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铝合金散热片是较难挤压的一种工业型材。本文针对我厂的实际生产情况,对铝合金散热片的常见质量问题进行分析,并探讨解决方法。  相似文献   
在产品设计规则和计算式中,常存在一些只能在某一范围内取值的待定系数(设为a,且a∈[aL,aH]).a的取值通常受到多种因素的影响和约束,而这种约束往往带有模糊性.为此,首先根据设计规则中各种影响因素对a的模糊约束关系,分别构造两者的备择集以及备择集元素在其论域上的模糊集合,然后基于模糊综合决策方法来确定a.本方法剔除了以往在解决这一问题时,由人来决定a取值的主观性,适用于产品的智能化设计.  相似文献   
α-Fe(NiCoAl) solid-solution nanocapsules were prepared with pure powders of Fe, Ni, Co and Al by the plasma arc-discharging using a copper crucible. The shapes of the nanocapsules are in polyhedrons with the core/shell structure. The body centered cubic (BCC) phase is formed in the core. The size of the nanocapsules is in the range of 10~120 nm and the thickness of the shell is 4~11 nm. Saturation magnetization Js=150 Am2/kg and coercivity iHC=24.3 kA/m are achieved for the nanocapsules.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a high precision 7m laser measuring instrument developedby the anthors and its operating principle,and systematically analyses the errors havinginfluence on the performance of the measuring instrument.Error analysis and actualverification indicate that all the characteristics reached or exceeded the original designspecifications.  相似文献   
环路启动(LS)中继在电力专网中使用非常广泛,人工恢复长时间不拆线的LS中继的维护方式已经不能满足需求,故利用开发工具(Delphi)编写软件实现和交换机通信,自动检测所有LS中继线的状态,自动恢复长时间处于维护忙状态的LS中继。文章介绍了该系统的实现过程及系统中各模块的功能。该系统的实现提高了工作效率,保障了交换网的通信质量。  相似文献   
现场总线Profibus-DP主从站数据交换探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张志峰  王坚  赵静 《低压电器》2004,(4):35-37,57
介绍了Profibus-DP网络的基本特性、结构、主从通信原理。然后结合奥地利贝加莱公司(B&R公司)现场总线模块对主从站Profibus-DP数据交换的实现方法作了详细地讨论。  相似文献   
利用γ-MnO2纳米粉体,通过悬浮粒子烧结法制备γ-MnO2薄膜。通过原子力显微镜、扫描电镜、BET比表面积测量及X射衍射等技术对薄膜结构进行了表征,并考察了La、PVA添加剂及pH调节对薄膜结构的影响。另外,通过H2-TPR技术比较了γ-MnO2纳米粉体与γ-MnO2薄膜的催化性能.结果表明:当La/mn=0.15,La助剂对薄膜的稳定作用最佳;当浸涂液pH=10、PVA/γ-MnO2=7%,薄膜表面不易产生裂纹;γ-MnO2薄膜比γ-MnO2粉体的还原过程稍难、氧中心活性略低。  相似文献   
公司治理对公司绩效的作用是通过公司管理 ,而且是战略管理实现的。其影响的焦点在于资源的配置 ,具体的途径是通过董事会的监控与战略参与职能 ,影响公司 (战略 )管理 ,从而间接或直接地影响资源的分配  相似文献   
The surface structure and material composition of current collectors have significant effects on the electrochemical performances of lithium-ion batteries(LIBs). In this work, a three-dimensional(3D) porous composite framework is applied as the anode current collector in LIBs. This unique 3D skeleton is composed of conductive carbon fiber/Cu core/shell fibrous structure. With an oxidation treatment upon the copper shell, the porous framework is assembled with CuO microspheres. Using mesocarbon microbead(MCMB) graphite powders as the active material, the cell with this 3D porous composite current collector shows an improved reversible discharge-charge capacity of 415 mAh g~(–1) at a current rate of 0.1 C after 50 cycles, which is much higher than that of the cell with a flat Cu foil(127 mAh g~(–1)). It is demonstrated that this unique fibrous network of the 3D current collector coupled with the morphological effects of the CuO microspheres greatly improve the cell performance in terms of electrical conductivity, reversible capacity and cycling stability.  相似文献   
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