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The problem of a robot handling a payload typically involves pre-load, load, and post-load stages, and payload transitions between these stages. Although considerable work has focused on the control of robots carrying payloads, few consider the problem of load transitions—one of the most important effects on system performance. This article studies these transitions and presents a compensation method. It is shown that load transitions lead to abrupt (jump) parameters and uncertain transition times in the robot/payload model. A control strategy is proposed that takes the load transitions into account and guarantees the stable path tracking of robots in the face of these transitions. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified via simulation. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
A simplified formula for the dispersion limit of single-mode-fiber intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) systems is derived for arbitrary given normalized pulse width U, eye opening penalty X and source linewidth enhancement factor α. From the comparison with published theoretical analyses, computer simulation and experimental data, its validity and the limits of existing formulae are shown. Using this simple and general formula, one can easily obtain the dispersion limit of various fiber types under different working conditions in IM/DD systems  相似文献   
Disturbances of signals on a coplanar waveguide (CPW) induced by the presence of LiTaO/sub 3/ and GaAs electrooptic probes in external electrooptic (EO) sampling have been simulated and compared quantitatively. The finite-difference-time-domain method is used to simulate the full wave field around a coplanar waveguide on a GaAs substrate in an external EO sampling configuration. The results indicate that the induced signal disturbance, or invasiveness, of a LiTaO/sub 3/ probe is almost ten times that of a GaAs probe in terms of the magnitude of S/sub 11/, but that LiTaO/sub 3/ yields about two times the EO response for a given S/sub 11/ and optical probing wavelength. The transparency of LiTaO/sub 3/ to shorter wavelengths, however, allows an even higher sensitivity for this material relative to GaAs. The results suggest that these probes do not exhibit significant invasiveness (magnitude of S/sub 11/ smaller than -40 dB), if they are removed from contact by the distance of CPWs center conductor width.<>  相似文献   
Silver/superconductor composites containing 0 to 80 vol% silver have been prepared and their properties determined. Optimum heat treatment at sintering temperatures ( 800° C) under low oxygen pressures produces material with high critical current density and improves physical properties. Magnetic susceptibility measurements have been found to be consistent with resistivity results. In order to retain a single high-T c phase with increasing silver content, decreased oxygen partial pressures are required. Using the normal-state resistivity of these composites, a percolation threshold at a silver volume fraction of 43% was observed, while zero resistivity measurements show that a continuous superconducting network can be obtained with up to 80 vol% silver. The critical current density of 21 vol% silver-doped samples was found to be 1520 A cm–2 at 77.3 K, compared to 260 A cm–2 for an undoped sample.  相似文献   
以推动人类文明进步发展的观念为先导,以详实的地质学、岩石学、石文化史料为切入点,介绍了我国观赏石文化的起源、发展及现状;阐述了赏石审美的本质、形式、石体标准、传统性、现代性等理论要点及其以小见大、以丑为美的审美理念。对赏石修身养性、以石陶情及赏石文化与道教情结的学术价值进行了评述;对从古至今的中华文化名人为赏石理论的创立、鉴赏、收藏和发展作出的不可磨灭的历史贡献进行了评价。  相似文献   
Evolutionary algorithms are used widely in optimization studies on water distribution networks. The optimization algorithms use simulation models that analyse the networks under various operating conditions. The solution process typically involves cost minimization along with reliability constraints that ensure reasonably satisfactory performance under abnormal operating conditions also. Flow entropy has been employed previously as a surrogate reliability measure. While a body of work exists for a single operating condition under steady state conditions, the effectiveness of flow entropy for systems with multiple operating conditions has received very little attention. This paper describes a multi-objective genetic algorithm that maximizes the flow entropy under multiple operating conditions for any given network. The new methodology proposed is consistent with the maximum entropy formalism that requires active consideration of all the relevant information. Furthermore, an alternative but equivalent flow entropy model that emphasizes the relative uniformity of the nodal demands is described. The flow entropy of water distribution networks under multiple operating conditions is discussed with reference to the joint entropy of multiple probability spaces, which provides the theoretical foundation for the optimization methodology proposed. Besides the rationale, results are included that show that the most robust or failure-tolerant solutions are achieved by maximizing the sum of the entropies.  相似文献   
With the fast explosive rate of the amount of image data on the Internet, how to efficiently utilize them in the cross-media scenario becomes an urgent problem. Images are usually accompanied with contextual textual information. These two heterogeneous modalities are mutually reinforcing to make the Internet content more informative. In most cases, visual information can be regarded as an enhanced content of the textual document. To make image-to-image similarity being more consistent with document-to-document similarity, this paper proposes a method to learn image similarities according to the relations of the accompanied textual documents. More specifically, instead of using the static quantitative relations, rank-based learning procedure by employing structural SVM is adopted in this paper, and the ranking structure is established by comparing the relative relations of textual information. The learning results are in more accordance with the human’s recognition. The proposed method in this paper can be used not only for the image-to-image retrieval, but also for cross-modality multimedia, where a query expansion framework is proposed to get more satisfactory results. Extensive experimental evaluations on large scale Internet dataset validate the performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic and gas mixing characteristics have been determined in a FCC regenerator (0.48 m I.D.x3.4 m high) with FCC particles. Solids holdup in the dense bed decreases with increasing gas velocity, but it increases in the freeboard region. The bubble/void fraction increases with an increase along the bed height at a given gas velocity and increases with increasing gas velocity at a constant bed height. Backmixed tracer gas at the wall region is higher than that at the center region of the bed. The gas backmixing coefficient decreases with increasing gas velocity.  相似文献   
Bio-cryptography is an emerging security technology which combines cryptography with biometrics. A good bio-cryptosystem is required to protect the privacy of the relevant biometric data as well as achieving high recognition accuracy. Fingerprints have been widely used in bio-cryptosystem design. However, fingerprint uncertainty caused by distortion and rotation during the image capturing process makes it difficult to achieve a high recognition rate in most bio-cryptographic systems. Moreover, most existing bio-cryptosystems rely on the accurate detection of singular points for fingerprint image pre-alignment, which is very hard to achieve, and the image rotation transformation during the alignment process can cause significant singular point deviation and minutiae changes. In this paper, by taking full advantage of local Voronoi neighbor structures (VNSs), e.g. local structural stability and distortion insensitivity, we propose an alignment-free bio-cryptosystem based on fixed-length bit-string representations extracted from modified VNSs, which are rotation- and translation-invariant and distortion robust. The proposed alignment-free bio-cryptosystem is able to provide strong security while achieving good recognition performance. Experimental results in comparison with most existing alignment-free bio-cryptosystems using the publicly-available databases show the validity of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
In order to understand the change rules of stress-displacement in surrounding rocks of dynamic pressure roadways in deep mines and to obtain a theoretical basis for analyses of roadway stability and designs of support,we established a coupling equation of adjacent rock strength,mining stress and supporting resistance on the basis of an elastic-plastic theory of mechanics.We obtained an analytical solution for stress and displacement distribution of elastic and plastic regions in surrounding rock of dynamic pressure roadway..Based on this theory,we have analyzed the changes in stress-displacement in elastic and plastic regions of surrounding rocks of dynamic pressure roadways in the Haizi Coal Mine.The results show that:1) radial and tangential stress change violently within the first 4 m from the inner surface of a roadway after excavation;radial stress increases while tangential stress decreases within a range of about 6 m from the inner surface of the roadway as a function of q3;2) radial and tangential stress increase with an increase in the mining pressure coefficient k;the increase in the rate of tangential stress is greater than that of radial stress;3) the radial displacement of the inner surface of roadways decreases with an increase in q3,provided that k remains unchanged.  相似文献   
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