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1‐Pentene was polymerized with the syndiospecific catalyst system i‐PrC(Cp)(9‐fluorenyl)ZrCl2/MAO. The molar mass of the resulting polymers depends strongly on the reaction temperature and decreases from w = 126 000 at 0°C to w = 46 000 at 100°C, but is more or less independent of the monomer and the MAO concentration. The influence of reaction temperature and concentrations of MAO and monomer on the type of end‐groups generated during the chain termination, as well as on the type of stereoerror, was investigated. The degree of tacticity was dependent on the polymerization temperature with [rrrr] > 0.99 at 0°C and [rrrr] = 0.75 at 100°C.  相似文献   
By tensile testing the mechanical properties of thin films of the intrinsically conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) under different relative humidities are investigated. It can be shown that the fracture behaviour strongly depends on humidity and reaches from brittle to plastic. The fracture surfaces are first investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The surfaces change from smooth at 23% rH to rough with shear lips for samples tested at 55% rH. Atomic force microscopy then reveals the topography of fracture surfaces at the nanometer scale and thus gives insights into the morphology of PEDOT:PSS thin films. By combining the experimental findings of the tensile tests and the AFM scans a micromechanical model for the deformation behavior of PEDOT:PSS can then be derived.  相似文献   
There is an advantage for users of electrospray and nanospray mass spectrometry to have an understanding of the processes involved in the conversion of the ions present in the solution to ions in the gas phase. The following processes are considered: Creation of charge droplets at the capillary tip; Electrical potentials required and possibility of gas discharges; Evolution of charged droplets, due to solvent evaporation and Coulomb explosions, to very small droplets that are the precursors of the gas phase ions; Production of gas phase ions from these droplets via the Ion Evaporation and Charge residue models; Analytical uses of ESIMS of small ions, qualitative and quantitative analysis; Effects of the ESI mechanism on the analysis of proteins and protein complexes; Determination of stability constants of protein complexes; Role of additives such as ammonium acetate on the observed mass spectra. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Mass Spec Rev 28:898–917, 2009  相似文献   
To determine the relative sensitivities of tomato, cucumber, and bean to exogenously applied concentrations of ferulic acid (FA) and to determine whether FA-induced stress responses increase endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA), wild-type andFlacca (ABA-deficient mutant) tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Ailsa Craig), cucumber, (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Early Green Cluster), and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Oregon 91) were treated with FA (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 mM) in nutrient solution every other day for a total of two or three treatments. FA inhibited leaf growth and water utilization of wild-type tomato,Flacca tomato, and cucumber, but not of bean. Acclimation to FA was observed following the first FA treatment and increased endogenous ABA levels were found in wild-type tomato,Flacca tomato, and cucumber following multiple FA treatments. Induction of ABA biosynthesis occurred in wild-type tomato within 8 hr of FA treatment and maximum ABA levels were observed 24 hr after treatment. At that time, ABA levels of tomato treated with 0.4 and 0.8 mM FA were 13.7 times and 2.6 times higher than control levels, respectively. A second FA (0.4 or 0.8 mM) treatment, 48 hr after the first, did not appear to affect ABA levels. Ninety-six hours after the first treatment, ABA levels of tomato treated with 0.4 mM FA approached control levels; ABA levels of plants treated with 0.8 mM FA were 1.9 times higher than control levels. Control ABA levels increased gradually with time. The data showed that plant sensitivity and ability of subsequent acclimation to phenolic acids, such as FA, were taxa dependent.The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   
Kinetics of aerobic waste water treatment by degrading organic compounds and by nitrification . Both aerobic degradation of organic substances and nitrification can be described by the double substrate kinetics of Monod; dissolved organic material and ammonium or nitrite are the first substrate and oxygen the second one. The determination of the different kinetic coefficients by evaluation of measurements on a laboratory scale is explained first, and known results are then presented and discussed. Finally, it is demonstrated by two examples, viz. the simultaneous oxidation of carbon and nitrogen compounds and oxygen-limited substrate removal, how reaction kinetic models can be used to obtain important information about the characteristics of the bioreactions.  相似文献   
Taleizadeh, Noori-daryan, and Tavakkoli-Moghaddam consider pricing and ordering decisions in a three-level supply chain with defective items and inspection processes in their paper published in 2015. They examine three scenarios for defective items at the manufacturer: disposal, rework and selling at a lower price. Unfortunately, this interesting and innovative paper suffers from some shortcomings that are addressed in our note.  相似文献   
Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites, such as CH3NH3PbI3, have shown highly promising photovoltaic performance. Electron microscopy (EM) is a powerful tool for studying the crystallography, morphology, interfaces, lattice defects, composition, and charge carrier collection and recombination properties at the nanoscale. Here, the sensitivity of CH3NH3PbI3 to electron beam irradiation is examined. CH3NH3PbI3 undergoes continuous structural and compositional changes with increasing electron dose, with the total dose, rather than dose rate, being the key operative parameter. Importantly, the first structural change is subtle and easily missed and occurs after an electron dose significantly smaller than that typically applied in conventional EM techniques. The electron dose conditions under which these structural changes occur are identified. With appropriate dose‐minimization techniques, electron diffraction patterns can be obtained from pristine material consistent with the tetragonal CH3NH3PbI3 phases determined by X‐ray diffraction. Radiation damage incurred at liquid nitrogen temperatures and using Ga+ irradiation in a focused ion beam instrument are also examined. Finally, some simple guidelines for how to minimize electron‐beam‐induced artifacts when using EM to study hybrid perovskite materials are provided.  相似文献   
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