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New generations of automobiles will include driver assistance systems requiring powerful, low-cost processors to handle video/camera applications and to enable fast, convenient application development. Shrinking feature sizes on processors already in development will bring substantial increases in system speed and functionality.  相似文献   
Negative refraction is a wave phenomenon beyond geometrical optics - it depends on the way waves behave when their phase velocity reaches a zero. Various forms of linear wave processes in media can be concisely described in one wave equation that is inspired by the interpretation of a medium as an effective space-time geometry. Depending on the conformal factor of the effective metric, the waves may show positive or negative refraction. For electromagnetic waves in two-dimensional dielectrics the conformal factor corresponds to the impedance.  相似文献   
The connection between the optimum shape and orientation relationship of precipitates in a solid is examined. Three simple criteria for precipitate morphology are compared and illustrated schematically: the principle that precipitate dimensions tend to be inverse to the magnitude of the transformation strain; the postulate that precipitates are bounded by unrotated planes (eigenplanes); and the proposal that interfaces are parallel to the planes of three independent dislocation loop arrays necessary to accommodate the transformation strain completely. These principles are illustrated for different orientation relationships, and it is shown that special features are displayed by invariant-line precipitates. The implications of these criteria for experimental studies of precipitate morphologies are discussed and their predictions compared with results from a recent study of lath-shaped precipitates in Cu-Cr alloys. This article is based on a presentation made at the Pacific Rim Conference on the “Roles of Shear and Diffusion in the Formation of Plate-Shaped Transformation Products,” held December 18-22, 1992, in Kona, Hawaii, under the auspices of ASM INTERNATIONAL’S Phase Transformations Committee.  相似文献   
Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been revolutionizing software development and maintenance. When applied to simulation of manufacturing systems, OOP also provides an opportunity for developing new ways of thinking and modeling. In this paper, we identify existing large-scale, persistent OOP-based research efforts focusing on manufacturing system simulation, and present an integrating framework for discussing the associated modeling abstractions, implementation strategies, common themes, and distinctive features. The goal is to identify the fundamental research and application issues, assess the current state of the art, and identify key research needs.  相似文献   
This paper presents an algorithm for environment mapping by integrating scans from a time-of-flight laser and odometer readings from a mobile robot. The range weighted Hough transform (RWHT) is used as a robust method to extract lines from the range data. The resulting peaks in the RWHT are used as feature coordinates when these lines/walls are used as landmarks during navigation. The associations between observations over the time sequence are made in a systematic way using a decision directed classifier. Natural geometrical landmarks are described in the robot frame together with a covariance matrix representing the spatial uncertainty. The map is thus built up incrementally as the robot moves. If the map is given in advance, the robot can find its location and navigate relative to this a priori given map. Experimental results are presented for a mobile robot with a scanning range measuring laser having 2-cm resolution. The algorithm was also used for an autonomous plastering robot on a construction site. The sensor fusion algorithm makes few erroneous associations  相似文献   
The possibility of obtaining high laser output energies at a 1.32-μm wavelength using thin LiNdLa phosphate glass slabs with a high Nd3+ concentration is discussed. In the experiments, 3×14×125-mm slabs were prepared from LiNdLa phosphate glass with a Nd-concentration of 1.2×1021 cm-3. The facets of the slabs were not antireflection-coated. They were tested in a silver-coated quartz tube reflector of 25-mm diameter and pumped by 450-μs pulses from a flash lamp with a 120-mm arc length. In this construction the light, which passes through the slab, returns to it after reflection from the tube surface. Most of the radiation falls on the wider side of the slab at large angles of incidence, thus maximizing its path inside the slab. The quartz reflector was water cooled. The 150-mm laser resonator was formed by two flat mirrors. At 1.32-μm lasing wavelength an output mirror of r=95% reflectivity was used with less than 10% reflectivity at 1.32 μm  相似文献   
Depressed-cladding single-mode fibers with a first cladding-to-core ratio (b/a) ranging from seven to one and relative refractive-index differences of the core from 0.25 to 0.35% and of the cladding from 0 to -0.2% are investigated experimentally with respect to the LP11 mode cutoff properties, the mode-field diameter, the dispersion, and the bending attenuation. Numerical calculations based on actual profile parameters of the bend loss and the mode-field diameter agree well with experiment. It is demonstrated that low attenuation and bend losses independent of b/a can be obtained if the cutoff wavelength is kept constant by adjusting the core radius, the core index or the index of the first cladding  相似文献   
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