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世界卫生组织(WHO)于1973年首次把杀螟硫磷(fenitrothion)编入农药规格手册。有效成份的分析采用滴定法,该法基于杀螟硫磷在酸性溶液中被锌还原,然后用亚硝酸钠滴定还原产物胺。方法包括原药及其可湿性粉剂的测定。这一方法并不是专一的而且费时。在WHO杀虫剂化学与规格专家委员会1977年会议上,J.W.Miles和D.L.Mount  相似文献   
预测植物病害化学防治的未来,任何人似乎都很有信心。然而,现在在探索新的杀菌剂研究中所有效进行的工作,都是在计划新的研究战略,希望从中能产生下一代的防治措施。发现、开发和登记新的农药品种所需的漫长时间和巨大费用,迫使工业界采取稳健的研究开发模式,它对新产品的成功率具有显著的影响力,因此任何时候,试验方法或程序只能作细微的变化,所以说新农药发现的原则的变化几乎是不可理解和预知的。  相似文献   
通过控制脱氯化氢以制备出含有较高烯丙基氯的无色聚氯乙烯—PVC(A)。同原来的树脂相比,PVC(A)的热稳定性和光氧化稳定性有所下降。PVC(A)初始脱氯化氢速度与烯丙基氯含量成直线关系。用MezCpAl处理PVC(A)生成戊二烯化的聚氯乙烯(PVC—CP)而引起凝胶,并且用马来酸酐可破坏凝胶。PVC(A)/BCl_3/异丁基烯体系使异丁基烯充分接枝,产生带有叔基氯端基的聚异丁烯支链。后者经Me_2CpAl处理再次成二烯化,产生可被马来酸酐溶解的交联网。  相似文献   
邓旭鑫  赖煜斌  Xins.D 《电脑》2014,(4):268-273
正这里,是中国场地赛车的发源地;这里,有着国内氛围最火爆的超级赛车节——泛珠三角超级赛车节;这里,是珠海。而今年,是泛珠三角超级赛车节诞生的第十个年头。这九年中,泛珠伴随着中国汽车文化、汽车运动的发展而成长,其商业价值与文化氛围在成长的过程中逐渐开始凸显,期间也获得了许多的荣誉。在刚刚结束的2014泛珠春季赛里,我们看到了泛珠改变的地方,也看到了泛珠的不变之处。  相似文献   
<正> 最近,笔者研制了一种结构新颖的热交换器。这种热交换器可在很大程度上克服常规热交换设备所存在的两个不足之处,即换热表面的污染和密封垫圈的泄漏。新的换热器采用了新的结构和新的流体运动模式,相比现有的其他各种换热设备,它能向使用单位提供更多的便利。 在常规换热器使用过程中,被加热或冷  相似文献   
Knowledge of the association between cooking properties and endosperm hardness may help nutritionist and processors to select raw materials for preparing maize based food products, particularly those eaten as cooked dispersions. Seven commercial maize cultivars differing in hardness were selected to evaluate endosperm hardness on the kernels and some characteristics such as composition and hydration and cooking properties on the grits obtained from those maizes. Results show that the differences in endosperm hardness (directly related to grits protein content) can explain the differences in swelling and amylographic consistencies values. Cultivars with the hardest endosperm show the lowest values at high temperature. They also show the lowest amylographic consistencies. On the other hand softer endosperms present the highest swelling power and the highest amylographic consistencies. These differences are attributed to the restriction for starch swelling caused by the protein matrix. Endosperm hardness measurements and swelling power at 95 degrees C, can be useful to select cultivars that are going to be used to prepare maize based foods like atoles, polenta, etc.  相似文献   
Moderate or intense low oxygen dilution(MILD)combustion plays a significant role in the mitigation of combustion-generated pollutants and greenhouse gases whilst meeting thermal efficiency needs.However,due to the lack of the fundamental knowledge on this combustion,there is a misconception that MILD combustion should be established by high preheating of the air,which has limited its application.Our research and development on this combustion has been performed for several years. We have found that the requ...  相似文献   
使用工业用氧焙烧铜精矿和黄铁矿精矿可得到高浓度二氧化硫(50%—90%SO_2)的炉气。在接触法硫酸生产中用氧来氧化,过程可增强3—7倍,并直接制得100%SO_3和65%发烟硫酸。在固定层转化器进行此过程,对于从触媒层排出热和在过剩氧很小时氧化二氧化硫,都有一定的困难。而且设备体积大,管理和操作复杂。至于循环法仅适于处理洁净的SO_2和O_2(不少于99%)。  相似文献   
The authors have assessed the response function both experimentally and theoretically for two commercial tomographs: CTI 931/08-12 and CTI 953B with and without interplane septa. Monte Carlo simulations were undertaken using the GEANT package from CERN. Spatial resolution (tomographic and axial) was calculated for line sources at various positions in the field of view. Sensitivity and scatter fraction (SF) were calculated for various source geometries as a function of energy discrimination. A very realistic response function in positron emission tomography (PET) is obtained by Monte Carlo methods, using global parameters to account for unsimulated phenomena such as scintillation light transport inside a detector block and its sharing among the various phototubes. Minor discrepancies remain for sensitivity and SF at high energy thresholds and may probably be explained by introducing the observed dispersion in the energy response for the various crystals within a detector block.  相似文献   
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