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本文在探讨“平坦”模糊数及其运算的基础上,提出模糊内部收益率的概念;并利用Prade与Dubois提出的比较两个模糊数大小的指标,给出“近似相等”的概念;从而给“模糊内部收益率”的计算提供了一个方法。  相似文献   
Xia  Bin  Bai  Yuxuan  Yin  Junjie  Li  Yun  Xu  Jian 《Information Systems Frontiers》2021,23(2):285-298
Information Systems Frontiers - System logs that trace system states and record valuable events comprise a significant component of any computer system in our daily life. Each log contains...  相似文献   

This article deals with finite-time containment control (FTCC) of nonlinear delayed fractional multi-agent systems (FMASs). Addressing fractional Razumikhin approach, properties of fractional calculus and analytical techniques, a quadratic Lyapunov function is constructed to derive sufficient conditions on FTCC by adopting a discontinuous control protocol, the employed method may overcome well the troubles arising from time delays and fractional derivatives. Numerical simulations further clarify the reliability and validity of our theoretical conclusions.


This paper studies the stability analysis problem for time-varying delay systems. An appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional (LKF) is constructed where its derivative is a quadratic polynomial function of the delay. A novel negative condition of the mentioned quadratic function with two variable parameters is developed to ensure that the LKF derivative is negative, reducing conservatism on some similar results. Besides, an extended version of Bessel-Legendre inequality is introduced to be employed in the stability analysis of time-varying delay systems. Then, some stability criteria with less conservatism are derived for two kinds of the time-varying delay. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed stability criteria is demonstrated through three examples.

In the environment of space radiation, the high-energy charged particles or high-energy photons acting on a spacecraft can cause either temporary device degradation or permanent failure. The traditional probability model is difficult to obtain reliable estimation of unit radiation resistance performance with small samples. Considering that different products will change differently after high-energy particle radiation, we construct a model based on the gamma degradation process. This model can efficiently describe the law of unit radiation resistance variation with the total radiation dose levels under the effect of the total dose and displacement damage. Finally, the proposed model is used to assess the anti-radiation performance of the N-channel power MOSFET device STRH60N20FSY3 produced by STM to obtain average unit radiation resistance, survival probability, survival function, etc.  相似文献   
The numerical method for multi-dimensional integrals is of great importance, particularly in the uncertainty quantification of engineering structures. The key is to generate representative points as few as possible but of acceptable accuracy. A generalized L2(GL2)-discrepancy is studied by taking unequal weights for the point set. The extended Koksma-Hlawka inequality is discussed. Thereby, a worst-case error estimate is provided by such defined GL2-discrepancy, whose closed-form expression is available. The characteristic values of GL2-discrepancy are investigated. An optimal strategy for the selection of the representative point sets with a prescribed cardinal number is proposed by minimizing the GL2-discrepancy. The three typical examples of the multi-dimensional integrals are investigated. The stochastic dynamic response analysis of a nonlinear structure is then studied by incorporating the proposed method into the probability density evolution method. It is shown that the proposed method is advantageous in achieving tradeoffs between the efficiency and accuracy of the exemplified problems. Problems to be further studied are discussed.  相似文献   
针对碳酸盐类可溶岩地区水电站坝址流场、化学场以及固相介质属性等随时间发生改变,从而对工程安全运行造成不利影响等问题,研究了灰岩地区地下水运移过程中各物理场间的相互作用,分析了影响灰岩溶解速率的两个因素,即表面反应控制和扩散迁移控制。在此基础上,建立了单裂隙中的渗流—溶解耦合模型,并进行数值求解。模拟结果表明,在垂直裂隙延伸方向,其溶蚀锋面为非齐整平面,而是呈似“虫洞”状非均一变化,而沿裂隙延伸方向即自上游侧向下游方向溶蚀程度逐渐减轻;而通过裂隙的流量呈现随时间逐渐增大的趋势,但变幅不大;根据流量求得的等效水力隙宽,其增幅和增长速率均小于实际平均隙宽;同时,化学场中Ca2+浓度的分布与裂隙开度变化具有相似性,不同时刻下上游侧反应速率R均大于下游侧。就反应机制而言,在初期均受表面反应控制,而随反应进行,位于上游补给区部位转为受扩散迁移控制,但在下游位置仍受表面反应控制。  相似文献   
The performance of an attached growth wastewater treatment process was investigated in an effort to improve nitrogen removal efficiency. Recycled Yakult (lactic acid fermentation drink) bottles made of polystyrene were used as a biofilm media. The use of Yakult bottles as a biofilm media has been attempted by numerous researchers in Japan for the removal of solids and organics. However, these studies focused only on the removal of solids and organics. This study extended their application to the removal of nitrogen for domestic sewage treatment. Yakult media was placed in a reactor with 70% apparent reactor volume in a conventional A/O process. The bottom of the Yakult media was removed, and randomly filled Yakult media were effectively able to reduce the flow in tanks, resulting in an increase in the contact time between pollutants and microorganisms. With higher HRT, the nitrogen removal efficiency was increased by up to 83% with 12 hr of HRT. Nitrification appeared to be the limiting factor of nitrogen removal at an HRT that is less than 12 hr, indicating that the Yakult process requires more retention time to achieve nitrification compared to other biofilm processes. The removal efficiencies of organics and solids were high regardless of the change of operational parameters. This article is based on a presentation in “The 7th Korea-China Workshop On Advanced Materials” organized by the Korea-China Advanced Materials Cooperation Center and the China-Korea Advanced Materials Cooperation Center, held at Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea on August 24–27, 2003.  相似文献   
研究真空水冷铜坩埚感应炉中模糊控制专家系统。阐述该炉控制系统复杂性 ,介绍模糊控制专家系统的主要结构和各主要部分的功能和一些算法  相似文献   
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