 82) is reanalysed to show that it can work not only under small signal conditions, as suggested by Fabre et al., but also under large signal conditions. Simulation results which confirm the theory presented are included.  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to examine memory for emotional trait adjectives in depressed children and adolescents. Two groups of children and adolescents, clinically depressed participants and non-clinical controls, were compared on computerized versions of recall and recognition memory tasks. Three groups of words (positive trait adjectives, negative trait adjectives, and categorized neutral words) were used in the experiment. Results showed that the depressed group recalled significantly more negative adjectives than positive adjectives, whereas the control group recalled the same number of positive and negative adjectives. This effect was predicted by the association between age and level of depression, with the depression-related bias becoming stronger with age. Signal detection analysis revealed that the depressed group did not show any bias in the recognition task. The findings are discussed with respect to cognitive theories of depression with consideration of the developmental implications.  相似文献   
Previous research into subjective probability estimates for negative events revealed that depressed children estimated events as equally likely to happen to themselves as to other children. In contrast, both controls and anxious children estimated that negative events were more likely to happen to others than to themselves. The present study followed up this finding by investigating the subjective probability judgements concerning future negative events generated by children and adolescents who have recovered from depression. Subjects generated probability estimates either for themselves or for other children for a range of negative events on a visual analogue scale. The results revealed that both recovered depressed and matched control groups estimated negative events as significantly more likely to happen to others than to themselves. It was also found that the recovered depressed subjects estimated that negative events were less likely overall, compared to the controls. These results are discussed in the context of the adult literature.  相似文献   
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - III-conditioning at the inverse equation of integral method in ring-core residual stress measurement leads to high stress sensitivity to strain...  相似文献   
This study extends the literature on eating disorder symptomatology by testing, based on extant literature on objectification theory (B. L. Fredrickson & T. Roberts, 1997) and the role of sociocultural standards of beauty (e.g., L. J. Heinberg, J. K. Thompson, & S. Stormer, 1995), a model that examines (a) links of reported sexual objectification experiences to eating disorder-related variables and (b) the mediating roles of body surveillance, body shame, and internalization of sociocultural standards of beauty. Consistent with hypotheses, with a sample of 221 young women, support was found for a model in which (a) internalization of sociocultural standards of beauty mediated the links of sexual objectification experiences to body surveillance, body shame, and eating disorder symptoms, (b) body surveillance was an additional mediator of the link of reported sexual objectification experiences to body shame, and (c) body shame mediated the links of internalization and body surveillance to disordered eating. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Structural equation modeling was used to test theoretically based models in which psychological separation and attachment security variables were related to career indecision and those relations were mediated through vocational self-concept crystallization. In contrast to previous studies, which have found either weak or no support for a relation between separation or attachment security variables and career indecision, results based on a sample of 350 college students indicated that some components of separation and attachment security did relate to career indecision in a theoretically supportable direction. Results also revealed that regardless of whether global or component career indecision measures were used, separation and attachment security effects on indecision were at least partially mediated through vocational self-concept crystallization. The strongest mediated relations were observed for the effects of attachment anxiety and maternal separation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The basic characteristics of a N2-jet system coupled with a surface-ionization type ion source have been investigated at KUR-ISOL. The yields of transported activities and ionized ions have been measured under various conditions for both the He- and N2-jets. The effects of N2 gas upon the ionization and skimmer efficiency have been investigated. It was found that N2 gas has almost no effect upon the ionization efficiency, but causes poorer skimmer efficiency than He gas owing to the large opening angle of aerosol particles at the outlet of a capillary. A mixture of He and N2 gases was also tested.  相似文献   
In this paper, Fourier cosine series are proposed for representing the hard nonlinear dependence of the permittivity and conductance of a ferroelectric material on the DC bias voltage. Using these Fourier series representations closed-form expressions are obtained for the amplitudes of the fundamental and third-order intermodulation products generated when a exposing ferroelectric-based varactor to a DC bias voltage plus an equal-amplitude two-sinusoids signal. The results clearly show the strong and complicated dependence of the third-order intermodulation performance on the DC bias voltage, the temperature and the amplitude of the sinusoid. The results obtained suggest that the DC bias voltage and/or the temperature play an important role in deciding the nonlinear performance of the ferroelectric-based varactors.  相似文献   
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