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Drying Technology is a multidisciplinary,English-language journal that explores,in depth,the science, technology,and engineering of drying,dewatering,and related topics.Published monthly,articles cover transport phenomena in porous media,heat and mass transfer in single or multiphase systems,evaporation,membrane separation,solid/liquid separation,powder technology,fluidization,agglomeration,gas-solid systems,humidity and solid moisture content measurements/control,solids mixing,handling,transport,and more.  相似文献   
Zhao S  Ferrara KW  Dayton PA 《Applied physics letters》2005,87(13):1341031-1341033
With a lipid shell containing biotin, micron-sized bubbles bound to avidin on a porous and flexible cellulose boundary were insonified by ultrasound. The oscillation of these targeted microbubbles was observed by high-speed photography and compared to the oscillation of free-floating microbubbles. Adherent microbubbles were observed to oscillate asymmetrically in the plane normal to the boundary, and nearly symmetrically in the plane parallel to the boundary, with a significantly smaller maximum expansion in each dimension for bound than free bubbles. With sufficient transmitted pressure, a jet was produced traveling toward the boundary.  相似文献   
A total of 890 samples of fresh produce obtained from Norwegian markets were examined in order to assess the bacteriological quality of the products and their potential public health risk. The samples comprised lettuce, pre-cut salads, growing herbs, parsley and dill, mushrooms and strawberries. The samples were analysed for the presence of thermotolerant coliform bacteria (TCB), Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus spp., and Yersinia enterocolitica. Neither Salmonella spp. nor E. coli O157 were isolated. For all product groups included, TCB were isolated from a small proportion of samples. Three samples harboured L. monocytogenes; one of the isolates belonging to serogroup 1 (champignons) and two of the isolates belonging to serogroup 4 (Chinese leaves and strawberries). Staphylococci were isolated from a relatively large proportion of the samples of strawberries and mushrooms. However, only four isolates were identified as S. aureus (non-toxinogenic). By the use of PCR, the presence of Y. enterocolitica was indicated in a few of the samples of lettuce, whilst no positive samples were found using a culturing method. The study shows that the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria and TCB in the products analysed was quite low. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the type of products analysed may contain pathogenic bacteria and thereby represent a risk to the consumers in regard to food-borne diseases.  相似文献   
S Pen  YH Kim  G Luc  OA Young 《Meat science》2012,92(4):681-686
The objective of this study was to determine effects of pre rigor stretching on beef tenderness development. Beef loins (M. longissimus dorsi; n=24) were assigned to either stretching or non-stretching treatments and aged for 14days at -1.5°C. Sarcomere length, shear force, water-holding capacity and proteolysis were determined for the loins at 1, 7 and 14days of ageing. Stretching increased the length of the loins by 33% resulting in a trend of increasing sarcomere length (P=0.19). However, no significant differences for shear force values, purge, drip and cooking losses between treatments were found. Shear force values decreased with ageing times (P<0.05). Western blot assay found that stretching did not affect the extent of desmin degradation. The findings from the present study suggest that pre rigor stretching with the current increase in length will not contribute to tenderness improvement of the beef loins.  相似文献   
Calibration of polarization-state generators (PSG's), polarimeters, and Mueller-matrix ellipsometers (MME's) is an important factor in the practical use of these instruments. A new general procedure, the eigenvalue calibration method (ECM), is presented. It can calibrate any complete MME consisting of a PSG and a polarimeter that generate and measure, respectively, all the states of polarization of light. In the ECM, the PSG and the polarimeter are described by two 4 x 4 matrices W and A, and their 32 coefficients are determined from three or four measurements performed on reference samples. Those references are smooth isotropic samples and perfect linear polarizers. Their optical characteristics are unambiguously determined during the calibration from the eigenvalues of the measured matrices. The ECM does not require accurate alignment of the various optical elements and does not involve any first-order approximation. The ECM also displays an efficient error control capability that can be used to improve the MME behavior. The ECM is illustrated by an experimental calibration, at two wavelengths (458 and 633 nm), of a MME consisting of a coupled phase modulator associated with a prism division-of-amplitude polarimeter.  相似文献   
Solid phase micro extraction (SPME) is a fast, solvent-less alternative to conventional charcoal tube sampling/carbon disulfide extraction for volatile organic compounds (VOC). In this work, SPME was compared to the active sampling technique in a typical lab atmosphere. Two different types of fibre coatings were evaluated for solvent vapour at ambient concentration. A general purpose 100 microm film polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fibre was found to be unsuitable for VOC work, despite the thick coating. The mixed-phase carboxen/PDMS fibre was found to be suitable. Sensitivity of the SPME was far greater than charcoal sorbent tube method. Calibration studies using typical solvent such as dichloromethane (DCM), benzene (B) and toluene (T) showed an optimal exposure time of 5 min, with a repeatability of less than 20% for a broad spectrum of organic vapour. Minimum detectable amount for DCM is in the range of 0.01 microg/l (0.003 ppmv). Variation among different fibres was generally within 30% at a vapour concentration of 1 microg DCM/l, which was more than adequate for field monitoring purpose. Adsorption characteristics and calibration procedures were studied. An actual application of SPME was carried out to measure background level of solvent vapour at a bench where DCM was used extensively. Agreement between the SPME and the charcoal sampling method was generally within a factor of two. No DCM concentration was found to be above the regulatory limit of 50 ppmv.  相似文献   
Recent research in the field of elastography has sought to expand displacement tracking to three dimensions. Once the 3-D volumes of displacement data have been obtained, they must be scan converted so that further processing, such as inversion methods to obtain tissue elasticity, can take place in Cartesian coordinates. This paper details an efficient and geometrically accurate algorithm to scan convert 3-D volumes of displacement vectors obtained from a motorized sector transducer. The proposed algorithm utilizes the physical scan geometry to convert the 3-D volumes of displacement data to both Cartesian coordinates and Cartesian displacements. Spatially varying filters are also proposed to prevent aliasing while minimizing data loss. Validation of the system has shown the algorithm to be correct to floating point precision, and the 3-D scan conversion and filtering can be performed faster than the native rate of data acquisition for the motorized transducer.  相似文献   
A leaching method similar to the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) was designed and evaluated for testing of bulky wastes, such as discarded electronic devices. The objective was to meet the intent of the TCLP (same leaching solution, liquid-to-solid ratio and same leaching time) but to allow more representative and rapid testing. The procedure was evaluated by examining lead leaching from computer CPUs as a test case; disassembled CPUs were leached in their entirety (or close to entirety) in a large vessel using a drum rotator. The difference in rotation speed between the large-scale test and the TCLP was found to have no statistical impact on lead leaching. The lack of size reduction resulted in less reducing conditions than the standard TCLP (because of increased iron and zinc leaching), and this resulted in greater lead leaching. For electronic wastes with large amounts of steel, the large-scale procedure provides a more conservative estimate of TCLP lead leaching. The large-scale procedure greatly reduces sample processing effort but does increase the cost of analysis. Evaluation of this approach by the regulatory community is important as the CPUs tested here tended to leach lead at greater than the toxicity characteristic (TC) limit (5 mg/L) using the large-scale test, but less than the TC limit using the standard TCLP.  相似文献   
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