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High-precision continuous spectra of the absorption coefficient, refractive index, complex dielectric permittivity, and loss tangent for several silicon carbide (SiC) specimens are reported in this paper over a broad millimeter- and submillimeter-wave range for the first time. Measurements have been successfully performed using three different types of specially constructed spectrometer systems: a dispersive Fourier transform spectroscopy, an automated 60-GHz open resonator, and a free-space quasi-optical millimeter-wave spectrometer equipped with high-power backward-wave oscillator sources and their associated state-of-the-art dielectric-measurement techniques. Data are presented as continuous functions of frequency from 30 to 600 GHz. The employment of various measurement systems and techniques ensured the measurement of polycrystalline SiC specimens with various degrees of absorption and dispersion characteristics over an extended frequency range with high precision. Results presented here provide comprehensive information of SiC on its optical and dielectric behavior as a function of frequency and purity for its potential application in semiconductor and radio-frequency devices and circuits. An error analysis of measured dielectric-parameter results is also provided.  相似文献   
The static, dynamic, and free vibration analysis of a functionally graded material (FGM) doubly curved panel are investigated analytically in the present paper. The FGM Panel is originated from a rectangular planform and its principle curvatures are considered to be constant. All mechanical properties of the FGM panel are assumed to vary continuously through the thickness according to a power law formulation except Poisson’s ratio, which is kept constant. A Pasternak-type elastic foundation containing damping effects is considered to be in contact with the panel during deformation. The elastic foundation reacts in both compression and tension. Equations of motion are established based on the first order shear deformation and the modified Sanders shell theories. Following the Navier type solution, the established equations are reduced to time-dependent ordinary differential equations. Using the Laplace transform, the time-dependency of the problem is eliminated. The solutions are obtained analytically in the Laplace domain and then are inverted to the time domain following an analytical procedure. Finally, the analytical results are verified with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   
In this study, the mechanical buckling of functionally graded material cylindrical shell that is embedded in an outer elastic medium and subjected to combined axial and radial compressive loads is investigated. The material properties are assumed to vary smoothly through the shell thickness according to a power law distribution of the volume fraction of constituent materials. Theoretical formulations are presented based on a higher-order shear deformation shell theory (HSDT) considering the transverse shear strains. Using the nonlinear strain–displacement relations of FGMs cylindrical shells, the governing equations are derived. The elastic foundation is modelled by two parameters Pasternak model, which is obtained by adding a shear layer to the Winkler model. The boundary condition is considered to be simply-supported. The novelty of the present work is to achieve the closed-form solutions for the critical mechanical buckling loads of the FGM cylindrical shells surrounded by elastic medium. The effects of shell geometry, the volume fraction exponent, and the foundation parameters on the critical buckling load are investigated. The numerical results reveal that the elastic foundation has significant effect on the critical buckling load.  相似文献   
The flotation of oxidized Amasra Coal which was collected between 1973-1978 and, stored in the atmospheric conditions was examined In this work. Coal samples were fractioned by wet screening to +0.560 mm, -0.500 + 0.140 mm, -0.140 mm particle sizes and first fraction was ground to -0.560 mm before flotation. Motorin and pine oil which had been heated at 125° C for 5 hours were used ns flotation reagents. The influence of impeller speed, aeration rate, solid concent of the pulp, reagent amounts were examined and optimum values were determined. Increase of the pine oil amount added to the pulp, increased the coal. recovery on the flotation of this oxidized coal.  相似文献   
In this paper, heat transfer characteristics of a turbulent slot jet impinging orthogonally on an isothermal moving hot plate is studied numerically. The governing equations were discretized using the finite volume method and the υ 2f turbulence model was employed for turbulence modeling. The effect of the jet Reynolds number and the plate-to-jet velocity ratio (R) on the Nusselt were investigated. Despite of most previous studies, which have been restricted to R≤2, in the present research higher values of R, also were considered (0≤R≤6). Range of studied jet Reynolds number was between 3000 and 60000. The results indicate that at a fixed plate-to-jet velocity ratio increment of the Reynolds number leads to the enhancement of the average Nusselt number. For each Reynolds number, the average Nusselt number reduces with increasing the plate-to-jet velocity ratio until it becomes minimum at R = 1.25. For R>1.25 trend changes so that these parameters increase. In addition, it was found that only for R>2.5 the average Nusselt number is improved due to the plate motion in comparison with the stationary jet. The results are validated against available experimental data, showing good agreement.  相似文献   
Journal of Signal Processing Systems - This paper presents an algorithm-adaptable, scalable, and platform-portable generator for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) baseband processing...  相似文献   
An eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is presented that can accurately predict the stress intensity factors (SIFs) for thermoelastic cracks. The method uses higher order terms of the thermoelastic asymptotic crack tip fields to enrich the approximation space of the temperature and displacement fields in the vicinity of crack tips—away from the crack tip the step function is used. It is shown that improved accuracy is obtained by using the higher order crack tip enrichments and that the benefit of including such terms is greater for thermoelastic problems than for either purely elastic or steady state heat transfer problems. The computation of SIFs directly from the XFEM degrees of freedom and using the interaction integral is studied. Directly computed SIFs are shown to be significantly less accurate than those computed using the interaction integral. Furthermore, the numerical examples suggest that the directly computed SIFs do not converge to the exact SIFs values, but converge roughly to values near the exact result. Numerical simulations of straight cracks show that with the higher order enrichment scheme, the energy norm converges monotonically with increasing number of asymptotic enrichment terms and with decreasing element size. For curved crack there is no further increase in accuracy when more than four asymptotic enrichment terms are used and the numerical simulations indicate that the SIFs obtained directly from the XFEM degrees of freedom are inaccurate, while those obtained using the interaction integral remain accurate for small integration domains. It is recommended in general that at least four higher order terms of the asymptotic solution be used to enrich the temperature and displacement fields near the crack tips and that the J- or interaction integral should always be used to compute the SIFs.  相似文献   
A method is developed to evaluate stress intensity factors for two diametrically-opposed edge cracks emanating from the inner surface of a thick-walled functionally graded material (FGM) cylinder. The crack and the cylinder inner surfaces are subjected to an internal pressure. The thermal eigenstrain induced in the cylinder material due to nonuniform coefficient of thermal expansion after cooling from the sintering temperature is taken into account. First, the FGM cylinder is homogenized by simulating its nonhomogeneous material properties by an equivalent eigenstrain, whereby the problem is reduced to the solution of a cracked homogenized cylinder with an induced thermal and an equivalent eigenstrains and under an internal pressure. Then, representing the cracks by a continuous distribution of edge dislocations and using their complex potential functions, generalized formulations are developed to calculate stress intensity factors for the cracks in the homogenized cylinder. The stress intensity factors calculated for the cracks in homogenized cylinder represents the stress intensity factors for the same cracks in the FGM cylinder. The application of the formulations are demonstrated for a thick-walled TiC/Al2O3 FGM cylinder and some numerical results of stress intensity factors are presented for different profiles of material distribution in the FGM cylinder.  相似文献   
There exist only a few papers in the literature which target the problem of “proposing a secure designated server identity-based encryption with keyword search scheme.” In this paper, we prove that they all suffer from security issues, and therefore, this challenging problem still remains open.  相似文献   
This study describes the effect of FGM coating thickness on apparent fracture toughness (AFT) of a thick-walled cylinder containing two diametrically-opposed edge cracks emanating from the inner surface of the cylinder. The incompatible eigenstrain developed in the cylinder due to nonuniform coefficient of thermal expansion because of cooling from sintering temperature is taken into account. Based on a generalized method of evaluating stress intensity factor (SIF) addressed in a previous study, an approach is developed to calculate AFT. Some numerical results of AFT are presented for a TiC/Al2O3 FGM coating at the inner surface of an Al2O3 thick-walled cylinder.  相似文献   
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